
Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Updates and a Blog Award!!!

I know I haven't blogged since monday and I wanted to but I couldn't handle being on the computer typing with my wrist hurt. The aspiration of the cysts went well, the first day was fine because I was still numbed up but once it started wearing off then it became painful.

It's frustrating having the bandage tight on your wrist for 2 days, it gets hot and itchy and then at times I felt like it was cutting off my blood supply to my hand. I had the coldest hand there for a while LOL

Thank God, I was able to remove the bandage this morning and though I still have a tiny little bump, it's nothing compared to the huge cysts I had before. It still hurts to type and move it around but I'm sure it will be fine in a day or two.

So now that you know what kept me off the blog for the past two days, I can tell you about the wonderful award I got from my friend Mari over at "My Little Corner of the World".

You make me smile Award:

"the thing that I love most about blogging is that I learn so much about a person just by reading their blog. I have met MANY wonderful people with wonderful stories to tell,and I am grateful every day for each person that I have the pleasure of crossing paths in life with.I wanted to create something special for ten people who have inspired me through their blogging; the stories they tell, and the lives that they lead with grace and dignity. I visit their blogs for inspiration and encouragement.Although there are MANY people I want to give this award to at this very moment, I am going to choose ten bloggers:Please grab your badge and wear it(with a smile) proudly, and pass it on because you inspire and encourage me, thank you.So, now it is my turn to pass it on. "

Thank you Mari, you're such a sweet person and I'm honored :) I would give it back to you but you already have it, oh well.

So now here's my 10 nominees and the order means nothing obviously so don't get worried if your name is last LOL

Sherry - I just love her blog, she's a christian, homeschooling mom and just like me she has an immense love for books. She posts about her day and cooking and budgets and all that goodie stuff!

Kelli - Well I don't even know where to start with Kelli, she makes me smile in so many ways, either she's decorating or crafting or cooking or coming up with brilliant ideas like her Seasonal Magazine. There's just always something to smile about over there!

Andrea - Fellow military wife, she has the cutest blog and some of the cutest kids around and she just cracks me up with her posts.

Courtney - Another fellow military wife, I've known Court for a while now, actually since her hubby was in Iraq, I remember going through the whole year with her on her blog.....just love her, she always brings a smile to my face.

Elizabeth - Another one of my favorites, she is like a mother figure to me, always there with a smile and great advice, she's so sweet and I love her blog. I've learnt a lot reading her posts.

Michelle - And yet another fellow air force wife. I always smile when I visit her blog, she has the cutest stories to tell about Kayla (her beautiful little girl) and right now her hubby is deployed, so she needs extra TLC from us all. Go on over and say hi, you won't regret it :)

Stacy - Stacy always makes me smile, she has the Question of the Day and some are so funny, but it's such a blast to participate. She also has a site with some of the best recipes around....just for that alone I have a huge grin on my face :)

Barb - Oh what to say about Barb, I'm already laughing and I haven't even said anything. This lady is like a cross between Martha Stewart and Paula Deen, she just amazes me and she makes me laugh until it hurts with her posts. Thank you Barb for the have no idea how much I love you and your blog.

Smilinsigh - Mari-Nanci is another mother hen to me LOL She can easily have me in stitches or she'll be cracking the whip and snapping me back to reality. I just love her blog, always puts a smile on my face, even when she's completely confused over the mishaps of blogger LOL

Jen - I can't tell you how many times Jen and I have laughed over the fact that we have so much in common and seem to go through the same things at times LOL She makes me smile and I love chatting with her, whether it's on the blog or through email. So thank you for the smiles too :)

And there you have it, only 10 of the favorite bloggers I have because actually, if you look on my sidebar under my Blogrolling, THOSE are all my smiley friends. No really, I'm not just saying it, every single one of those ladies bring a huge smile to my face, so because I can't list them all.............something about it not being in the rules for this post or whatnot.......I'm going to award them the Smile Award anyway. Yes, I'm a rebel and I break the rules, oh well, it's life LOL

Consider yourselves awarded, that is for everyone on my blog roll.


Even though my wrist hurts, I've managed to keep up with the house work and the cooking etc. so I'm proud to say that I didn't stray from the menu, if anything I'm actually somehow a day ahead, go figure.

I got the results back from my blood test and I have no cholesterol, no diabetes and my thyroid is normal. How's that for a surprise??? I was honestly expecting to hear that I had at least Cholesterol though I was freaking out wondering how I could cut back on my yummy food. I am just a foodaholic, I can't be told not to eat this or that cause my body just rebels and then eats everything in site.

The doctor said "whatever you're doing, keep doing it, it seems to be working" reply "I'm just eating"

So anyway, for dinner tonight I'm making Sandra's Mock Jambalaya, you can find the recipe on my blog but here is the link for you just in case you're lazy like me and don't want to have to go search over there LOL


I'm already gathering my stuff for christmas presents, I plan on doing a lot of homemade gifts, not because I don't want to buy anything but I always think they mean so much more. Am I right???

Since I have to send most of them to South Africa, I figure I'll start early so that I can get everything there in time.....and no, I'm not saying what I'm making because my family reads the blog and there's no way I'm ruining the surprise.

Besides, I miss crafting and sewing and need to get back into it now that school is underway and I'm no longer watching General Hospital until the writers bring back the real characters and quit shoving these pathetic clones in our faces. Yes, I'm bitter, when you've watched a soap for many years and then are faced with a huge complete mess on screen, it tends to do this. LOL

I'm also dying for the new fall season of shows to start on tv. Ugly Betty, Grey's Anatomy, Desperate Housewives, Ghost Hunters, Most Haunted, House and so forth.........there's so many to pick from and I love them all so when the new season gets underway I'm usually recording and rewatching just to keep up.

Well my friends, I wish I could chat longer but my wrist hurts and I don't want to push it. I also have to get dinner going and make some Tomato Jam, been craving it like crazy for a while. Guess I should channel my greatgrandmother to come help me make it, she always made THE best Tomato Jam around.

Don't forget the Slow Cooking Thursday tomorrow, I'll be sharing some recipes from the new Gooseberry Patch Slow Cooker Book I got, goodness there's such good ones in there I'm sure I'll have a hard time picking.

See you all tomorrow, God Bless,


  1. Glad you are doing okay. It can only improve from here, right? Kudos on the good reports from the Dr!
    You are right about the gifts and smart to get started.

  2. Hi Sandra~~
    You have a wonderful blog. Glad to hear that things are better with your wrist.

  3. Good to hear that the surgery went well. You'll be so glad to have those things off your wrists.

    Congrats on your award!

  4. Congratulations on your award, Sandra and thank you so much for giving me one has well!!

    I will pray that your wrists feels much better tomorrow. I can't wait for House to start either!!!


  5. Congratulations on the blog award.I think I saw the gooseberry book in chapter's on monday with mckenna screaming away,good choice on the blog awards btw;-) (((hugs))))

  6. Thank you! You just made me smile too!

    I hope your wrist is completely pain-free soon! Was it a ganglion cyst? My goddaughter has to have hers removed. Not fun.


  7. Glad your wrist is on the mend. Congrats on the award - well deserved. And kudos on starting those special hand-crafted gifts so early.

  8. Glad to hear you're feeling better and that all your tests came back great. I am really enjoying your blogs. Thanks!

  9. hi sandra, just wanted to let you know that you are one of my top best reads for blogs. i have started a blog finally after all this time of talking about getting one going. i have to get help with it though. i am SueakaNana so i will see how it goes. I'm enjoying it so far i tried to link you and a maybe 8 other people up on mine but have been unable to do so yet have to wait for my daughter to come over and help me. you and your children and hubby to have a great weekend. ttyl sue

  10. Congratulations on your award Sandra!
    I have been reading your blog forever and have loved it since the beginning. I feel so at home reading your posts. This award is perfect for you. Thanks for passing it along to me - it means a lot! I love making people smile.

    I am so glad that you had your cysts worked on - I hope the pain has greatly decreased by today. How awesome that all your tests came back normal! That is fantastic news.

    Hope you guys have a great weekend together. Looking forward to seeing if you check out any new places around your town!


  11. Thank you Sweetie, but you're gonna' be sorry 'cause I'm going into my 'cracking the whip' mode. -grin- So happy the cyst aspiration went well! But...

    {Ahhh the "but"!}

    But did your doc tell you exactly what to do and what not to do? And did he write it down? And did you bring his instructions home and post them on your refrigerator? Hmmmmmmm...

    'Cause you certainly don't need to be over-doing it.

    OK, OK, I'll stop. You're a big girl and all that jazzzzzzzzz. :-)

    And! Doc said; "Keep doing what you're doing" Testing results don't get ANY better than this!!!!!


  12. I'm like you and can't wait for the new TV season to start. I watch Grey's and Desperates and now the kids and I are watching Kid Nation. They loved it.

    Thanks for the Honey Mustard Ribs recipe too, I've bookmarked that one!

    Have a great weekend!

  13. glad youre ok Sandra, those hurt so much..

  14. Ohhh! Thank you so much for this. It really means alot to me. Congrats to you too:)
    Have a wonderful weekend♥

  15. congrats on the award and thanks so much for passing it on to me; you're so sweet!

    So glad to hear the wrist surgery went well and that you got the all clear on your blood work!

  16. Would you believe I have never been awarded an award?! How sweet. I'am in tears that I make you smile. So nice.
    You are right we do have alot in common and have never met....I too am excited about all the haunted shows to come back with new episodes...I'm getting tired of Most Haunted though I like Weird Travels...but want some new ones....LOL! Your crock pot Thursday recipes sound to die for by the way,....and I'm glad all your tests came back great.....sorry your wrist hurts...hope it heals fast hon.
    Have a great weekend.


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Thank you for stopping by, hope you are having a blessed day!
