
Saturday, February 02, 2008

Superbowl, Cracker Barrel and Costco!

What more could you ask for right?

We set out this morning with a ton of errands to run, our first stop was Costco. We got a membership back in July and haven't been back since, so today we decided to go in and get a few bulk items AND our passport photos taken.

I didn't know that Costco did them and I was surprised to find out that not only are they really cheap, $4.99 a set of two.....but they're also really good. I think they turned out perfect. Now if the cheap inexpensive photos and the bulk cheaper items are not incentive enough, you could always do what I do. Enjoy all the free food samples LOL
Seriously, by the time you leave the store you have had lunch and dessert. We tried meatballs, pork loin, chicken soup and chocolate banana cream pie........which ended up coming home with us, couldn't leave it behind of course LOL

We also picked up one of these Can Organizers for only $20. I think Laura will be extremely proud of me LOL My cans all fit perfectly, it's expandable AND you can make the sections as wide or as thin as you like. It also brings it's own little labels, I haven't put them on yet.

One of the things we eat a lot as snacks are Pretzels and these Costco Sourdough Ones in the big tub are just to die for. I also picked up a huge jar of olives, Granulated Garlic and Chopped Onion. Those big tubs were only $3 and it will last me a couple months at least.

Of course you can't leave without looking at the books and when you see something like this, you have to grab, place in the cart and quickly proceed to the checkout so you're not tempted to get any more. I've quickly flipped through it and GOODNESS GRACIOUS, I don't think I saw one recipe on there that I didn't like. I can't wait to try them all and share them with you on our Slow Cooking Thursdays.

After we left Costco it was lunch time and we headed to Cracker Barrel. Not just because it's our favorite but it's again, inexpensive and good homemade food. No matter how many times I go to that place, I am always amazed at the decorations inside, the old photographs, the antiques hanging on the walls and that little Peg Game sitting on the table. It just feels like home....well, if you live at Cracker Barrel I mean LOL

You can't leave without a quick game of Checkers, some fighting over who beat who and who is cheating and also, getting your shoe stuck on the bottom of the rocker *looks at Jasmine* LOL

This Cracker Barrel is just across the street from the Cardinals Stadium and let me tell you, it is CRAZY out there. Traffic Jams, parking lots overflowing with cars, people on foot, police and helicopters just nuts.

I was able to snap two pictures of the stadium as we drove by because getting anywhere near it was impossible. We actually had to put up a paper in our car for the restaurant parking, they were monitoring all the parking lots to make sure that it wasn't for the superbowl.

We decided to give up trying to get near it and just came home. I got the groceries and the Costco stuff put away and then took the kids to the BX. They didn't know what was going on, I just told them we were going there for something really neat.......when we arrived there was already a line waiting. Jason Bell from the NY Giants was signing autographs at the BX, the kids were so excited, they don't really know who he is but they just knew that he had something to do with the Superbowl and that was enough for them. I bought them each a football and then waited in line for almost an hour. He was running 45 minutes late.

But I tell you what, it was worth it. I have never come across a sweeter, kinder, well mannered young guy. He was really cute with Jasmine and Nicholas, he wanted Nicholas to sit by him for the photograph and even joked back and forth with him about the football that Nicholas didn't want to let go of. LOL
Then I asked him if he would mind signing a little paper for me and he said "Absolutely, the mommy deserves it too, after all you do most of the important work don't you?". He even let me take his picture and I could have just hugged him and taken him home with me LOL

Just one of the perks of being a military family, once in a while we get some celebrity coming to base, where else would you get a chance to interact with them and see them up close?

Yeah I'm a NY Giants fan now LOL I'm so easy, all it takes is a sweet football player to charm me and I'm a fan of the team *tee hee*

So all in all, it was a wonderful day, shopping, a great meal, meeting a famous person and now sitting here at the computer. The laundry is going, the dishes are washing, Nicholas is playing video games on the tv and Curt and Jasmine are playing a game online together. I'm about done with my blog and then I'm going to settle in to watch my first DVD from the "Tales from Avonlea" series. Outside the sky is getting really dark and there's the smell of rain in the air, I for one couldn't be happier, love the rain.

Happy Super Bowl Weekend everyone!!!


  1. What a great day! I love Costco and Cracker Barrel. I don't watch football so I don't know Jason Bell, but now I hope he wins!

  2. That can organizer is awesome. It totallly wouldn't work in my pantry (it is a weird weird pantry) but still very cool!

    That is fun that you got to meet the football player. My husband would be jealous!

  3. sounds like you all had a fun day..
    have a great sunday..

  4. Hi Sandra.It sounds like you had a great day;) I love love costco and lucky you on the toh cookbook,you'll love it ,I got it out of the library.wonderful to see the pictures of Jasmine & Nicholas...:)

  5. Looks like you had a wonderful day ! I need one of those can organizers too !
    One place we dont have here is Cracker Barrel and I have been told it is a place you have to eat at when driving by one ! So, maybe when we are in those neck of the woods, we will !

    Have a great weekend !

  6. Love the can organizer! I could totally use one of those.

    What did you think of Tales from Avonlea?

    Here is the link to the new Elizabeth movie:|CAMP018ElizabethDVD_Movie|ADGP005Movie|KWRD015elizabeth+movie&sky=GGL|CAMP018ElizabethDVD_Movie|ADGP005Movie|KWRD015elizabeth+movie

  7. That organizer looks fantastic! I've only ever seen the ones for pop. Our closest Costco is an 8 hour drive :(

    I do have the T of H cookbook though and it is so good and I use it all the time!

    Have a lovely weekend Sandra!!


  8. Good Morning Sandra,
    Wow, looks like you had a very busy day. And a fun one also. I love the can organizer. I wonder if you can get one of those at Wal-Marts? We don't have a Costco around here that I am aware of. There is a Cracker Barrel in Jonesboro and I've eaten there a few times. I do enjoy looking at all the old things they have. The kids look like they are having a good time playing Checkers. That is such a cool picture of the Stadium. I seen it on The Weather Channel last night and they even showed the inside of it as well. Oh wow, Jason has some BIG Tatoo's huh? LOL. That was so sweet of him for saying that to you and signing the piece of paper for you. That's a great picture of Jason and the kids as well. They can look back on that picture when they are grown and will always remember that day. I must say that Jason is a handsome man. Just leave off those Tatoo's. LOL. Take care my friend and have a great day. May God Bless You and Yours.

    Love & Hugs,
    Karen H.

  9. I love Costco's free samples.
    The can organizer is great I need one. And I love that cookbook. I hope you share some recipes from it.
    That was cool to meet Jason Bell. I am routing for the Giants too.
    Have a good Sunday.

  10. Cool photos, the one with your kids and Jason is so lovely.

    And I like sound of Tales from Avonlea! Can I pop round, I'll bring cake? I'll just step into my Lear Jet (lol I wish).


  11. Ok Cracker Barrel is to die for!!! I am a huge fan of southern cooking & will never pass up eating there if I can help it. My problem is that I live in WA & we don't have them here - boo hoo!!
    Sounds like you had a dandy day, love the pictures :)

  12. Craker barel,costco,and the super bowlwehow the only thing taht I wonder if we will ever see is 1) the browns playing in the bowl and 2)that is gets played here in cleveland.Oh well drean on golch!

  13. Love and hugs and smiles.
    Love Jeanne

  14. Wow!!! sounds like a great time! Love the can organizer!!! That looks soo handy! And how awesome you got to meet a prof. football player! Too fun! :) You got some great pics! :)

    I hope you have a wonderful Sunday evening Sandra! xoxo

  15. I love your can organizers - perfect for using in my pantry - thanks for a great idea!

  16. How exciting, the kids will remember it for a long, long time.

  17. We just loooove Costco, can't leave there without the tender Rotisserie chickens. On the weekends you really can get full from all the samples. We have our basement full of the wheeled industrial shelves for easy moving storage.

  18. I love Costco! I'll have to look for that can organizer at ours. The only trouble is I love it so much my whole budget just about gets blown in there. LOL!

    We don't have a Cracker Barrel around here but it looks like a great family resteraunt! And so cool about the NY Giants player and your kids. Especially now that they won the Superbowl! Valuable signed footballs you have there. ;v)

  19. *hugs* I didn't get to watch most of the game because I was at my Mom's house, and well...gatherings there usually end with me in the kitchen to save the kids' taste buds. ;)

    We even left early, and then I fell asleep and missed the new House that was on right after the game. Cry!

    Anyways, just wanted to stop by and say hi and pass out hugs. I've been so busy with this new job I haven't had time to be online much.

    Hope you guys are doing okay!

  20. What thrill for your kids to meet Jason Bell! Great picures too!

    We go to Costco for fun sometimes... pathetic I know, but the kids LOVE it there. It might be because of the free samples and the toy aisle :)


  21. Awwwwwwwwwwwwwww, I'm late reading this but this is such a cute entry!!!


  22. I am soooooooo jealous that you met jason. I am such a big fan of his I never got the opportunity to meet him. :( What i wouldn't do to meet that man lol.

    Glad you had fun and glad you liked jason lol.


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