
Wednesday, April 09, 2008

Slowly Coming Around!

Where has the time gone? I haven't been on the blogs at all, I've actually slacked off on mine too but that is due to the neck/shoulder pain that I have been battling for the past 3 weeks or so. Nothing like one of those really annoying grinding pains to put you in a miserable mood.

Today is the first day that I'm somewhat feeling back to normal, I'm not completely 100% but at least I'm no longer wishing to cut off my own neck and gross as that seems.

Thank you to those who have continued to come by and leave me well wishes, I truly appreciate it.

So where to begin, what has been going on here you may wonder???

Well, we are pretty much set for our trip to South Africa, I'm just waiting on my passport to come in, please say a prayer that it does indeed arrive soon. The problem is that if it doesn't then I have to apply for a temporary passport and apparently, I won't be able to travel through Europe as they don't accept such documents. That's all fine and dandy, but considering that we WILL be traveling through Europe on our way to Africa, this could put a serious crimp on our plans.

I'm confident that the Lord is at work here and that everything will work out, but an extra prayer or two never hurts does it???

AND guess what??? While in Johannesburg I'll be meeting up with Marcia from Organising Queen.....isn't that exciting?

Not much else has been happening here, Nicholas' birthday is on friday and he wants to go bowling but Curt is working really weird hours and won't be home at all, so Nic decided that we can just bowl at home on the Wii. Works for me!

I'm going to be making his birthday cake, he is absolutely crazy about Yoshi so I'm going to try my best to come up with a Yoshi themed cake. Wish me luck, I'm not really a baker which is weird since I can cook so well, but cakes and such are just not my cup of tea. I'll gladly eat them if someone else makes them LOL

I hope you're all signing up to win Karon Phillips Goodman's book. She's giving away a free copy of "Grab a Broom, Lord -- There's Dust Everywhere!".
Go check out her blog here.

I'm heading to the library this morning, I have some books to return and I have "The Other Boleyn Girl" waiting for me. I'm so excited to read this one, can't wait.

I hope you're all having a great day, I'm hoping to come by and say hi after I get back from the library. Hope you haven't forgotten me or think that I'm rude for not being around your blogs recently.

God Bless,


  1. Hi Sandra!

    Glad you're beginning to feel better.

    I'll put in a prayer with the Big Guy that your passport comes through quickly! Of course for your safe trip as well!

    I know, I'm totally selfish -- but will you be able to blog while on vacation? *grin*

    You are going to love "The Other Boleyn Girl" -- it has to be my favorite book I've read about the Boleyns so far!


  2. I'm so glad you're feeling better! That is so exhausting when you have a nagging pain.
    I'll say a prayer for your passport to arrive on time.
    That is so fun to be able to meet another blogging friend.
    I have faith in your Yoshi cake- I want pictures- I'm sure it will be so cute!

  3. Sorry about your passport worries, I'll keep you in my prayers.

    You'll have to post a picture of the Yoshi cake.

    Hugs and love


  4. Sandra, I hope that neck of yours is totally better by the time your go to Africa!

    I'm like you. I love to cook but don't do so great in the cake and baking department. Just average. I always ended up buying my kids cakes rather than stressing through making one. LOL.

  5. Of course we haven't forgotten you! Glad your neck is feeling better. I'll be anxious to see a picture of that cake, hope it turns out for you.

  6. I'm glad you are feeling better! I must say, I've missed your blog :)

    We'll say a prayer that your passport arrives in time. I have faith that He will make it happen!


  7. Hi Sandra. I'm glad to hear that you're feeling better what is it about neck pain lately?? I wish it to go away..We are glad that Nicholas is having his birthday party at home.much easier for mum... take it easy..

  8. Sandra, how cool that you will get to meet Marcia!! So exciting. Glad to hear you are feeling better!

  9. I'm glad you are feeling a little better, Sandra! It sounds like Nicholas will have a fun birthday. Benjamin and the girls like to bowl on Nana and Papa's Wii. :0)

  10. So glad you're starting to feel a little better, and hope you feel tons better soon. Also hope the passport worries are worked out, and soon!

    I have "The Other Boleyn Girl" in my TBR pile. I picked it up at a library sale last year but haven't gotten to it yet. I think the sheer size of it is daunting to me, so I haven't tried to start it yet. Let us know how you like it :) Hope you had a good time at the library, I love to go to mine!

    Have a great week!

  11. Glad you're getting better. Have a wonderful week..

  12. I dread those passports!!!
    Glad to hear your feeling better tho :)

  13. Glad you're starting to feel better! I had neck/shoulder pain in the Fall & had to get a few massages to make it go away. Pain has a way of taking over life and dominating your mood. My heart goes out to anyone with chronic pain :(

  14. I love reading about the royal families. I would love to go see that movie...The Other Boleyn Girl...let me know how the book is. I'm not a reader....I like reading things on the internet though...go figure.

  15. Soooooo glad you are beginning to feel better!



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Thank you for stopping by, hope you are having a blessed day!
