
Friday, April 27, 2007

Show and Tell Friday!!!

The wonderful Kelli over at "There's no place like home" has started this friday feature, here's what she had to say:
Welcome to Show and Tell Friday!" Do you have a something special to share with us? It could be a trinket from grade school, a piece of jewelry, a new antique find, an old love letter. Use your imagination and dig through those old boxes in your closet if you have to! Feel free to share pictures and if there's a story behind your special something, that's even better!

If you would like to join in, all you have to do is post your "Show and Tell" on your blog, copy the post link, come over here and add it to Mr. Linky.
If you've been reading my blog for a long time, you may remember me talking about my greatgrandmother and what a HUGE influence she was on the woman that I am today.
I'm sure there's times she shakes her head at me and wonders what I'm doing, but I know that deep down she's proud and THAT means the world.

One thing I love doing is cooking, and she did too. I remember spending hours watching her at the stove and learning from her. Those were some of the best moments of my life.

When I was about 15 or 16, we sat down at the kitchen table and together we collected recipes from magazines or newspapers to make this little booklet for me. I still have it and it's one of my treasured possessions. Now mind you all the recipes are in portuguese, because, well, because I'm portuguese LOL

Some of the pages are starting to fall apart, and at first I was thinking about redoing it, but then I remembered that my greatgrandmothers hands touched it, she tied the strings for me and I wouldn't DARE undo it. I hope to one day pass it on to my daughter.


  1. That is the neatest story! How wonderful that you have kept it. What a treasure to have.

  2. Wow! This is a real treasure. Your daughters will be blessed to have this someday.

  3. That is really neat! Thank you for sharing.

  4. What a treasure you have! And best of all what great memories you have with time spent with your grandmother!

  5. No wonder you are such a great cook, Sandra! You learned from such a special greatgrandmother! I love how you sat down together to collect recipes...what sweet memories you have!

  6. What a wonderful way to remember your Grandmother.


  7. That is so neat! I'm going to make a family recipe book that I can pass on to my kids.

  8. What a special collection of family heirloom recipes. I'm glad you are keeping the strings and method of holding them together just as your grandmother did them up.

  9. How cool is that? A keepsake for sure. Something comforting about combining cooking with keepsakes. I love the look of your blog, by the way. How do you people get such nice looking blogspot blogs? I have a plain old template and am dying to change it.

  10. oooh how fun! I would love to join next week. I have to get my camera up and running first.


  11. That is such a wonderful treasure!

    Perhaps you could photocopy the pages and maybe put them in those page protector sheets for everyday use and preserve the original just to look at?

    Barbara H. @ Stray Thoughts

  12. That is so special. I love what you said, "her hands have touched them". So sweet. You know, if you want to actually USE them (you did not say if you speak Portuguese) you could probably make xerox copies so that you are not handling the originals as often. Just a thought.

    Thanks for sharing, and for coming by my place today :)

  13. What a precious heirloom! Especially since she passed her love of cooking to you!

  14. That is so sweet. I'm Portuguese too but have no idea how to cook as such :) what a nice memory.

  15. what a great treasure you'll have to pass on to Jasmine!

  16. What a great heirloom. I wouldn't untie it either. It's nice to have things like this. You are a lucky girl.

  17. What a very special cookbook! Thanks for sharing!

    Your blog is beautiful!



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Thank you for stopping by, hope you are having a blessed day!
