
Wednesday, April 18, 2007

I'll Look After You!

During the past few days the nation and the world has sat in total disbelief as we watched the tragedy at Virginia Tech. For me it was like going back in time and watching Colombine all over again, you want to reach through the tv and hug those students and pull them to safety.

As horrible as these images are and the shooting was, we know that through this all the Lord has continued to Look After Us....this is the reason I chose the song that is playing. Not for the rest of the lyrics but for the part that says I'll Look After You, because that is exactly what He is doing and it's also what the students are doing for each other, helping their friends get through this and coming together.

I've been glued to the tv, I've cried along with these students and I've sat in sheer horror watching the video captured on a cellphone, listening to the witness accounts of how it happened and I've prayed really hard for God to bring them some comfort and strength through all this.

If you want to share your condolences and thoughts and prayers go on over to the VT April 16th Memorial Website.

It makes me think of the Nooma DVD's, especially the one called Rain.
Things don’t always work out the way we want them to, or the way we think they will. Sometimes we don’t even see it coming. We get hit with some form of pain out of nowhere leaving us feeling desperate and helpless. That’s the way life is. Still, it makes us wonder how God can let these things happen to us. How God can just stand by and watch us suffer. Where is God when it really hurts? Maybe God is actually closer to us than we think. Maybe it’s when we’re in these situations, where everything seems to be falling apart, that God gets an opportunity to remind us of how much he really loves us.
If you want to watch the little clip of the video just go here.

This DVD has helped me through so many things especially now as I've been reconnecting with the Lord and trying to get back into the normal flow of things for me, which meant daily prayer, devotionals, reading the bible and pretty much devouring the Christian Word. You know that feeling when just the thought of reading a new Christian book made you giddy??? Well I miss that, so I'm slowly getting back into everything and one thing that I've noticed straight away is that no matter how far I stray or how disconnected I may be feeling, the Lord is ALWAYS waiting with open arms, it's like I never left His side.....I know He never left mine.

So while recommitting myself to Him this past week, I've noticed that I'm once again at peace and not stressing and frantic about my husbands tests, I have this amazing sense of calmness, I know where it's coming from and I MISSED IT! I'm so glad to have it back, it's at times like these that I wonder how I ever went without it, it's an indescribable feeling.

The overwhelming feeling of the move in July has been replaced by a calm and relaxed attitude,

  • The move in 2 months, IT WILL GET DONE. Those words keep playing in my mind.
  • My husband's tests, HE WILL BE FINE. Those words keep playing in my mind.
  • I'm overwhelmed and stressed, I'M BY YOUR SIDE. Those words keep playing in my mind.

How blessed I am to have the Lord remind me over and over (I swear he must get tired of it LOL) that He's there, watching, helping and guiding.

Well I have things to do so I'm going to end this, please say a prayer for the victims and families of the Virginia Tech Massacre and hug your loved ones, especially your children, hug them tight and thank the Lord that they are here and safe while some parents are at this moment going through the worst time of their lives.

I also want you to pray for the troops overseas, at times we tend to forget that they're still over there, still dying and paying the ultimate price for our safety, let us NEVER forget their sacrifices.....I pray for them and keep them in my thoughts daily. May the Lord keep them safe and bring them home as soon as possible.

God Bless,

Father, you're close to people whose hearts are breaking, those who are discouraged and have given up hope. May You who see their troubles and grief respond when they cry out. When they're hurting, help them find their joy in You, for ...Your joy will be their strength. Help them to trust You as their God of hope. Fill them with Your joy, peace, and hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.


  1. Prayers are going up for you Sandra. I love that you have recommitted yourself to God. He never leaves us or forsakes us, He is always good!
    Thank you for your sweet comments and hugs right back to you!
    ♥ Annie

  2. Aww you made me cry. I can feel the difference already. The angels in Heaven are singing.

    I think we all need to recommit ourselves everyday. Hugs and lovexx

  3. A very sad day for all people. You posted a beautiful memorial to all the people who lost their life. hugs to you.......

  4. This was a beautiful post Sandra. So powerful for the believer. Thank you.

    As an aside, I posted my slow-cooker recipe for your meme on Thursdays. ;).

  5. What an inspiring post. And thank you for sharing the website to leave prayers.

  6. The angels in Heaven are rejoicing ... I am so happy for you!!!

    P.S. Love the new blog look!! Beautiful!

  7. This was a beautiful post, and you're so right, we do have to keep praying for the troops. Not just the ones overseas now, but the ones back home who are facing tough recoveries (emotional and physical.)

    Your prayer is so touching, too!!

  8. So sad! I never really get around to posting about this kind of thing because I feel like I am in shock. I don't even know where to begin. You have said it so well, I hope you don't mind if I link it.


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Thank you for stopping by, hope you are having a blessed day!
