
Sunday, February 24, 2008

Relaxing Day!

Come on in out of the cold, I know some of you are sick and tired of the freezing snow and ice that's been taking over your area.

I have some hot coffee and some yummy, delectable, TO.DIE.FOR hot Pumpkin Pancakes (try saying that 5 times fast *wink*)

Oh yum, be still my hips LOL
Really though if you love pumpkin as much as we do, you have got to try these pancakes, they come out big and fluffly and just melt in your mouth. Delicious!

Alright, so I've given you coffee and something to eat, I guess we can sit down and chat right?

I have a full day ahead of me, here's my to do list:

  1. Laundry - wash, iron and put away
  2. Change all the bed linens
  3. Sweep and Mop floors
  4. Dust
  5. Pack a few more boxes for the move
  6. Weekly computer clean up - get rid of unwanted junk, organize photos etc

I know I'll get it all done and I should be getting up and doing it right this minute, but I'm still digesting my pancakes and enjoying my coffee, so I'll sit and visit with you for a bit. If anyone asks, I can just blame you for coming by LOL

The skies are a little cloudy this morning, so instead of a sunrise picture, you're getting a sunset from last night. I've actually turned this photo into my desktop background because I LOVE the way it looks. One thing about Arizona, you get spectacular sunrises and sunsets.

Isn't that breathtaking? The colors and the clouds are what get me, it's enough to make you stand there with your mouth open, camera in hand and completely in awe. Problem is there's neighbors around and I would hate to know what they're thinking of me at that moment. *hahah*

I finished "The Boleyn Inheritance" last night, stayed up until after midnight to read it, I couldn't put it down. Oh I tried a couple times, I closed it and set it on the nightstand, then turned off the light and closed my eyes only to quickly jump up in bed again, my mind racing with questions "Oh I wonder what is happening to Katherine?"...."Is Jane going to betray her?" on goes the light again and out comes the thick heavy book onto my lap. I loved it, absolutely loved this book. and I highly recommend it if you're looking for a great read and are also a history fan. Ms Gregory has a way of bringing to life all the characters from our past, it's just amazing.

I also got my Netflix movies and was quite annoyed with myself. Seems I somehow pushed 3 different movies to the top, right in the middle of my "Road to Avonlea" series, so you can imagine my face when I got 3 DVD's, quickly opened them up and found "Falling for a Dancer" and "Love's Unending Legacy".

What the heck? Where's Sarah Stanley and Hetty King? But it's ok, I already watched "Falling for a Dancer" which is a book turned movie from the author Deirdre Purcell, and it stars Collin Farrell....a very young Collin.

The movie is about Elizabeth, a 19 year old girl who falls for an actor, has a brief fling and finds herself pregnant, in the 1930's. Her parents and the community pressure her to marry a middle aged man whose wife has passed away. Elizabeth now finds herself living in rural Ireland, with a much older husband and 4 children to take care of.
As the time goes by, the husband begins getting abusive towards her and she struggles with trying to remain a good wife to a man she doesn't love while fighting the love she's feeling for a much younger man (Collin Farrell).

I didn't know if I would enjoy it at first, but I really did. It was a good movie. So this afternoon I'm going to watch "Love's Unending Legacy". Now THAT one I know for sure I will love, I can't wait to watch it.

Next on my list to read is Phillipa Gregory's "The Constant Princess".

As youngest daughter to the Spanish monarchs and crusaders King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella, Catalina, princess of Wales and of Spain, was promised to the English Prince Arthur when she was three. She leaves Spain at 15 to fulfill her destiny as queen of England, where she finds true love with Arthur (after some initial sourness) as they plot the future of their kingdom together. Arthur dies young, however, leaving Catalina a widow and ineligible for the throne. Before his death, he extracts a promise from his wife to marry his younger brother Henry in order to become queen anyway, have children and rule as they had planned, a situation that can only be if Catalina denies that Arthur was ever her lover.

So that's the plan for my day, some housework and then rest and relaxation....reading, watching good movies on tv and maybe sneaking in a nap. I don't count on that one though, the kids have this habit that if mommy is in bed for anything, even if she's sick, they HAVE to go in there every 5 minutes to tell me they used the bathroom, are hungry, are thirsty, one of them is copying the other, they need help, they want me to change the video game, they want me to put on a movie. ALL this while daddy is in the living room with them......I mean, I'm all for feeling loved but jeebers creepers, give the lady a break LOL

Have a great sunday everyone!


  1. Thanks for inviting me to enjoy the lovely weather! The sunset is just gorgeous!

  2. That could be my favorite sky photos of all the ones you've ever posted ! It's so beautiful ! The colors ! Wow !! Hope you have a good day ! It's 5:52am Monday here and I am just getting ready to make my to do list for the day ! I like to do my blog visiting first up though ... while the house is quiet !!

  3. Don't tell my kids- I just took a little nap- hee hee!
    We had a beautiful sunset last night too. The sun was just a pure red fireball and the sky was pink- gorgeous. Too bad we were driving and I didn't have my camera or I would have shared!

  4. Hope you get some rest and sneak in a nap, Sandra :)

    That photo is awesome. Oh how I wish that we had sunrises and sunsets that beautiful.

    I have heard good things about Gregory's books. I picked up "The Other Boleyn Girl" at a library sale last year but have not read it. I have so many in my TBR pile and it just hasn't risen to the top yet. I had thought I would read it before the movie came out, but I think it opens next week :) Maybe before the DVD comes out.

    I had not heard of that Colin Farrell movie before. I love all of the Hallmark "Love's" ones though. I moved "American Gangster" to the top of our queue last week, so my husband could watch it. I don't like movies with that much language and violence in them, so I let him watch it one night. I guess he's finally understanding my way of thinking because he said it was awful, violent, vulgar and just not worth watching. He didn't even finish it, which means it had to be really bad for him. Sigh. I have "Though None Go with Me" here now, and that one should be a lot better :)

    Have a great weekend!

  5. I haven't made pumpkin pancakes in a while, so I should do them again soon b/c they're so good!
    Brought home lots of books from Stacy's to read so I should have enough for a while. Other than church and meetings, we aren't doing much else this Sunday!

  6. LOL!

    If you ever find a way to get kids and husbands to leave you alone while laying down--for even an hour! Please please, pass the secret along. :)

  7. Them pancakes sure look good. I don't think I've ever had pumpkin pancakes before, but I've never turned down a pancake before so I think they should work out just fine.

  8. Those pancakes look great.
    Beautiful sky picture.

    I hope your day turned out the way you wanted. My kids can not leave me alone for more than 5 minutes either. Some day when they are grown and gine we will miss that, at least that is what I am told.

  9. Fantastic sky photo!

    Hope the kids left you alone. :-)


  10. I hope you had a wonderful weekend, Sandra! I LOVE pumpkin pancakes, yours look delicious!

  11. Have you rented "Anne of the 1000 Days" from Netflix yet? GREAT Anne Boleyn movie!

    You might think about renting "The Tudors" as well -- it's not entirely accurate (they changed things around a bit for entertainment purposes and so that Henry VIII is still 25 and handsome when he meets Anne) and there are some racy s.e.x. scenes, but SO worth it if you are interested in Henry and Anne!



  12. First of all it sounds like you are starting to really like Arizona....I'm thrilled for you. The sunsets are beautiful. Your pancakes look awesome...and your cleaning sounds like mine today, we will have loads of

  13. Lol Sandra why to children do that? As soon as I try to get a nap or some quiet time the kiddies immediately appear and ask for things...even if Daddy is in...or I can hear them having a huge fight over who gets to pretend to be Gabriella from High School Musical and I have to haul myself out of bed and settle the argument because Gary is playing his guitar and totally deaf to the mayhem around him! Lol.

    The article you commented on is rather intense, it's just some aspects of it really struck me. It's one of those sort of things that influence me but I don't agree with it to the letter...if you know what I mean?

    I just posted a more lighthearted post...I always get worried when I mention 'deep' things a debate will break out in my comments and I will spark a riot...well perhaps not that bad ;) Hahahaha

    Hugs and love

    Sarah x

  14. Oh man, those pancakes are calling my name! Girl, you can be downright dangerous with all your scrumcious recipes ;)

  15. The pancakes look I wish I could have a bite! :)


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