
Thursday, March 29, 2007

Welcome to my weekly Crockpot Recipes Exchange. It's such a great way to share your favorite dishes or to learn some new ones to make for your family.

What do you think??? Do You have some great recipes to share, or perhaps you're looking for some delicious ones to give you a reason to pull out the ol' crockpot???
Time to pull out those crockpots and put them to good use. If you want to join in, just grab the banner and add your name to Mr Linky :)

Here's mine for today:


1 bell pepper, chopped
1 onion, chopped
2 medium tomatoes, chopped
1 C. chopped celery
1 clove garlic, crushed
2 T. minced parsley
2 tsp. chopped thyme leaves
2 tsp. oregano leaves, chopped
1/8 tsp. cayenne
1/2 tsp. salt
4 oz. smoked sausage, chopped
8 oz. chicken breast, chopped
2 cups Beef broth or bouillon
1/2 lb. cooked shelled shrimp
1 C. cooked rice

Shell shrimp, halve lengthwise. In crockpot, combine all ingredients except shrimp and rice. Cover and cook on LOW 9 to 10 hours.Turn crockpot on HIGH. Add cooked shrimp and cooked rice. Cover; cook on HIGH 20-30 minutes.


  1. The Jambalaya looks great! Thanks for hosting this each week!


  2. This looks super -
    Thanks for hosting - I was actually ahead of my game today! A rare occasion I tell you.

  3. We love Jambalaya at our house...I always make it when we go to Florida on vacation. Thanks for sharing

  4. Hi Sandra, It's my first post to this Meme in a while. But I do look everyweek. Good luck with your PCS. I am in the process of getting my house ready to Sell. What a lot of work. We have put a lot of our stuff in storage.

  5. Sorry to post this in your comments, but you don't seem to have any contact info listed on your blog.

    I found your copyrighted content today on a harvesting site. I presume it's being used without your permission.

    Here's a FoodBlogScool post I wrote detailing how to find it and do something about it:

  6. Better late than never, right?
    The jambalaya sounds really good!


  7. Love jambalya! Thanks for hosting this. All the best with your PCS move!!

  8. Oh that sounds so good! Once I get my blog updated on a regular basis (and figure out how to add the join link boxes) I'll become apart of things like this more often.

    I can't wait to try your recipe though!

  9. I love Jambalaya! I can't wait to make this!! How are you doing? I'll try to catch up with you over the weekend.


Thank you for reading and taking the time to comment. Please be respectful of each other and my blog. Rude comments will be deleted.

Thank you for stopping by, hope you are having a blessed day!
