
Thursday, August 28, 2008

Girlie Appointment!

If you're a woman I'm sure I don't need to go into details, and if you're a guy, I'm sure you definitely don't want me to say anymore LOL

I have my yearly appointment here in an hour or so, to say that I'm nervous is an understatement because I would rather go pull a tooth at the dentist than go to this kind of doctor. Really!!!

So keep me in your thoughts, send out some good vibes that it goes by quickly and that I can find something amusing to think about while I'm there, laying down, staring at those awful boring ceilings while someone chats and makes small talk from my nether regions. UGH!

I know I'll imagine I'm here:

Sometimes it sucks to be a woman!


  1. That looks like a good place to picture. I hope it went well.

  2. I loathe, detest, dread and abhor that visit as well. I dread it for weeks on end, then the last few hours are horrific. I am always so glad when it's over.

    Hope yours goes by quickly and all is well. {{{hugs}}}

  3. I no longer have to have these, appointments. And, after years of illness in "that" area, I'm SOOO GRATEFUL...
    But sorry for you :(

  4. Hope it went well.

    Although, I'd rather do that than go to the dentist!

  5. Ugh! I just had my appointment last week and I agree that they're awful.

  6. Ommmy yesss I hate that dreaded visit. I havnt been in a very long time. I came by to say hi...never been to your blog..but had to laugh when I saw what you will be thinking about. I think my Dr. has a poster very similiar to stare at while the exam takes place. cherry

  7. You know I'm not really cannot decide which is worse!

    I've had that dreaded letter of doom from our doctor's recently reminding me that I am due an appointment.


    Hope all goes well!

    My computer won't load the picture...I presume it's of dartmoor? I'll bet it's lovely

    Love n' hugs

    Sarah xx

    ...opps page didn't load, hopefully I'm not going to post this comment twice!! This computer is driving me crackers! However I did get the lovely picture of the stream peaceful looking.

  8. Good luck .. and the picture is just lovely...

  9. My doc has a cute poster on the ceiling-still hate the appt-but atleast its quick! Hope it goes well for you! ((((good vibes))))

  10. Well by now you have gone and come home....I hope things went well down

  11. I awlays put off going to THAT doctor. I know I shouldn't but I just dread it.

  12. I love the pic! Hope your appt went well and quick...

  13. I always put them off, but don't mind it that bad.

  14. Oh lordy, I KNOW! There has to be some invention they could put on the ceiling to make it all mor bearable. Hope all went OK!

  15. Good for you for going. I've been procrastinating and have to get with it! I'm late in reading this, so by now it's all in the past for you!

  16. THIS is the poster they should have had on the office wall. With some sound effects, too. Might have drowned out the forceps conversation.

  17. This comment has been removed by the author.

  18. This comment has been removed by the author.

  19. Agreed. Sometimes being a woman is the pits!


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