
Saturday, July 14, 2007

As the smell of coffee permeates the air

I sit and wonder if I'll ever get used to this infernal heat. Does it really have to be this hot here or anywhere for that matter???

Anyway, good morning everyone, it's 7:30 am and already 90 degrees, I've started thinking that maybe I should turn into a night owl. I could sleep during the day when it's really hot and then wake up at night and go do everything I need to, I'm sure I could get it all done before 5:00 am when it starts getting warmer right???

I'm starting this morning by sharing a picture I took in our front yard, see that huge palm tree??? Yes it's in my yard and my mind wavers between being in awe of such a beautiful thing to hoping to God that it never falls down or if it does that it goes the other way. LOL

Yesterday we took a little drive around the area and I was not thrilled, I think I need to find downtown Glendale first, especially the Historic part because what I've seen of the immediate surrounding area of the base is NOT pretty.

After our little drive we headed to the base BX, ok let me just say that I could live in that place and be happy. It was the second building in this base that made me delirious giddy (the other is the huge commissary). This BX has a 3 level parking garage, we'll talk about that another time because I'm claustrophobic and for some reason parking garages freak me out, I am driving and feel like the roof is right above my head (which really it IS).

We walked around the BX for a bit and got some things I needed for the house, broom, mop and bucket, new bathroom rugs etc and then of course because I'm drawn to books, I turn and Curt says to me "Sweetie, they have a huge book selection". Man why do these people tempt me???
He wasn't kidding, it was like being in a miniature Barnes and Noble, I must have had the goofiest smiles on my face. I couldn't leave without getting something from the cooking shelves so I walked away with this beauty.

Not Your Mother's Slow Cooker Cookbook
(350 recipes from Beth Hensperger)

You have no idea the delicious goodness in this book, they have a whole chapter just for chili's, another just for porridge.....I only got through the first few pages but my mouth was watering. Guess what I'll be using for my Slow Cooking Thursdays? LOL
This means we know there will be at least another 350 SCT posts right??? I think the first recipe I'm trying from it is Chinese Sweet-and-Sour Chicken with Sesame Seeds. We love chinese food and this one caught my eye immediately. Don't worry I'll share the recipe with you all too!!!

Speaking of recipes I will be updating my little food blog later today, it's been forever and the poor thing is feeling neglected. You know I have learned through this move that you can make meals out of basic pantry items, you just have to love cooking and have an imagination I guess. I made some Beef with Mushroom Sauce that turned out pretty good and I also came up with a concoction using hotdogs, a can of chilli and velveeta cheese. It was REALLY I'll share the recipes for all you adventurous people out there LOL

Now are you ready for some pictures??? I warn you it's not for the faint of heart or the clean freaks, not really for the organizing perfectionists either. This is just a little glimpse of what my house looks like right now.

This is part of the living room, don't you just love the level on the couch? Isn't it pretty? *snicker*

My kitchen which I promise will look much better once everything is packed away, again, see if you can spot what DOESN'T belong there. (Jasmine's white shoes against the dishwasher)

This is the only room that is pretty much done, my African Themed bathroom. The kids love it in there with all my african knick knacks. I guess when I'm homesick for South Africa I can just go sit in the bathroom LOL

And that's all I have to share with you, well here is a last one of the road we live on which is pretty much the main road. Just 5 or 6 houses down in the other direction, is the school gate which is just wonderful, I'm super thrilled that Jasmine will be so close to home :)

And with that my friends, I need to get going, I have the kids bedrooms to unpack today and I have floors that need to be swept and mopped. You know just yesterday I peeked into the closet and saw my vacuum and carpet cleaner and I had to laugh, I mean, we have zero carpets in this house, I suppose I could bring them out to clean the tiny rugs in the bathroom though? LOL

You all have a wonderful saturday and I'll see you back here tomorrow morning. Oh btw, I know a couple of you gave me some bloggy awards, but for the life of me I can't remember who or where they are, if you did award me one just leave me a comment on this post and I'll be sure to go and check them out. I think they were all done when I was in the middle of moving or on the road so I apologize for not being on top of it.

God Bless,


  1. gosto muinto das tuas photos...Nao sei se falas portuguese...Eu nao escreve bem...
    I hope you will all be happy in your new home...

  2. Lulu falo portugues, obrigada pelas palavras simpaticas, eu tambem ja nao escrevo portugues muito bem LOL


  3. Hey Sandra, gosh it sure looks hot and dry there. Is it possible to ever get use to it?

    Looks like you have things pretty organized to me and I will definitely have to check out that cookbook!

    Stay cool,

  4. Oh my gosh, I think your house looks very organized for having just moved! Glad you're getting settled in and back online some Sandra. Great cookbook, what a fun thing to get.
    The heat is never fun, I live in the south and it's pretty hot here too.

  5. I'm going to find that cookbook. One way or another, I have to have that one.

    OK, is it just me or does eveything look all different over here. Again. LOL I love the blue on the pink background and I really love the way all your photos are outlined in your design colors.

    Boy, it looks miserable there. Way too hot. But it looks like you've moved into a really nice house. I love your kitchen. And my husband would sell one of his arms for your TV. LOL

    There's no such thing as a TV that's too big, right?

    Glad you're getting settled. It's nice to hear from you on regular basis.

  6. LOL That comment up there from my mother, Judith, is really me Sandra. I was in her template a few minutes ago doing some stuff for her and forgot to log out. Hahaha.

  7. Wow! Daniel and I have talked about trying to live on this base, but I guess I didn't realize quite how hot the summers were! And that palm tree would freak me out! So glad for you that the Commissary and BX are big and awesome. Those are two very important things to us military wives :)! Your house is looking fantastic, I always like that part - putting stuff away and discovering what the house is like along the way. Have fun!


  8. One of those awards came from me. It's in my post on July 5.

    I like the pictures of your house and I'm pretty sure it won't take you much time at all before you've got that place to perfection. I'm glad you arrived safe and sound, and that you're working your way through the boxes.

  9. It looks like a nice house - the level on the couch is a special touch! Seriously, it looks like you are settling in well. Sorry about the heat - I would have a hard time with that too. We'll be expecting even more great recipes, now that you have that cookbook!

  10. I forgot - love the new look of your blog!!!

  11. I think everything looks great - take a break! Thanks for the book, I added it to my goodreads!

  12. que bom que falas portugues..Its a pleasure to meet you Sandra, i love your blog and read it daily..

  13. I hope life gets better out there. At leasat you like the BX and Commisary. When we were in the Air Force I loved the BX......hope things get better gal. And I have missed you too. Loved your bathroom.....

  14. Hi Hon! I'm so sorry that it continues to be soooo hot out there. -sigh- I like your idea of being a total night-owl but I doubt you could get anyone else to go along. lol.

    Slow cooker sounds like the way to go, in such heat! Do it early in the day. No over to turn on. No BBQ to heat up even. I'd say your Slow Cooker or Crock Pot is gonna' be your very, very, very best friend out there. Like 100%!!!! ,-)

    When you get in such hot places, do you wonder how people lived there, before A/C? I do. And with wearing lots of clothing all the time, back in those days toooo.

    Plus now, when I get hot, I think of military in Iraq.

    I have so many questions to ask, I should split this comment up, I suppose. But.. I'll just ask. Does this mean that you did live in SA?..."I guess when I'm homesick for South Africa "

    And it's now called the BX? I thought it was called the PX, back 'at the beginning of time,' when I used it. Ever hear of the "Berlin Crisis"? Well, way back then, a lot of the Reserve got activated and he was naturally in the Reserve and he got called up. And it's a long story of how we nearly lost everything but... I got the fun of shopping in the closest mil base PX. Well, it was just for food. Maybe it was a PX, if it was just food? Or maybe all these years, I've miss said it. lol.


  15. I'm just getting caught up of blogs now, and look at you, you've gotten a good start on getting your new home all organized. Love your African bathroom. It's really lovely.

    We've been in a heat wave this last week around here. Way above seasonal. In the 90's (usually the high 90's) and not cooling off too much at night. So does that make you feel a bit better about the heat? :vD

  16. You've done a really nice job with your home... you've gotten so much done already!

    I have that cookbook! It is wonderful! My husband and I buy a cookbook for our collection every year on our anniversary.

  17. I can't believe how much you've already done to your house! You're just moving right along!
    and I can't believe your BX has a 3-story parking garage! What?! I'm jealous now - that BX must be huge!

  18. Great pics! I am getting hot just thinking about your heat. I can't even imagine!



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