
Tuesday, February 26, 2008

It's time for dinner!

I know, it's late and by now most of you or probably ALL of you have already eaten so here's an idea for tomorrow night's dinner.

Some down home yummy comfort food. Go on over to Full Bellies, Happy Kids for the recipe.



  1. Good Evening Sandra,
    I'm making my rounds and I'm sorry I'm late. I have been working on my post for tomorrow so I don't have much to do on it in the morning. I have found it is easier to do that way. I checked out the Chicken Tetrazzini Recipe and it sound very yummy. Now I would probably have to delete the mushrooms and green bell peppers as my kids don't like those and hubby doesn't like mushrooms. I guess it could work just as well that way huh? I may try and fix it over the weekend or one day next week. If I do, I will let you know and how I fixed it. Yours sure looks yummy tho. I ready your previous post as well. Ohmygosh girlfriend, the pictures of the Sunset are just stunning and breathtaking. I am just in awe at the Sky out there in Arizona. The pictures with the oranges are just so awesome. You mean you haven't moved yet? LOL. Shame on you for just sitting around and being on the computer and not moving. LOL. I'm just kidding with you. Me being the hot tempered red head, I would have gave them a small piece of my mind. LOL. Ohmygosh, I can't believe we like the same shows. I so love the Little People, Big World shows and can't wait for the new Season this coming Monday. I love Jon & Kate, plus 8 as well. I seen it last night. I don't think I would have a head on me if I had that many kids. LOL. Seriously, I don't know how she does it everyday. She is one heck of a WOMAN for sure. I tried out a new recipe tonight for Indian Bread that I redone from watching Food Network today. It was soooo good. It will be on my post for tomorrow as well. I am waiting on my DH to get home now and I will heat up our supper and he can eat some when he gets home. Take care my friend and have a great evening. May God Bless You and Yours.

    Love & Hugs,
    Karen H.

  2. Yummy!! That looks delcious, hmmm wonder how that would taste for breakfast:)

    Good luck on the move, I can't even imagine having to get things done that quickly....YIKES!

    BTW the sunset photos are gorgeous!


  3. We do this dish some. The kids like it. How is the packing going? You will have a crazy week. Good Luck friend.

  4. I saw it already because here is now 1.00 PM.

  5. Well I've got dinner planned for tonight already, but it'll go on my list for next week. It looks so good!


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