
Friday, March 28, 2008

I'm so glad it's friday!

Ever have one of those weeks where everything drags and when Friday finally comes around you feel this immense joy????? That's how I'm feeling today....I just want this week OVER.

I hope you're all having a great friday.

I've been so busy here lately, I haven't had much time for the blog or visiting yours either, but I'm hoping to change that. My bloglines keep spitting out totals like 430 unread items and it makes me cringe, there's NO way I can get through all of them and I also don't want to just mark it all read but I may just have to do that and start fresh from tomorrow.
So this past week, we've been running around....we got Jasmine's immunization shots done (she was due for the hep and tetanus), we bought our tickets to South Africa. YES YES YES, it's official we are heading home in may and I can not be any happier, I mean I could try but I would probably explode LOL
But I'll be taking a laptop with me because we're actually going through Amsterdam and I want to take some photos and share them with everywhere I go in South Africa, you'll get updates and photos too :)

We also got the kids passports taken care of, someone to come and stay at our house and watch the doggies for us and Kruger National Park booked for when we're there.

In between all this we've had the usual work/school craziness routine.

We were able to find really inexpensive tickets and I say that lightly because if you've priced flights overseas for 4 people you will know that it's bound to give you heartburn. But anyway, we had budgeted a certain amount and actually got them for $600 less SO we got the kids a Wii, their birthdays are both in April and they've been wanting one for ever.

Don't be fooled though, this is not a KIDS toy, this is a FAMILY toy and Curt and I are thrilled, we could not have found a better gaming system for us all. The past 4 days we have spent every night together as a family playing tennis, Mario Party and bowling. What really gets me with this gaming console is that it's not one of those lazy sit on the couch and hold the remote in your hand, kinda games. You have to GET up and actually do something.

I've gotten quite the workout playing tennis LOL My arm and neck are killing me today, but's worth it to have all of us having fun and laughing together :)

BUT there's another plus to it......because this game is so physical, there have actually been people who have lost weight LOL I kid you not, I tell you after playing tennis I was sweating up a storm and can feel it in my whole body.

Apparently Mickey DeLorenzo, a 25-year-old living in Philadelphia, began a "Wii Sports Experiment" in early December last year, pledging to spend 30 minutes a day over six weeks playing Wii sports. He also intended to keep his other activities and eating habits constant.

On Monday this week when the six weeks were over DeLorenzo, updated his website,, with a detailed analysis of his experiment, which was positive and surprising. Apparently he dropped around lbs (4kgs and around 2% of his starting body weight of 82lbs) and went from being in the 'acceptable' category to being in the 'fitness' category".

Hey, I might as well give it a try, so here's my next gosh I'll be dancing with the stars. LOL

But enough of games. I've been collecting lemons. Why are you laughing at me???? *snicker*
My tree has taken to dumping down 2 or 3 at a time every day, so most of them are in the freezer, thank you to the lady who left that idea on my blog. It really does help with the overflow of lemons in this house.......problem is that they get so rock hard, I went to open the freezer last night and one fell on my foot and let out this ear piercing shriek.......which I found out was actually from ME, but nonetheless......OUCH! LOL

So now I need you ladies to send me your best lemony recipes, I don't care WHAT it is....breakfast, lunch, dinner, snack, beverages, whatever....please just send me what you have so I can start using these babies up.....otherwise you'll start finding lemons in your mail boxes. I'll just start shipping these LOL

My neck pain is still here but I think I've figured out that it's not really my neck's my right shoulder and arm, it feels really tense, it hurts and I can't even lay on it cause it goes kinda numb and tingly. Definitely feels like a pinched nerve.....and what's even worse is that if I move it up and down or back and forth you hear the shoulder blades snapping and popping LOL
Wow, I'm completely falling apart aren't I???? I think by monday if this is still going on, I'll go and see the doctor, or a chiropractor, or a massage therapist, or a looney bin, I don't know whatever.....just someone LOL

I just finished massaging it with some Tiger Balm and boy is it strong, it smells something fierce but the coolness and tingly sensation feels good AND I can turn my neck without it hurting. Thank you to the lady who suggested the Castor Oil, I'm going to get some this weekend, I tried at the BX and the Commissary today and they had none AND no one knew what I was talking about.
One of the ladies at the BX took me to the Motor Oil section and pointed it out.....I nicely told her that she was very sweet but I really wasn't up for rubbing vehicle engine oil all over myself, as sexy as that may sound LOL

Alright ladies, I'm heading out for now, I have a bowling game to attend tonight in my living room and I believe I was also challenged to some Billiards.....better stock up on the snacks, we'll all be up WAY late today.

Here's one of my favorite songs at the moment, it's David Cook's version of Michael Jackson's "Billie Jean". Just AMAZING.......he has now become my favorite.


  1. David Cook really does have a good voice, but his hair drives me crazy! I can't look at him while he's singing. I'm so excited about your trip - can't wait to see the pictures!

  2. Lol I stopped using bloglines because all the unread posts stressed me out! :)

    My only lemony recipe is lemon meringue.

    I hope you get your shoulder sorted out.

    David Cook's hair drives me mad too :)

    BTW did you get my email? I got a confirmation that it had been read this morning. If you didn't I'll send you another.


  3. Check out the newest Taste of Home magazine. There were lots of lemon recipes in it. I am sure most of them are on their website also. How fun to have your own lemon tree! ~Wendi

  4. All you lemon talk is making me jealous for a lemon tree. And how can I be so excited for YOUR trip?! LOL.

  5. ohhhh Sandra. I have a lemon cookbook and I've never used it,may i send it to you? it's chock full of lemon this and lemon that..sounds very exciting now doesn't it.haha.making the lemon bars this weekend.have fun with the wii.. :)

  6. oh and can't wait to see joberg through your eyes.. :) I haven't been there since I was *ahem* 4 1/2..enjoy...

  7. We just got a Wii as well a couple of weeks ago. I'm a Bowling pro which should tell you how much I've been playing it LOL.

    Too fun!

  8. A lemon tree? Are you kidding me? I have wanted a lemon and lime tree for years! Wow, I wish I lived closer to you, I could help you take care of some of those dropping lately!!!
    Your blogs and pics from Africa will be so neat to see on here!!! Sounds exciting:)
    Have a great weekend,

  9. Oooooohhhh! I have more than a few lemon recipes...I'll send them tomorrow! Hmmm, I didn't realize you could freeze lemons. Do you just throw 'em in the freezer whole?

    And AMEN! Thank goodness this week is over. Hope you have a relaxing Saturday.

  10. You can mail me lemons any day....

  11. That is so awesome that you got your tickets and at half the price. I want the Wii so bad. I'll be your kids are having a blast with you. I played it a little at Circuit City and thought it was the neatest thing.

    Wow, lemons galore. They are so big I can't believe it. They look so yummy.

    PS I think David Cook was unbelievable too and he is becoming one of my favorites also. I can't wait to see what he changes next.

  12. We got a Wii a week ago and I am so hooked too. The kids think I bought it for them but really it was more for myself I must admit. LOL

  13. I love Lemon Icebox pie.. The lemon tree sound neat to have.. Good luck and I hope it gets you lots of lemons.. Have a good weekend...

  14. David Cook officially became my favorite with this song!

    Lemons, sure, send some to me! I've been craving lemons all pregnancy!

    Hmm....playing video games to lose weight....sounds good to me!!

  15. Those lemons are beautiful!! My Dad and Stepmom had a lemon tree when they were in California (before he died) and she used to make fabulous lemonade. Every time I'd go visit them, I'd pack some in my suitcase to bring home.

  16. Im an american and live in the netherlands now and Amsterdam is such a great place to visit! I dont know how long you will be there but the Anne Frank house is worth a visit aswell as the Van Gogh museum. There are beautiful things to see on every corner.

  17. I can't even imagine how wonderful it would be to have a lemon tree. Very cool. Enjoy. Lemon anything is just plain yummy!

    Enjoy your Wii. We absolutely love ours. I love that it promotes significant family bonding time! My kids 23,15,7 and 5 can all play together and with us, and we all have a wonderful time. That's truly priceless! Check out Big Brain Academy and Mario Party 8. They are two of our favorites...also, Wii Play is well worth it.

  18. Sandra!!!!

    When are you coming to SA???

    Email me - I want to get you over!!!!

    Can you see how excited I am????

    Okay, I'm going to calm down - We'll be in the UK from 2nd to 24th but then we're back in Jhb.

    marcia AT

  19. T and T got a Wii for Xmas and isn't it the greatest, but have to agree i was pulling muscles I didn't know I had with just bowling, hehe but like Laura I am a pro now, hehe. Love it, Super Mario Olympics is supposed to very good to Sandra, and hey your lemons look great, our foods teacher is going to boil up a ginger, lemon, honey and water for me to drink as i have the scratchy throat happening, and oh man does that feel good on it. so there is lemon recipie for your fantastic lemons. Yummy. Have a great week. Sue from K-Town


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