
Sunday, March 04, 2007

Time for a Change!!!!

As you can see I decided to change, I am sure if you've been reading my blog for a while you know that I used to change my template all the time. I think it's been months now since I've touched it at all and I was ready for a new look. I don't have the time to do a whole template so I'm using one of Pannasmontata's Templates, she has wonderful ones.....all I did was make the header for it.

Anyway, it's been a crazy week here, Curt was in the middle of an exercise which means 12 hour shifts, everyday, through the weekends, and even though it ended on friday, yesterday he got called back into work at 1pm. He was NOT a happy camper and neither were the kids, they hadn't seen daddy all week long and now they got their weekend cut short too. But, hey, it's part of military life and it comes with the territory.

Speaking of military life, he has a promotion test coming up on thursday and it's one of the toughest ones to get. He's been studying really hard but I would appreciate if you could all send out a prayer his way, it would help a LOT if he could make the next rank.

I've been fighting this sinus thing for a month now and it's just frustrating to deal with. The weather hasn't helped at all and quite frankly, I'm getting sick and tired of filling my body with Sudafed and Sinus meds.....I can not tell you how much I'm looking forward to Spring and to putting the snow and cold weather behind me.

I have really been enjoying reading the Lori Wick English Garden Series, I just can't say enough good things about this wonderful Christian Author. If you ever come across one of her books, please do yourself a favor and read them, they're wonderful.

I'm also looking forward to Karon Phillips Goodman new book "Another fine mess Lord", it's due to be released in March so I'm ecstatic waiting for it.....again, another wonderful Christian autho who's previous books "You're Late Again Lord", "Grab a Broom Lord" and "You Still Here, Lord?" are a MUST read.

There's nothing like finding a great book and just curling up on the couch for hours. I don't get to do it enough because I have so much going on and when I finally get to bed at night I fall asleep within the first page. I've started setting aside time to read though and I find that if I actually scheduled into my routine, I have time for everything....pretty neat if you ask me.

For dinner last night I tried a new recipe "Enchilada Casserole", it was SO good, I had two helpings and felt like a total pig afterwards but whatever, hey I'm going to enjoy my food you know. I went ahead and posted the recipe at my food blog, let me know if you try it out. Curt and the kids LOVED IT!!!

I have the movie "Casanova" from Netflix, waiting to be watched so I think I'll do that tonight. I might just read though, I'm not sure.....either way I'm hoping for a quiet night in bed. You can watch the preview HERE.

Going to be busy tomorrow, have a dentist appointment in the morning and then have to take Jasmine to hers at 2pm, why couldn't they just make both appointments one after the other you know??? Ridiculous!!!

Anyway, I am still wearing pj's and it's 11am so I think it's time to head upstairs, jump in the shower and throw on some clothes, even if it's just sweats and a tshirt, which sounds really comfy right about now.

I hope you're all having a wonderful Sunday, enjoy the rest of the day and I'll see you back here tomorrow morning.

God Bless,


  1. Happy Sunday to you Sandra! I just love it when you change your are so talented and it is always so fresh looking :)

    I too love curling up with a good book...wish I did more of that.


  2. I love your new look, Sandra. Very sweet and soft colored tones. And of course that frazzled Mom is adorable.

    You know, maybe you actually have a sinus infection. Seems like it's hung on an awfully long time. Have you seen a doctor? Nothing is worse than constant sinus pain and the headache that comes with it.

    I'm with you - curling up with a good book is one of my favorite things.

    I'll say a prayer for Curt and that tough test coming up. Wouldn't that be nice - moving up a rank!

  3. I like your new look too, I have been experimenting with new "looks" while waiting for my turn with bluebird blog designs :)
    My last one was black with red hearts and my 16 year old daughter thought it looked like goth valentine... so now it is more springy. Can't wait for a 'real design' though.
    I know what you mean about the weather and the sinus stuff/allergies! UGH! I think the dayquil capsules have been the most helpful to me.
    Hope your week is full of blessings!

  4. LOVE the new header! You know I'll be sending good testing vibes his way - how many times has he tested? The nerve racking part is waiting so long for the results!

  5. Wow, your blog is really beautiful! I could/should take lessons from you!

  6. I love days like this at your place. And your new look is great,...I just love it girl. On the dentist thing that is the only way I will go and Madison go together on her school breaks. I will pray for Curt.
    Have a great week....


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