
Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Works for Me Wednesday!

So Shannon wants to know what works for us.....many things I would say, there's so many little shortcuts and helpful things to make my life easier, but for today I'll stick to the NUMBER one helper.

See I love watching tv and I love recording a show that I don't have time to sit through and I ALSO love having it accessible on my computer so that I can upload it online and share it with friends and family.

So what exactly am I talking about? Hauppauge WinTV2000. It's a TV card for your computer, it only costs $75 dollars and all you need to do is buy it, install it on your computer and then plug your cable tv into it.

It's been the best thing I ever did, because really who wants to fight over the tv with the kids or the husband? Everyone wants to watch something different and this way I get to blog, pay bills or surf the internet AND have the news or Food Network or whatever in the background.

When I want to schedule a show, I just go to the WinTV Scheduler program that comes with, tell it which channel and what time to start recording and ending and go on my way. It does everything for me, it records the show to my computer, it turns off the TV once it's's just great.

So there you go, this is what works for me. If you have a great tip to share just go on over to Shannon's blog and add your name to Mr Linky. Be prepared to be there for a LONG time, there's so many entries. LOL


  1. Good Afternoon Sandra,
    Wow, what will they come up with next? LOL. That is so cool to have. We have 4 t.v.'s in our home. LOL. We have the big one in the front room, the girls both have one each in their rooms, and I have one in our bedroom. When my DH is home, he watches t.v. in the front room. If he is watching something I don't like, I just go in the bedroom and watch t.v. in there. My computer is in the front room right near my DH's recliner, so it wouldn't do me any good trying to watch t.v. on the computer. He has the t.v. up loud as it is. LOL. I have to tell him all the time to turn it down. The girls are the same way. They sure take after their Daddy on that. I am feeling a tad bit better after laying down a while, but still not up to par. If I sit up too long, I get a little dizzy. I'm not going to do too much today but just lay around and watch t.v. Take care my friend and have a great day. May God Bless You and Yours.

    Love & Hugs,
    Karen H.

  2. That's pretty cool. I've never heard of anything like that before.

  3. I never heard of that. I would like it because I spend so much time on the computer!

  4. Sandra,
    I'm glad you came by to see the book meme since you are a Fannie Flagg fan too! I enjoyed looking at teh paint shop pics. Is that a program you buy and install or is it already a part of windows? I don't know all the ins and outs of my computer yet. Thanks - Jennifer

  5. Iiiiiiiiiiiiii love Hauppage cards, ours doesn't work anymore though, crycry.

    Uhmm...Guess who played hookey from work today? Yea, I'm going to hell. Sigh!!


    I agree though, a Hauppage card would be one thing that definately every home needs. :)

  6. Don't tell Sam, but our card really does work, I just stopped using it.

    This is what I love about technology. It gives us choices in our lives, letting us focus where we want without giving up anything.

    I don't know how I feel about the new layout of your blog yet. It is nice, but I am old and resist change ;)

    Really, though, it is nice and it's easier to tell where one post ends and another starts.


  7. LOL Kelly, I had to change back to this template because the other one had way too many code errors and was messing up my blog feed.

    Hope you grow to like this one LOL

  8. I like this template as well !! It's simple and really pleasant to look at. That TV card sounds so cool !

  9. hey!!! That is really neat!!! :)

  10. You know I've been thinking about getting this since you told me about it before .... and now I have a birthday coming up soon....hmmmmmm.

    Does the actual cable cord plug into it? I have analog cable, not digital. I just want to make sure I can actually use it before I buy one!


  11. Oh how neat!


  12. Oh my gosh this is fantastic, how could I not know this existed before now! So cool!

  13. By the way, your husband's face is all flattened out. Are you beating him or is the photo skewed?

    I say what everyone else fears to say!

  14. Neato! I had never heard of that. I suppose considering we have no television....(other than purchased or rented dvds) that I'll be waiting on this invention! But how kewel!


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Thank you for stopping by, hope you are having a blessed day!
