
Friday, October 26, 2007

Cottages, Crafting and Cooking!

I was reading one of my favorite blogs and this amazing lady is not only one of the best crafters out there, she has an amazing house and lives in one of the most stunning places ever. Literally sounds like she has it all doesn't it???

Anyway, she posted this photo, the one on the left here, and said this was about 100 yards from her childhood home. Is that not the most peaceful and charming place you've ever seen???

I don't think I need to tell you how much I love English Cottages and how I wish I could live in one, maybe one day who knows?

Things here have been crazy busy and I'm trying to get it all done, I have a house desperately asking for attention, I have fabric begging to be made into beautiful projects and I have ingredients sitting on kitchen shelves asking to be made into delicious food. I really should start making a list of what I need to accomplish and then jump right in with both feet.....maybe that's what I'll do today?!?!?!

Yesterday afternoon I had a Parent/Teacher conference for Jasmine, she's doing great, the teacher loves her to death and we got to talk about the usual stuff parents talk about, are they good in class? Are they respectful of others? Is there anything I need to be working on her with? So I was happy to hear good things about Jasmine, we always knew she was a great student so it's good to have it reiterated by the teacher. She got two A's, one B and two C's.....we'll be working on those C's for sure LOL

I don't know about the rest of you out there but we're not the kind of parents to get upset or ground them or whatever when they don't get straight A's, to me what matters is that I'm seeing my child work hard and devote herself to her school work, if she is still getting C's then so be it, do I condone it though? No, and we've talked to her about it so she doesn't think that it's acceptable to not try and better herself but we've also made her realize that she must never hide or be scared of her grades......we're in this together, whatever her grades we'll all work at it as a family and I think for me that is what matters.

One of the big things with Jasmine is that she does not enjoy reading, she finds it boring, no matter what books we throw her way.........and it's funny because she's the 3rd top reader in her class......go figure.

Anyway, I realized that I need to turn reading into something that she will enjoy so she's now got a small area in her room that has become her reading area, just throw down a cute little quilt, a couple pillows and some books, she likes reading there and she likes it even better when the pugs join her and take a small nap at her feet. (btw, ignore the date on the picture, I just realized that I haven't reset my date on my camera in forever LOL)

After the conference we came home and the kids wanted to decorate their little pumpkins so that's what we did, there was paint and yarn and fabric and all sorts of goodies available but my children are painters.......they have blinders to everything else around LOL
So here's the masterpieces, they didn't want help with theirs and I love watching the kids just having fun and doing whatever their hearts desire.

Back in Idaho, I went to the base thrift store and came upon this beautiful fabric, I just fell in love with it, it was free, there were a couple yards on it and I just love the pattern, so I picked it up and it's been sitting in my crafts box for months now. I've decided to take it out and finally do something with it but I need your help, see I seem to have hit a blank when it comes to sewing, I look at it and I know it would look beautiful somewhere in my house, but where???? Curtains, pillows......what?????? Help please, I know there's tons of crafty ladies out there with great ideas so help a girl out will ya???

Right now I have a wonderful Beef Curry cooking away in the crockpot and it's a first for me because curry is one of those dishes that I make myself on the stove top, that's how I learnt from my greatgrandmother but you know the crockpot looks so inviting and I have so much to do around here that I want, no, I NEED this day to focus on the house instead of the kitchen.

I swear Curry has to be one of our favorite dishes in this house, we never get enough of it :)

I'm heading out to get started on the house but I wanted to leave you with this photo of Nicholas, while watching tv this morning I heard my name from the couch and turned to find him trying to hand me a rose.....ok so a plastic rose, but still it's the thought that counts right?


  1. The reading nook is a great idea. When my oldest was in first grade, her teacher had an old claw foot tub in the room. It had pillows in it and as a reward they got to go in it and read. It made reading a positive experience in their eyes. Love the picture of Nicolas!

  2. Oh Snadra, how special you and those little ones are. What a blessing it has been to read today.

    Good luck with the material project. I do not sew or I would help.

  3. I think it would be cool to live in one of those cute little English cottages.

    The pumpkins are darling.

    I think your material would make a nice table cloth.

    Nicholas is soo sweet to give you a rose.

  4. It is the thought that counts- what a cutie!

  5. Hi Sandra,
    Cute little guy!
    I never even tried curry anything until I started blogging and have really only made it the one way. I need to check out your recipe.

  6. Hi Sandra!! Your guy is such a cutie. I love your fabric but I'm so not crafty so can't help you there. I look forward to seeing what you come up with though. I know you'll make it into something great!

    Enjoy your weekend,

  7. Hey gal. Sounds like you have been very busy. We had parent teacher conferences this week too. Madison got her very first C in math. I was devastated. I didn't let know this...but she knew she needed to work harder. We have some hayrides to go to tonight....and a chili supper.Have a great weekend.

  8. Blogger is starting to scare me again. I just wrote a long comment and it disappeared into cyberspace forever. LOL I'll try that again.

    Your attitude about her grades, her report card in general and reading, are the best thing you'll ever give her, Sandra. As long as she's trying, the end grade isn't the point and no child should ever be afraid to bring her report card home. The special reading area you created for her is adorable and it's a great step in the right direction. If she learns to love to read, it will be a huge factor in how well she does in school.

    I'd make that fabric into an assortment of throw pillows, all different shapes. It's so pretty and a couple of yards should make maybe four of them.

  9. Your son is such a cutie! I am not really crafty and don't sew- so I can't help you much there. I'll be looking forward to seeing what you make though!. The pumpkins you and your kids decorated are great!!

    Have a wonderful weekend.

  10. hi sandra, first of all a big thank you to you for including me on your blogger list i was so excited to see my name on a list. my daughter made her gal a reading corner in her bedroom, for her to sit and read. cute idea, anything to get them to enjoy reading which torey does. i love the pumpkins you and your kiddies did, showed torey she thought they were too cute. my friend in south africa said the pumpkins there were blue, and orange inside that is neat. got a pork roast recipie off your site so going to make it tomorrow. tonight when hubby goes to work on nightshift i am going to bake a sockeye salmon (chunk) for torey and I for tomorrow as her mom and my hubby don't eat it, yea more for us have a great day. sue

  11. you guys all did a great job on the pumpkins! How creative and fun :)

    That was so sweet of Nicholas to offer you the flower!

  12. Visited your blog for the first time today. It's beautiful!

    I'm having fun checking out the recipes and the books. I laughed when I read this: I have a house desperately asking for attention, I have fabric begging to be made into beautiful projects and I have ingredients sitting on kitchen shelves asking to be made into delicious food. That could have come right out of my brain! Only that's where all those things usually stay.

  13. what a sweetheart sir nicholas is!!!and i love the reading nook that you made for jasmine...


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