
Thursday, June 26, 2008

Offline until next week tuesday *sigh*

Well our internet and phone are down, not sure what the problem is but they won't be up again until at least next week tuesday.

I'm at the library right now and wanted to let all my bloggy readers know what was happening...hence no Slow Cooking Thursday post today and no posts until the internet is back up. Sorry about that!

When I am back online I will announce the winner of the Big Five Magnet Giveaway.

Until then, God Bless, stay safe and don't miss me too much LOL


  1. I wondered where you were! Glad all is well except for the internet and that is a bummer. See you next week!

  2. Glad you are ok! I was worried. See you soon!


  3. Oh wow, I just get back here, and you are out of the loop till Tuesday. Hmmmmm... Perhaps I should go away again, hu? Bad luck and bad karma and all those things. >,-)

    Best wishes for getting back on line, and back with phone access. Not neat to be without these things. -sigh-

    'Smilnsigh' blog

  4. That really sucks. Oh well at least you have the library.

  5. Your missed sweet Sandra!
    Can't wait until your back=)

  6. Well, I guess you can do this whenever you and only if you want, but I tagged you for a book meme. You'll probably be getting lots of reading done with no phone and no internet! LOL.


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Thank you for stopping by, hope you are having a blessed day!
