
Friday, December 07, 2007

Guess it's going to rain again...

 Winter in Arizona

and I for one couldn't be happier.

I remember back in Idaho I used to get so frustrated when it rained endlessly for days, but nothing like moving to a state where rain is a luxury.  You quickly learn to welcome it :)

Come on in out of the cold, it's a bit chilly outside and cloudy and drizzly....but I have some Hazelnut Coffee hot and ready for you.

I don't have a set post this morning, it's pretty much just a catch up and update on what is going on here in our know I don't do in depth, serious posts anyway so it's not like you're missing out on much, right???

As you can see from the above picture, that is the view from my backyard, the cloudy and dark sky surrounded by green, yes I said GREEN trees.  That's the thing about living in this state, I don't see many bare trees, not like it used to be before.

Winter in Idaho 

This is more like the view we would be enjoying right now, the bare trees, the grey skies and the snow coming down.  Do you think I'm a wussy because I am about to tell you that every time I see a photo from Idaho I get a lump in my throat and want to curl into a ball and cry like a baby???  No, not a wuss, just pathetic???  Yeah I figured as much, I mean would think by now I would be over it LOL

Anyway, one thing about the darker days is that we get to light the candles and leave the Christmas tree light on all day, with my Christmas Village glowing in the background.  It also means that the kids don't go outside to play so they need to find things to amuse themselves with.

Nicholas is easily pleased, just hand him some homemade bubble soap and a little wand and this kiddo will entertain himself for hours on end, sitting on the living room rug happily blowing his bubbles.

Nicholas blowing bubbles Nicholas blowing bubbles Christmas Tree in a Bubble

I love the last photo, he was so excited that he had caught the christmas tree in his bubble :)

Jasmine is finally starting to love books, not just any books though, they have to be Junie B. Jones, she even requested them for Christmas.  Now you know how hard it's been for us to get her into reading, it's not that she can't read or doesn't know how to, she just found it boring.

So we're thrilled that she's finally into reading, it's such a joy to know that your kids love books as much as you do. 

Moving on though, I've already done all my laundry and now it's waiting to be folded and put away.....which is exactly the part I HATE the most.  UGH, why why can't the clothes just walk to the bedrooms and pack themselves neatly in the dressers?  It's not too much to ask is it?

I also updated my Reading Blog complete with a new template and all, I need to stay on top of it and now that I have the Windows Live Writer it's so much easier to get on the computer and type up the posts as I go.  I've even started my next book post, just have to edit as I go and then hit publish when I'm ready.  Saves a lot of time I tell you!


And if you're looking for another yummy recipe, go check out my Food Blog, I just added the Oohh Aahh Sandwich as my kids call it.  

It's almost noon so I need to head out and get Nic's lunch ready, some chicken noodle soup and fresh veggies. 

I leave you all with a look at my day! 


Putting away laundry

Working on Jasmine's Rag Doll



Borrowed Hearts - 1pm on Lifetime (A wealthy bachelor (Eric McCormack) hires a single mom (Roma Downey) and her daughter to pose as his kin to impress a business associate (Hector Elizondo) who's big on family values.)

Home for the Holidays - 3pm on Lifetime (A warmhearted woman (Sean Young) tries to adopt her recently orphaned niece and nephews at Christmastime, but a Scrooge-like banker stands in her way.)

Frosty the Snowman - 7pm on CBS

Frosty Returns - 7:30pm on CBS

Most Haunted Spitbank Fort - 10pm on Travel Channel (Investigating Spitbank Fort, a man-made island purportedly haunted by one lost soul.)



For dinner tonight I'm fixing Beef Stew, just a simple recipe that I remember from my childhood, I'll have it up on the food blog tomorrow!


  1. Sandra, it's raining here too, and great minds must think alike, because I was in the middle of posting pictures of our clouds when I popped over to your blog :)

    I also miss the snow, even though it's been 30 years since I've lived in a snowy climate :)

    Hey, go and read the "tribute" post on my blog when you get a chance....and THANK YOU :)


  2. It's ugly here but no rain..although we had sleet last night. I have cleaned all day and look awful....have a great weekend.

  3. Hey Sandra,

    Your Neighborhood looks like mine right!! Wet and rainy. Don't you just love it?? (for a change at least.)

    Your little boy is adorable. I love those pictures of him blowing bubbles. I like how you captured the moment.

    Have a love weekend, and I will be watching some of those show you have listed;-))

  4. It rained here yesterday and this morning! Love the pics of Nic! I'm heading over to your 2 other blogs to check them out!

  5. The picture of Nicholas with the tree is really cute. It's been snowing here, but tomorrow freezing rain is predicted. Yuk! I'm heading over to check out your sandwich recipe - I can always use another of these!

  6. That's funny, Sandra. Just as I pulled up your blog, I stopped for a quick minute to call Krissy and tell her Frosty is on at 7 on CBS so she'd tune in for Cameron. Great minds!

    You know what? Moving from Idaho to Arizona is a huge, huge change and of course you're still adjusting. I'm still adjusting, after three years on the western slope, to the lack of snow. It snowed all the time on the eastern slope. Dry as a bone out here and the first year I was fine with it but now it's making me sad that it rarely snows out here.

    I'm going to spray paint my front lawn white. I am. :-)

    You'll be fine. I think you have to go through a year or so when you make a move like this before it starts being more comfortable for you.

    Yes, it's wonderful that Jasmine is loving to read now. There's nothing in the world that helps children through school more than a love of reading.

    It's always nice to catch up with you. :-)

  7. We are learning to treasure every drop of rain here, we are in a severe drought. Sorry you are feeling a bit homesick. We lived in Florida the first two years we were married and I had a bad case of the Missing Georgia Blues, it was tough for a while. Big (((Hug))) for you.

    The pictures of Nicholas are precious! Especially 'Catching the Christmsas Tree'!

    We watched Frosty last night as well....I love the classic Christmas shows:)

    Have a great Saturday.


  8. Hope you and your family have a wonderful weekend!

  9. Rain is one of the best things of nature. I like it so much but this year we are a bit short of it. I hope for better days.

  10. You are not a wusss for missing your snowy home state. When I spent 3 months in FL, I missed my snowy home state. Even though we were missing horrible snows.

    Me too! HATE folding laundry!!! Yucko!! Have a basket waiting for me now. And another load all dry and waiting. Yucko.

    Yeah, that's *my grump* for the day. I just did a tiny post [still waiting for glasses frames to be fixed!} so I just point people to a sweeeeet entry by Mrs. Staggs. My sometimes-grumpy-self needed this, today! ,-)


  11. At the moment, your snow picture of Idaho is exactly how it looks here today. I know your feeling of missing where you used to live, and I hope you get to come back some day. It's a good place.

  12. On dismal days I love to light candles and turn on the Christmas lights. I either watch a good movie or play Christmas music.

  13. hi sandra, we are still at about-11 degrees out and its to bloomin cold to rain, we had a bit of a snowfall last night, the kind where i went out and pushed the shovel with one hand to clear the driveway. no moisture in the snow its to cold. but the sky is dark and i guess we will get anouther dump of snow or maybe rain at least that means it will rain. jasmine likes junie b jones books my daughter tasha and her daughter torey love those books too. torey and i are going to build jasmine a fairy igloo as soon as we can mould the snow properly i will send her pictures ok. torey is quite excited about doing it. have to go and get my xmas cards done so hope you and your family are doing well. my friend from pt. elizabeth was going to a cabin on the beach and its plus 34 degrees grrr. oh well there you go. don't forget amazing race tonight. sue

  14. Lol it's always raining over here! Although today it's just very cold!


  15. Hey you stranger?? Been busy?? Same here!! Came by to see how you have been? See you back on Friday. Are you doing "Show & Tell Friday??" I!!

    xoox Jeannene

  16. I'm wondering what our Christmas is going to look like next year - since we are moving in May. It was a bit sad to think of leaving all the beautiful winter weather, and wonderful tree farms Vermont has to offer behind. But such is the life of an active duty military family.

    Love the bubble pictures! It amazing how something so simple can thrill , isn't it.



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