
Saturday, September 20, 2008

Five Senses Saturday!


- the birds outside on the feeder
- cartoons Nicholas is watching on tv
- my own sniffling as I deal with yet another cold
- the new episode of Most Haunted on my computer
- the dogs moving around in the bedroom



- the little puddle of antifreeze that my car is leaking again
- construction all over the base
- a very old couple shoppping at the commissary and still so in love
- deep blue skies
- the bruise on my right shoulder where I walked into my car mirror


- the bottle of vicks that is helping me breathe
- the pages on the book I'm reading
- the soft kleenex on my nose
- the cut on my finger
- the soft skin on my children's faces



- the wonderful Cheese Stuffed Meatloaf
- the lollipop my kids gave me
- creamy white chili
- buttered toast
- cold medicine I'm taking


- not much right now, I'm congested
- wet grass after I've turned off the sprinkler
- clean laundry hanging on the line
- my favorite perfume
- the food court at the BX


  1. Feel better soon, Sandra! Dang colds are for the birds!!

  2. Awwwwwww, I got the answer I asked for, in Comments here, the other day. You are stilllllllllllll congested. -sigh-

    And before you go and holler at me, about; "How am I supposed to answer a question, when Miss M-N has her Comments turned off??!!??!!" >,-)

    I know. I know. Answering questions on the Comment Page where they were asked, sux! I always used to answer any questions, by going to the person's blog, and answering there, in Comments there.

    Soooooo, I guess you can holler at me, after all. :-)))))) Anything! If it will make you feel better!!!!! -sigh-

    Oh and now that I have more Real Life Time and am Baking Cookies Again, I went over to your recipes and got some!

    Seeeeeeeee! Isn't my New Blogging Plan nice?!? When it frees up my time and allows me to do stuff like baking? :-)))

    Gentle hugs,
    Miss Mari-Nanci
    P.S. Get better Soldier, and
    that's an order!!!
    P.P.S. Oooops, he's Air Force! My

  3. I had the sprinkler on the other day too. I love it. The sound and smell of it just relaxes me! Wish I could somehow bottle it! LOL.

    Ouch to the bruise!

  4. Oh what a cool post. I enjoyed reading it. Sorry your puny.
    I think you should have put the bruise on the feeling parting of the senses! Ouch. I actually did the same thing during the move and knocked the mirror of! Duh. Actually I am glad to know I am not the only dork out there.
    Have a great weekend. I am still thinking on that meatloaf. Maybe tomorrow. If I cook on Sunday maybe Cowboy will be a little more interested. We can hope!

  5. I love your senses today....we love Sponge Bob

  6. It is my first time to your site. Jen E from mama blogs a lot forwarded me your link. I love the Saturday Senses idea. Cute pics.

    Glad I dropped by!

  7. yummmmmmmmm! that looks so delich..
    feel better soon Sandra...
    hope its a nice weekend for you all..

  8. That cold sounds miserable! Hope it's over soon . . .

    Other than that, your post has me drooling!

  9. Colds are no fun, hope you feel better soon!


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