
Wednesday, May 30, 2007

When is school starting again???

I'm not joking, when is it starting????? I'm counting the days already, as sad as it may be to actually admit but if I hear another kid fighting or screaming, bickering, crying or being jealous of each other, I will take my diet coke and run for the nearest hills, and being in mountain home, there's LOTS to hide out in.

I honestly feel like a referee stuck in the middle of a huge team that just does NOT get along and quite frankly it's tiring, it's frustrating and it's sad, the last thing you want to hear from your children's mouth is "I HATE my brother" or "I HATE my sister"...not that I believe they even fully understand the meaning of the word but it's nonetheless disheartening to hear as a parent.

Sometimes I wish I had superpowers, maybe one that could just freeze them in time, the minute bickering started, I could just snap my fingers and they would be frozen, just there looking at each other in menacing ways but not actually saying anything or flinging arms around trying to get a good shot on the other one. What is it with sibling rivalry???? I've mentioned it so many times on my blog and I guess I'll keep at it because it's just mind boggling to me.

The week is flying by and today I have to go pick up mine and Jasmine's dresses for the wedding on saturday, there's so much to do and so little time to do it in. Again, those "freeze time" superpowers could come handy right now.

Tomorrow morning we're heading to the school to pick up Jasmine's report card and then it's back home to pack for the trip, clean the house and last minute things.

I can't wait for this move to be over with, it's frustrating seeing the house full of boxes and I just want to get settled in the new house ASAP.

I've been so homesick lately, I miss my family, I miss my friends and I miss my greatgrandmother's cooking, she was such an amazing lady, cooking meals for 20 or so people....I have to tell you, I grew up cooking for big crowds so when I first got married I had the hardest time trying to cut down portions and learning to cook just for myself and Curt, it was actually pretty funny.

He would just laugh at me, but hey, we had tons of leftovers LOL

Talking of food and cooking, I've been adding new recipes to my food blog, I think I'm going to be using it as an online record for my cookbooks, as we get ready to move, I've found so many handwritten, some by my grandmother, stepmother, others by myself and I don't want to loose them, but in the event that any go missing at least I'll have them online right??

I have things waiting to be attended to, so I'm skidaddling out of here, I'll leave you with my To Do list for today.

God Bless,


Finish all laundry
Put laundry away
Vacuum and steam clean living room carpet
Pick up dresses for wedding
Get new tires for my Durango
Make a few phone calls related to the move
Bake cookies with the kids
Buy gift for Jasmine's teacher
Mail off Book Contest books....I'm SO SO sorry they haven't gone off yet.
Update Food Blog
Return books to library


  1. I wish I had answers for the sibling rivalry. I deal with the same thing. I do a lot of explaining of how they should behave and an hour later it's the same thing again. Well, maybe someday it will take root. I trust God that it will.
    I'm going to be checking out your food blog. At quick glance, I see many things I'd love to try.
    Have a fun and safe trip this weekend!


  2. Hi! As I just commented in your food blog, I just found you, via 'Mrs. L.' And I'm so happy to have done so.

    I'm not a contemporary of yours, as our children are grown and have children of their own. Which makes me a Nana.

    And I am so grateful to all members of our military and to their families too. The service person is not the only one who serves. Their family serves also!!!

    I'll be back to check in here again. But for now... I too remember being made frazzled by 3 kids bickering. And guess what? It's far in the past now. :-)

    So you *know* my next line, don't you? -grin- Yes, it's ... savor even this bickering. 'Cause in the blink of an eye, it will all be long ago. :-)

    Yeah, I know. Easier said, from MY perspective, than from yours!! :-)


  3. Must be in the air. My kids went to bed hating each other & woke up with the same fury in their eyes!!!

  4. Sandra....Oh how I remember the days of yesterday. I had two girls and they were always.she did it....... Now my girls are going through the same things you are. It does get better and I will help you count the days.........Sharon K

  5. Oh my, it sounds like it's going to be a long summer. I truly hope the kids settle down for you.

  6. Hi sandra,
    Oh do I remember those days. Mom she looked at me. Mom he touched me. GRRRRR I will let you in on a secert. It doesn't stop. LOL They are 29 and 30 and still fight. LOL

  7. DearDaughter, 18 months, is still alone, but #2 is coming along very soon. Wonder if they'll like each other?

    I want to say that they'll outgrow it? My sister and I fought all the time when we were younger, but now we are good friends.

    My parents helped a lot by reminding us about "one anothering." They didn't call it that, but you know, to be kind to one another, considerate to one another, helpful to one another...We didn't hear it then when we were kids, but as we have grown up, we often think about how we can serve each other and I think that's helped :)

    Anyway, sounds like you had a long list to accomplish this day, but it looks like you did hop on that plane to go to the wedding, so I'm assuming everything went well!

    Blessings to your family!


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Thank you for stopping by, hope you are having a blessed day!
