
Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Tackle it Tuesday!!!

Join Us For Tackle It Tuesday

We’re making housework blog-able!

Each week on Tuesday, we are posting before and after pictures of a project or trouble area that we tackled this week.

The project can be little or big – whatever you want. Basically, Tackle It Tuesday is about giving ourselves incentive, deadlines and satisfaction in getting our household tasks done.
I am so bad, I have not done a Tackle it Tuesday in forever, gosh months at least....I have a good excuse though, I was so caught up to date and organized there for a while that I didn't have anything to tackle. It felt good, but now we're in the middle of planning our PCS (Permanent Change of Station) to a new base and things are hectic and chaotic to say the least.

I have lots to organize and tackle so I'm sure I'll have plenty of stuff to blog about.....BUT the one project that always remained and never got touched was my kitchen drawer where I keep my dish towels. See, base housing doesn't really give you that much room to pack stuff in and these drawers are tiny, I have so many dish towels and it got hard trying to find the one I wanted, I'm also very weird about the fact that they were folded and had creases in them.....yeah like the dishes care at all, but whatever it's one of my little weird things I guess.

I came up with a solution, I've started rolling my dish towels and stacking them neatly, now not only do they NOT have creases, but I can easily see which one is which without having to go through the whole drawer. Try it, it really does help.

If you want to join in, just head on over to 5 Minutes for Mom and add your name to the list, or you can just browse through the other blogs that are tackling projects, might give you some good ideas and get you motivated enough to go tackle that hallway closet full of board games....yep I have one too, adding that little sucker to list of things to do...I promise.


  1. Sandra!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm so glad you found me!!!

    Please email me so we can chat properly - I want to hear everything about the Jhb - US move and so on.

    I assume since your family is here that you were also born here?

    oh, it's coach @

  2. Do you know in a million years I would of never thought of this, but I love it. In fact after checking out the blogs I am going to do this in one of my kitchen drawers. Thanks for this awesome tip.

  3. Great idea!

    Love the new blog look too!!


  4. Oh boy, this is a great idea. If only I had an extra drawer for the kitchen towels that seem to be thrown everywhere. Maybe I better tackle it next week and clear out one of the drawers and make space

  5. Cool idea! My drawers are a mess.

  6. What a great idea! My drawers are too small for my dishtowels too, I'll have to try this out!

  7. Love rolling towels, just wish I had a drawer! Great Tackle!!! I didn't get to post this week, I think next week posting will be my tackle :D.

  8. what a GREAT idea! THANKS!!!

    (sorry I have been so absent lately. I am so behind with EVERYTHING that I just don't get "out" much!!!)


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