
Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Good Morning!

I got up this morning and opened the blinds, this is the view from my bedroom window. I know, it's nothing great, no rolling hills or mountains in the distance, no sparkling rivers or creeks running by. Just this.....beautiful deep blue sky, trees and palm trees, birds flying by and then the stinky construction. I'm so sick of it already, it's been going on since we moved in and I'm sure it will continue after we move.

It's a gorgeous day though, we're supposed to get up to 80ยบ today. Wow! It's weird how temperatures change so drastically from one state to another.

I have a busy day ahead of me, remember my to do list yesterday? Well let's just say that the only thing I really got done was the trip to the post office, everything else seemed to have been left hanging in limbo, until today, until I get off the computer and go do it. You wouldn't want to come hang out with me and play with my new toy would you?

I'm about to get it started with some Chicken Nachos, a recipe shared by the crockpot lady on my Slow Cooking Thursday feature. We love nachos and we love chicken so this is the perfect combination. Besides, I don't have time to be in the kitchen today AND I'm dying to try out the crock pot. I'll take any excuse I can LOL

Karen asked me if I get sent stuff like this all the time, the answer is NO. This is the first time I was sent anything to try. I guess that's why I am so excited too, especially since I never approached anyone about it, the people at Crock Pot just saw my blog and my Slow Cooking Thursday and contacted me. But enough about that, I'll have a post up tomorrow with my review and thoughts on the crock pot, I can tell you already I think it's going to become my best friend because one of the features that I LOVE is that the stoneware can be used in the oven, slow cooker, stovetop, microwave OR refrigerator. Hence the Versaware. How NEAT is that???

Image credit: Alicia Paulson from Posy gets Cozy

While browsing through some of my favorite craft and sewing blogs, I found these Kitchen Towels. Alicia designed them and then offered the download for free on her site, of course I got them straight away and can not wait to start on mine. She's shocked that so far it had been downloaded 1,717 times. Wow, but really who can resist them?

I can already envision them in my kitchen!


I've started the book "Candle in the Darkness" by Lynn Austin and I'm loving it already, can't seem to put it down, I even took it with me to the park the other day. I'm sorry but my obsession with books just takes over, I have to read wherever I am and if it was possible to carry all my books with me I would. Maybe I could leave one or two in the car for those days that I'm waiting for Jasmine or Curt is driving us somewhere? Then again maybe not, I may get yelled at for ignoring the family while my face is buried in "yet another book" LOL

As for movie watching, Sherry asked me what I thought of "Tales from Avonlea". I LOVED it and I've just started "The Road to Avonlea" which is different episodes and still the same characters and it picks up where the other one left off, again I'm loving it....just completely engrossed in it.

But you know what's even better? I have to tell you all that Jasmine has become completely addicted to Felicity: An American Girl. Last year while still stationed at the Idaho I went to the Airman's Attic and picked up the whole book set for free, brought it home and she wasn't impressed.......this was during her "must fight off any chapter book reading" phase. Now I have to fight with her to put the book down and go to sleep because I just realized that she's been staying up past her bedtime with a flashlight under her covers to read the books LOL

She's begged me to get her a Felicity doll and please please buy the DVD movie. I'm thrilled, but my next move is to get her to watch Anne of Green Gables and Christy, only then will I be victorious. Muahahahahahaha!


I need to go start the slow cooker with the Chicken Nachos for dinner, so I'm out, I'll leave you with a picture of last night's sunset.

God Bless,


  1. Your view of the sky is so so much better than my ice. I'm glad you have nice 80 weather..I remember last year you had like 3 degree have earned it girl. Have a great day....

  2. That last picture is beautiful!

    I totally know what you mean about the book thing. When I get going I just cannot put a good book down.

  3. Good Afternoon Sandra,
    You sure do have the bluest sky out there in Arizona. The sunset is just to die for also. It is still a cold and dreary day here. The Winter Storm Warning we were under has been lifted, but now they have put us under a Winter Weather Advisory. It's dropped down to 30 degrees and still raining just a bit. "THANK YOU" for answering my question. I do appreciate it very much. Some people get paid to try products at home and I was just wondering if that was your case. I love the Kitchen Towel and can't wait for you to show us yours when you have finished it. I still have laundry to do. I went back to sleep this morning and I just got back up a bit ago. I guess my body needed the rest. I will get to it later tho because the girls will need some clean jeans for tomorrow. Take care my friend and have a great day. May God Bless You and Yours.

    Love & Hugs,
    Karen H.

  4. ;)

    the kids and kelly were laughing hysterically, especially at curt's dialog---waiting to take a picture, indeed.

    i really liked the yoshi movie


    this was a completely different post..

    those little towels look so cute, i wish i had more time for things like that.

    hope we move soon, so sick of okc!

    oh look, breaks over--hugs! :D

  5. Lol I have a plan to indoctrinate my children with Anne of Green Gables too.

    Hugs n' love
    Sarah x

  6. A love of reading is a blessing.

    Zachary's favorite is Black Beauty. So far, none of the other children share his passion for reading.

    We are living in a crowded apartment complex. The only view we have is straight up. And straight down. Fortunately the earth is as beautiful as the sky.


  7. Your sunset was beautiful and I think your view out your window is pretty beautiful too.
    Much better than here- you won't believe it-----
    It's snowing AGAIN!

  8. What a beautiful sky - both in the morning and at night. Like Cheri said, it's snowing again and our sky is gray! I'll be anxious to read that crock pot review!

  9. Very, very cool new toy to play with! Super! How great that they found your blog and all. Grrrreat!

    Also great that Jasmine has been bitten by the 'book reading bug.' How cute that she was reading past bedtime, under the covers. Oh I know. It's a no-no. But it's still so cute that she is enjoying it so.


  10. That sky is beautiful. I am so jealous, I would love an 80 degree day right about now.
    I love those kitchen towels.

  11. Wow can't wait to hear all about that crockpot!! I'd have been pretty excited too!!

  12. Love the sky photos !! And I'm like you with books ... although, I've barely even picked one up in about 3 weeks ! That is soooo strange for me. I think it is because I finished one in a series and I don't really want to read anything else except the next one in that series !!

  13. Oh Sandra, do you have any idea what you have done? By singing Veggie Tales to me you have no choice but to be my Blog friend forever (BFF!). Yes, oh yes, you are stuck with me now! The sky pic is beautiful, I agree. You must be based somewhere tropical or southern with 80 degree weather. Have a lovely day tomorrow! Jen

  14. Oh gosh Sandra, you didn't serenade me, Dianna did! Big DUH for me. You'll never be my BFF now :( Jen

  15. Sandra, Your talk of keeping your nose in a book made me smile. My husband and I are avid readers, though he is more so. He takes a book into the store just in case he has to stand in line. If I'm following him in a separate vehicle, I'll see him open his book when stopped at a light! :)

    Pam A. (


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