
Tuesday, September 30, 2008

A little babble here and a little babble there.....

I feel like I haven't done an actual post on what's going on here, in a while. So here we go, get ready to hear all about my interesting days, days filled with runny noses, kids bickering, amazing new fall tv lineups, my adventures with birth control and husbands drenched in jet fuel. Doesn't it sound appealing???

It does to me, I live for this, I thrive in this environment, it's called LIVING, it's called family and home and everything that comes with sharing your life with 3 other wonderful individuals who love you to death and can drive you to drink in a matter of seconds LOL

So we're at the end of September and it seems like the beginning of June here in the Phoenix area, Arizona, the heat is not budging, the dryness is sticking around and it's just another day in cactus paradise....and you would think after 1 year of being here I could say "I'm used to it already". Nope, not happening, I still long for the coolness of Fall in Idaho, for the changing of the leaves, for the impending snow flurries that will start hitting around November. I miss it, dearly, but I'm making do here. I'm trying my hardest to like it, I don't care if it's not working, maybe in another year I'll be able to say I'm finally content with it....chances are the minute I do that we'll have orders to another base LOL

My lemon tree seems to be thriving, after loosing so many of it's branches, it's finally full of lemons again and some are turning their beautiful shade of yellow, a few have made it to the ground and have been picked up by little fingers and excitedly brought inside to show mommy.

Thank you all for the prayers and thoughts, after discussing it with the doctor this morning and going back and forth with her saying"I don't think your symptoms are from the pill" when I KNOW they are, and "no matter what other pill I give you they all have estrogen". I've decided to go off all types of birth control right now, I'm not ready to take the chance and continue taking this pill especially when you hear of blood clots and such.....She agreed it would be best to give my body a rest and just use the normal contraceptives if need be LOL I feel that I have to do this for myself, to feel better and stop pumping so much estrogen and progestogen and whatnot into my poor body. Wish me luck ladies, Curt and I feel we've made the best decision for our family.

I've been enjoying all the new seasons of my favorite shows, Desperate Housewives was a shocker for me but I'm REALLY enjoying where they're going with it, same as Brothers and Sisters and Grey's Anatomy. Nothing like the fall season line up.

And that is pretty much what's going on here in Sandra Land...not much but yet I find myself running around like crazy everyday, like now...I'm off to start dinner and then there's homework to oversee, grocery list to draw up for tomorrow, budget to make and bills to prepare for paying.

I hope you all have a wonderful night, I'll see you in the morning.


  1. I'm so happy your lemon tree is thriving again!
    I watch Grey's Anatomy too- I love that show!

  2. That's wonderful your tree is growing beautifully it loves you and your family ;-) I saw Brothers and Sisters pretty good show.

  3. Man, the whole birth control thing is so difficult! Have you thought of something more permanant?? None of my business, I know some folks have a really hard time with permanant..especially if you don't feel done yet. It's a difficult situation... and the pill is so hard! It never agreed with me either, Sandra.. :)

    Hugs... hope you are feeling better, sweet friend!


  4. Hope you're feeling better soon! Glad to hear your lemon tree is thriving. I haven't watched Brothers and Sisters yet but plan to tonight - I can't wait!

    Sandra Land is a wonderful world - thanks for being so open and sharing it with us!

  5. Glad to hear an update on your family - be it with colds, jet fuel and hormone issues. Hope you all feel better soon - just look at how much better your lemon tree is doing!

  6. Glad you're feeling better and have adopted a "Bloom where you're planted attitude".

  7. Good for you making decisions for yourself instead of thinking the doctor would know it all! It's so hard for women to listen to their bodies when they do- and are then told they're wrong!:-)

  8. Sounds wise.

    I take it, my other idea, didn't float...............

    And btw, I realized I had told my story wrong. I was put on the Pill after not being able to stop bleeding, after last child. After being on the Pill for some years, my doc said; "You have to get off it." And that is when I had my 'tubes tied.' :-)

    Gentle hugs,
    Miss Mari-Nanci

  9. Sounds like you're busy... you have a great attitude! I'm tempted to make a joke about "when life gives you lemons..." seeing as you actually have lemons... but I'll spare you ha ha.

    Re the birth control... the pill just made me all wrong too. I don't know what you've tried in the past, but what about an IUD (can be taken out) - there's one that has NO hormones. I'm just saying, someone I know might have one and thinks it is great ;-)

    Have a lovely day-


  10. Wise decision. Any type of birth control that has hormones in it can be difficult on the body.

    Lemons are so yummy! Lyv and I lie to eat them straight. Now, I'm totally in the mood to go to the store and buy some lemons. lol

    Loved your update.


  11. I'll trade you beautiful box of New England leaves - for a box of beautiful lemons :)

    I recently went off the pill - in August - because I found myself feeling rather ill as well after going on a new pill post partum etc - not fun. Let me tell you .. I feel a MILLION times better - I kid you not - and I hope your decisions bring some relief to you as well.


  12. Glad to hear the goings on in your life. I also had problems with the pill, but it has been years now since I've taken them. Almost 14 years to be exact! The docs never could get my body regulated correctly, and I got pregnant anyway while taking the pill so it wasn't birth control for me. My hubby and I decided we'd use alternative birth control rather than my body always being out of whack! BTW, I love your new music.

  13. hi Sandra, its boiling here also.Its in the upper 80's on the coast, and its worst inland..
    i hope you start feeling much better soon..
    prayers and hugs,

  14. Sandra, I hope you do loads better off the pill, too. And I'm so jealous of your lemon tree....

  15. I'm glad you and your doctor were able to come to an agreement about the BC - good luck with just letting your body take a break from everything!

    I'm a Brothers and Sisters fan too - wow that was an intense season opener!

  16. I just started visiting your blog last week from Kelli's, I think. I'm glad you are going off the pill. I hate it when doc's say the complaints/symptoms/side effects or what ever they want to call them, are not from the medicine they are giving you. I started taking accutane a few years ago (not what I wanted since my face doesnt break out much any way). I had an episode of a really funny/fast heart rate. I HAD NEVER HAD ANYTHING LIKE THAT BEFORE! I was not on caffine and there was nothing different in my life BUT THAT ACCUTANE! Of course I questioned the doc about it...he brushed me I brushed him off! I havent been back!I think you are doing right by listening to your own little voice. I had to decide years ago (1997) to get off the pill. My husband ended up getting "snipped" and I think we did the right thing. Since you've had children...there are many options for you....there wasnt for me. (I have not birthed any children so therefore I could not use many of the other forms of BC).
    I love your blog. Good luck with your new BC plan. Your a smart girl!

  17. Hope you get some seasonal weather soon. I'd really miss it, even the fog and the chilly mornings.

    Love and hugs



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