
Saturday, September 15, 2007

Nothing important just some Bloggity News!!!

I've been trying to catch up on all my favorite blogs and what's going on, boy are there busy ladies out there. I figured my post today would be to get you all up to date on what is going on around Blogland.

Kathleen at The Open Window is hosting a fun feature this monday the 17th, it's called Welcome to My Neighborhood, here's what she says:
The day set for this this neighborly visit around Bloggityville is Monday September 17th. On that day everyone will share their favorite things about their neighborhood. This should give us all plenty of time to get those photos, stories and/or slide shows ready. Just sign the linky below so everyone knows who is participating!
How fun is that??? I'm going to be playing along, so if you want to join, just head on over to her blog and add your name to Mr Linky.

Jaymi at The FlipFlop Mamma was one of the first bloggers I met online, she's just such a sweetheart and unfortunately due to busy schedules and craziness on my side, I hadn't been around to her blog in forever. Yesterday she just popped into my mind and I knew that I needed to go see how she was doing because last time I had checked she was pregnant with her third child. What do you know, she's got a gorgeous baby boy who was just born on Monday. Go on over and see the baby!!!

Some prayers are needed for Kelli, she was taken to the emergency room on the 11th and amongst other major problems now has an unknown infection. Please keep her and her family in your prayers at this time. Her wonderful daughter has been keeping everyone updated here.

Mari-Nanci at Smilnsigh brought this blog to our attention and boy am I glad she did. Addie at My Life A to Z is a soldier, here's how she describes herself:

I'm just a chick who's madly in love with her husband Greg and who also happens to love her Country. This is my second tour of duty in Iraq and this is our story.
She talks about what her life is like and really gives an insight into what soldiers go through, I'm amazed and I'm proud of her and being a military wife it touches my heart, she shares her address in case we want to send a package or something and she even tells us what she is in most need let's get on it please, let's send Addie something, even if just a letter to let her know that we appreciate her and are keeping her in our prayers.

That's what is going on in BloggyLand, now for what's going on here at home, I don't have much to tell you, really, I don't have anything interesting or a funny story or mind blowing experiences to share. It's just little ol' me and I can be quite boring at times, so I'm sorry if I put you to sleep with my babble LOL

Curt worked late last night and we were supposed to go out to dinner but ended up just staying home. I had told the kids I would get them some Sonic but I had the worst headache ever, the Nasonex that I use for my allergies is the culprit, but it's either that or dealing with itchy nose and mouth and congested etc. I think I chose the less of both evils!!!

So what was dinner??? I'm ashamed to say because I'm thinking you may not find me as such a great cook after all...........are you ready for it???
Frozen pizza and potato chips *GASP*
Stop the presses, Sandra served frozen pizza and potato chips for dinner, something is terribly wrong with that picture isn't it??? I just tell myself that it's only ONE NIGHT and won't happen again. LOL

Anyway, we're heading out for the day, not sure yet what we're doing but we've gotten used to having a family day out every saturday and it thrills the kids to get out and about. I'm sure I'll be back later with more stories and photos to share.

Right now I need to get out of my pajamas and into some real clothes and get ready for the day. Help yourselves to some hot coffee and some muffins, there's Chocolate Chip, Lemon, Banana Nut and Cheese Streudel....see, I made up for the frozen pizza *wink wink*

God Bless,


  1. I serve frozen pizza at least every other week, and often burn it. The world wont stop revolving because of it, and usually our families are perfectly content with whatever we put in front of them. xoxxo

  2. Hey Sandra, lots of bloggy things going on. What did we do without blogville? I can't remember...
    Hope you have a great Saturday!

  3. Nothing wrong with frozen pizza girl......we are having sweet and sour pork chops tonight.....mmmmmmm.
    we got our pictures and will be ready for our post for Monday...I cannot wait.....

  4. Haha, pizza and potato chips make a fine dinner! Here's a question for you...have you ever fed your kids cereal for dinner? I'm not saying whether I have or not. ;0)


  5. I'm amazed by how you cook - I think a frozen pizza is fine now and then.
    Check out my blog - I've passed on an award to you!

  6. Yep we have frozen pizza almost every weekend! I love it :)

    Hope you are having a great weekend. I'm trying to get caught up on some blog reading!



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