
Sunday, August 24, 2008

Fairies amongst us!

I'd Love to Be A Fairy's Child
By Robert Graves

Children born of fairy stock
Never need for shirt or frock,
Never want for food or fire,
Always get their hearts desire:
Jingle pockets full of gold,
Marry when they're seven years old.
Every fairy child may keep
Two strong ponies and ten sheep;
All have houses, each his own,
Built of brick or granite stone;
They live on cherries, they run wild
I'd love to be a fairy child.


  1. Sandra, Nice photos. I hope that you are having a grand day!

  2. How pretty. What beautiful fairies you have among you.

  3. You edited those on there!!!! What beautiful pictures, and children! Have a great week!

  4. Awwwwwwwwwww, precious!

    I love Faeries.

    And may I add that I'm so happy that you aren't *afraid* to love faeries. Some are, you know... -sigh- So sad to take faeries away from little children. :-(

    Miss Mari-Nanci
    'Smilnsigh' blog

  5. You are so creative! I love the pictures.

  6. Wish I had that kind of talent! I just showed this to my 7 yr old girl....she loves fairies. We have a fairy garden and she talks to fairies all day. She wants those wings, lol. I told her they were just pictures and she is convinced that they are fairy magic!

  7. These are a couple of enchanting fairies indeed....


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