
Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Perfect Dinner!

Our tummies are full and we're happy. For dinner tonight I fixed a Slow Roasted Chicken and for dessert we had some Applesauce Spice Cake. Boy does it smell like Fall in this house.

Go on over to Full Bellies, Happy Kids for the recipes.


  1. Sandra, I love your blog. I've never commented before, but felt the need to do so today. :) I am new to world of blogging and am hosting a "celbration" giveaway. Please stop by my blog and check it out. :)


  2. Sounds wonderful. I'm going to try this one for my next meal plan..thanks for sharing gal.

  3. Looks so GOOD!! Can I come over for dinner?? Really Sandra, you are Over the Top on this one...

    Love your new Author pic. Is that you on the Rock?

    Big Hugs,

  4. Oh my! I'm heading over to get the recipes....everything looks so delicious!

  5. That looks wonderful but I have to stop coming here. I gain to much wait when I do. LOL!


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