
Monday, September 29, 2008

The Simple Woman's Daybook!

Hi everyone, come on in and see what's in my daybook!

If you want to join in, just got visit Peggy over at The Simple Woman, read the guidelines here and then add your name to Mr Linky. There are so many other participants sharing their day, I'm sure you'll enjoy looking through them :)

Outside my Window...
my hummingbird friend is watching the going ons in the kitchen. Landscape people are mowing yards and Jets are already flying over head.

I am thinking...
that I need a nap after I drop the kids at school. I got NO sleep last night, Nicholas was up all night with a congested nose and even though I put him in bed with me thinking it would calm him down, it didn't, he kicked and was restless ALL.NIGHT.LONG.

From the learning rooms...
I watched a documentary on the Amish, it was very interesting and I really enjoyed it. We also learnt about the Chiselhurst Caves.

I am thankful for...
everything in my life, my husband, my children, my parents and siblings and grandparents and nieces and nephews and pets and house and just everything around me.

From the kitchen...
For breakfast it will be cinnamon rolls, for lunch I'll probably just have a Grilled Cheese and Tomato sandwich and dinner is Yummy Beef Bake.

I am wearing...
still in my silk robe and slippers

I am reading...
A really funny book by Mary Kay Andrews called "Itty Bitty Lies".

I am hoping...
to get all my floors mopped today.

I am creating...
christmas projects, an organized home and a cookbook for myself.

I am hearing...
the mowers outside and the birds at the feeder, the occasional jet zooming loudly overhead and making my pictures on the wall shake.

Around the house...
Clean up after a weekend, the usual.....laundry to be washed, living room to be tidied up etc.

One of my favorite things...
while the kids are at school and hubby is at sit quietly on the couch and read a book with a nice hot cup of tea and some cookies.

A Few Plans For The Rest Of The Week...
Grocery Shopping on Wednesday, going out to a chinese restaurant sometime this week (depending on hubby's hours at work), probably taking a drive up north this weekend to see the changing leaves.

Here is a picture thought I am sharing with you...

Fresh homemade bread that I just pulled out of the oven....yum!


  1. Hey Sandra! I enjoyed your day book and that break looks super yummy!

    How are you? Did you ever get my voice mail?

    Hope to hear from you soon.


  2. Sandra,
    Loved your daybook, I got the idea from Sharon who signed after tme to read the person who signed before me and that was you. I am really glad I did and now I am off to bake the cookies that you showed for my hubby, DS and I to have later with a cup of tea for me and DS and coffee for hubby. God bless, Pat

  3. Sandra lovely post :) I can just imagine how nicely the house smelt with homemade bread in the oven...

  4. Oh I love home made bread- I have to make it again soon!

  5. Hi Sandra,
    I hope you got that little nap! I loved the photo btw looks so yummy. I came by to print the meatloaf recipe I put it on the menu for Friday night.
    I enjoyed your daybook entry I hope ya'll get the Chinese dinner you hoping for.
    Have a great week! I'll let you know how Cowboy likes the meatloaf!

  6. I need a funny book to read. I'll have to check that one out.

  7. Yum. That bread is making me hungry!!

  8. Hey there! Just finally had a chance to sit for a few minutes and saw your Day Book entry for today... I love your little hummingbird.. he just sounds so cute! :) Bless you, friend!


  9. I loved this post...I love hot cup of tea and a cookie or scone! Thank you for your sweet comment on my blog about my surgery!
    Happy Monday!
    -Sandy toes

  10. mmm...cinnamin

  11. That book is on my shelf as one of my 'next' reads. I look forward to what you think about it! Have a good week and feel better.

  12. I love your new blog header and your bread looks yummy!

    Have a great week.

  13. Yum, that bread looks so good! Hope you're feeling better today.

  14. I enjoyed reading your daybook! Lovely picture. Have a great week.


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Thank you for stopping by, hope you are having a blessed day!
