
Monday, March 10, 2008

Spring Break.....YAY!

New Template, because, well, because I want to be right there on those chairs. I've been missing the ocean something fierce, I don't know what it is but I really really want to go and get my toes in the sand, smell the ocean and feel the the water wash up over my feet. I miss it, since I have to wait until May to finally make this need a reality, I thought "hey, if I can't go to the beach, why not bring it to me?"..........hence my header, this way I can open my blog every morning and just imagine that I am right there, on that chair, with my family or one of you, sipping a cold drink and chatting.

I have to tell you, this move has completely confused me on time and days, I'm lost and I don't know whether I'm coming or going.

Example, last night Curt and I were telling Jasmine to go to bed, she asked why and we replied "because it's a school night". We kept insisting and she actually started crying "but it's spring break this week, I don't have school" LOL

We had to go check the school calendar to make sure, and low and behold, she was right, they're on spring break this week *snicker*

So anyway, as weird as it seems because I would have thought spring break would be in april some time, it really IS here, just letting you all know before you start sending kids to bed early or dropping them off in an empty school in the morning. LOL

Don't forget on thursday to share your best slow cooking recipes, the winner will be receiving a new slow cooker from Crock-Pot. For more details look here. It will be hard to pick one great recipe from all the ones I'm sure you will have, so I may just end up having either hubby pick the winner OR doing a random generator. Either way, one of you will be a very lucky winner.

I haven't done the Menu Plan Monday for the past 2 weeks, meals have been a jumble of whatever is on hand and I tell you, I'm freaking out. I am a creature of habit and I've been planning meals and grocery lists and whatnot for about 10 years now and it's so helpful to me in keeping this household running smoothly.

I can't wait to get back into it next week, I feel completely lost without my meals planned.....not to mention you tend to mess up and eat out more or buy things you don't need......if you want to see what others are doing for their menus, go on over to Laura and join her "Menu Plan Monday" feature, just be sure to take a huge cup of coffee with, you will be there for a long time.

I haven't had much chance to visit your blogs but I'm hoping to do that this afternoon. The house is finally unpacked and in order and I can sit down on the computer and relax a bit, I've certainly earned it.

So what are my plans for today you may ask:

Put away the last load of laundry
Call south african consulate to change address
Drop off boxes at Airman's Attic
Visit blogs
Plan menus and grocery list for next week

See it's not that much at all, the rest of the time I'm going to be reading my "Six Wives: The Queens of Henry VIII". It's a HUGE book but I'm really enjoying it.

And that's pretty much what's going on here, for dinner tonight I'm making "Chicken in Wine Sauce with Garlic Mashed Potatoes".......I'll have the recipe up on the food blog later tonight or tomorrow.

Right now, it's time for lunch, Nicholas' choice.....scrambled eggs with cheese and cut up hotdogs. Jasmine says she's picking tomorrow's lunch which will be Honey Mustard Chicken Salad. Yum!


  1. Happy Spring Break week!
    I'm still looking fior a recipe to enter Thursday..
    Hope you enjoy the week..

  2. Your new theme is so fun! i love it! :)

    LOL @ Jasmine/bedtime/school night dilemma! I actually still make Madelyn (and the boys) go to bed around 8ish even on the weekends or non-school nights! LOL I like the routine! I must not be a very nice mom...LOL.

    I hope you have a wonderful week Sandra! OH...and I wanted to tell you..i am reading a book by Lori Wick and it reminds me of you cuz this family is an army family and they have had to move homes a few times...and I always picture you as the mom in the story...LOL is that weird?

  3. I love the new template and the ocean sounds. I'm leaving it up while I visit other blogs. IT's very relaxing!

  4. Emme just asked me if I was reading someone's blog who lived by the ocean! lol

    I have had a problem with MPM the past couple of weeks too. I actually DO have a menu plan, but with Jake being sick and then me and Em -- everything is just up in the air!

    Glad you are in to 'all things Tudor' as I am! I actually am taking a break from it to read "Of Gods and Kings" by Lynn Austin. So far it's good!


  5. I'm ready for summer sun fun too! I would be happy to have that year round! Although cold weather kills bad bugs and makes you appreciate the summer more. DST helps with the days longer though.

    I have a spot all picked out for that new Crock-Pot :-D

  6. Love the new look! The sounds are great too- if you close your eyes, it really does seem like you're there!

  7. Oh, how I LOVE the ocean! If only Arizona had a coastline with a lovely beach! Thanks for the great music...I've got several CDs that have nature sounds, but I like yours better. They ARE relaxing, just right for sitting in those white chairs. My dream home would be within walking distance of a other dream is to win the lottery to make that possible! There's actually a country/western song with the lines "I've got some oceanfront property in Arizona, From the front porch you can see the sea. And if you believe that, I'll through the Golden Gate in free!"

    Our spring break doesn't start until next week...interesting how the rest of the U.S. had to change their clocks but we didn't. It's a little perk of living here!

    Hope your sore muscles are healing..moving is hard work.

    Take care.

  8. I love the ocean too, I'll join you on a beach chair! I'd love to have a beach house too...although with the winds battering the UK right now perhaps not, lol.

    Your new template is really pretty.


    Sarah x

  9. Pretty template Sandra!
    I found so many good recipes today looking through the menus. I'm excited to try them out!
    Have a great Monday.

  10. Wonderful template and music/nature sounds! I did feel like I was at the beach! Have a wonderful week!


  11. Love the new template Sandra, it's just great :) I hope you guys have a wonderful spring break and enjoy the extra time with your kiddos :)

    Take care!

  12. Hi Sandra ;) I fixed my comments colour thanks for reminding me :=) Oh poor Jasmine last night I can just see that lovely red hair and facial expressions ;)The new template and music is lovely maybe I'll play it tonight at bedtime ??that should make everyone sleep better...Thanks for visitng me..
    have a great week see you on thursday !!!!!!!!

  13. I love your new look, Sandra! Very relaxing. This time thing is messing me up too. I can't believe Easter is less than 2 weeks away. We are taking next week off from school, I can't wait!

  14. I love your new header !! So pretty. Of course, I'm 10 minutes from stunning beaches so I am not wishing I could be at the beach like you ! BUT ... I love the chairs and the sounds ! So relaxing !

    SO ... one of these days (in your "free" time. ha ha) you should do a little blog template tutorial ! You're such a good teacher and you do such great templates !! And I'm dying to learn !! I'd love to know how you get the boxes in your side bar to start with !!

    Or tell me, how did you learn ? Can you recommend a good book or a good site ?

    Glad you are pretty much in order with the house !! What a relief it must be for you to finally be able to sit and relax !!

  15. I love, love your header, I want to be right there with you. I can not wait until summer.

    Have a great spring break.

  16. Good Morning Sandra,
    Well I'm a day late and a dollar short, but I'm here. LOL. These days I find myself visiting in the early mornings for some reason. I guess it's the different time zones and such. I love your new header. I sure wish I was on a beach somewhere having a nice drink. LOL. Somewhere where it's warm for sure. I'm also tending to not be sitting at the computer as much either. Our girls will be on Spring Break next week. I'm keeping them home from School this Friday so they can help with the move as well. Their Daddy told them this past weekend they could stay home one day, so I chose Friday. I'm going to have to get my thinking cap on for the best recipe for Thursday. I sure would love to have a new Slow Cooker. Since Softball has officially started, I won't be doing much cooking myself. It will either be a sandwich from home or grab something at a Fast-Food place in the town we go to. We have eaten at Sub-Way before in the past seasons and the girls really love Subway. I do too and as a matter of fact, I could eat there 3 times a day. LOL. I really love their Breakfast Sandwiches. My DH got me on Subway when I used to go out on the road with him. I didn't do laundry yesterday so I have that to do today. I don't know what I will fix for our supper tonight as I have to take our oldest daughter up to our Fire Station so she can be fitted for her ball uniform for this season. Nicholas' menu sounds yummy. I love scrambled eggs and the girls do too. Jasmine's menu sounds very good for today. I'm glad you got your unpacking done. I will be using garbage bags for most of mine. LOL. Alot easier that way. Take care my friend and have a great day. May God Bless You and Yours.

    Love & Hugs,
    Karen H.

  17. Oh wow! Thanks for the trip to the beach. It really did take me away for a while, and reminded me of the sound of the waves at night in Hawaii.

  18. oh I have that book about Henry's 6 wives. I have had it for a while not and still haven't finished it. But i did finished the first section about his first wife Anne....i believe. Interesting book, but definently a heavy read :) Have fun! :)

  19. I undrestand...I was missing the desert and that was why i changed my a picture a friend took for me a long time ago of a mountain I used to live by, work under and enjoy each morning at sunrise!

    hus and get back into the swing of things will be more sane then :)


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