
Sunday, December 23, 2007

Merry Christmas from our home to yours.....

Here we sit anxiously awaiting tomorrow. You see being portuguese means that the big day, the exciting get together with the whole family, eat tons of food and laugh and joke while waiting to open the presents Christmas Eve.

As Curt said to the kiddos earlier today "You're lucky your mother is portuguese, otherwise you would be waiting until Christmas morning to open your presents" to which they replied "Oh yeah...." *snicker*

The presents are wrapped, the homemade gifts are done and delivered, the last minute shopping is NO MORE and the preparations for tomorrow's meal have already begun.

The menu is simple, I'm not fixing dinner just setting a couple of goodies on the table and we'll be grabbing whatever we want, playing some board games, watching some christmas movies, reading the story of the Birth of Christ and even tracking Santa through Norad.....or you can do it through Santa Speaking, Nasa, or Santa

But going back to my menu.....

Rissois de Camarao (Portuguese Shrimp Turnovers)

Pasteis de Massa Tenra (Meat Pies)

Buffalo Chicken Wings

Torta de Laranja (Orange Jelly Roll)

Delicious Dessert (Sobremesa Deliciosa) - which is ready, I made it this afternoon and even got the recipe up for you all.


So 2 desserts and 3 non sweet some chips and dip, egg nog, Christmas cookies etc.

We'll be hanging out until midnight and then we'll get to the presents.....there will be pictures to follow but I don't think I need to tell you that LOL

We will also be reading Twas the Night Before Christmas and online The Nativity Story. My kids love reading and up until now we haven't really read stories on Christmas Eve but it's a tradition we want to start this year and continue from this moment on.

I leave you with some Christmas Links as I head to bed with the kids....we have an exciting day ahead of us. You won't see much of me until after Christmas Day so as I leave, I wish for you all the best of everything, a wonderful Blessed Christmas day with family and friends and may the Lord bring a new year with blessings abound and happiness like you've never seen.


The History of Christmas

World Christmas Traditions

Santa's North Pole

Santa Claus


  1. I thought I was all done, but discovered I haven't gotten the Roast beef to slow cook all morning in the crock pot on Tuesday. Good thing a lot of the stores are open today. Thanks for mentioning egg nogg, I'll grab some of that too.
    Sounds like a fun day for you guys. We will just be relaxing, and wrap a few gifts. Tuesday is the feast & gifts day when my daughter & her hubby get here, if Stevie can wait.

  2. Merry Christmas to you too Sandra. Talk to you soon. Enjoy your time with the family,

  3. Merry Christmas!! Your food sounds wonderful - I hope you and yours are continually blessed this Holiday Season.

  4. Merry Christmas Sandra!!! I hope you guys have a wonderful holiday!!! xoxo

  5. Praying your Christmas with your family is blessed!


  6. Wishing you a blessed Christmas!

  7. Merry Christmas sandra -enjoy the next few days with your family.

  8. Merry Christmas to you and your family!

    Your menu looks great. I saw your recipe for Cod Fish Cakes... may have to come back and borrow it for next week.

  9. I hope you have a very Merry Christmas, Sandra!

  10. Have a wonderful Christmas Sandra. Hope your cold is better...I've been in and out of bed for the past 2 days with a fever and aching bones. Yuk. Now my poor Chatterbox has a fever, the night before Christmas! I hope she is well enough to enjoy her pressies tomorrow.

    Anyway, hugs and blessings and have great time.


  11. Merry Christmas Sandra!
    ♥ annie ♥

  12. sounds like a great day for you all..
    Feliz Natal amiga

  13. "MERRY CHRIST'mas Sandra and to your lovely family!!"

    See Ya soon;-))

    Love, Jeannene

  14. Sandra, nós também abrimos os presentes na véspera de Natal! As crianças ficam contando os minutos até dar meia-noite! Sua ceia parece uma delícia! Blessings!


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Thank you for stopping by, hope you are having a blessed day!
