
Friday, December 26, 2008

And just that quick, it's over!


We had a good Christmas, it was just the four of us as usual, but we try really hard to make it a wonderful day and we succeed.

Behind the smiles and laughter lurks the sadness of not being with other family members, but we don't allow it to dampen the experience.

We took photos, lots of them, we ate good food, we opened presents and we watched Christmas movies and played tag. And now with the craziness over, we relax. So here I give you a Christmas in pictures, be prepared there's quite a few, mainly for all the family that is far and wants to see what we did.















There was present opening and the funniest expressions from the kids LOL




Unfortunately Nicholas came down with a really bad cold which meant a night of no sleep for us both. He was running such a high fever that he was delirious, you know when they just sit there and babble nonsense? He was upset that Timmy Turner (Fairly Oddparents) had gotten hurt and he was also going on about "having all my eggs in a basket" from the Easter Bunny LOL

Poor baby, I spent the night battling the fever, there was juice and medicine and damp washcloths and there was vicks and cuddling to try and remove some of that heat from his body. It was tiring and this morning we're both walking zombies but his fever seems to be staying away for the past couple of hours, we'll see once this dose of Motrin wears out if it returns or not. I've put it in the Lord's hands and I know he'll be fine, thankfully they are on Winter Break so we can beat this before they return to school.

Yesterday, do you know what I did? While Curt and the kids were watching a movie, I reorganized Jasmine's and Nicholas bedroom, AND the closets in my bedroom too. I don't know what got into me, it was like Spring Cleaning in the winter LOL

Then I lay down in bed with Nicholas and popped in "The 1940's House", it was SO good, I think my favorite of all the PBS series. They take a family from 2000 and set them up in a house in London that has been redone in the 1940's style during World War II. They live in it for 3 months and go through what a family would have during that era. The bomb raids, the underground shelters, the food rationing and the blackouts where every night they had to cover every single window in the house to prevent any light from showing through or they would get fined. It was just crazy but I learnt so much about that era, so fascinating and heartbreaking all in one.

Well I just wanted to come in and drop off some photos and say hi, now I'm off to take care of my sick little boy and get some housecleaning done too. Have a great day everyone!


  1. Too bad he was sick :( Overall though it sounds like a nice day... productive even!

  2. I loved the pictures, Sandra! I'm glad in spite of the sickness, you all had a nice Christmas!

    I have never heard of the series you spoke about, but I'm very interested. Where could I get my hands on copies of them? We love history and would enjoy them very much!

    I hope your son recovers quickly and you all get rested!

    Hope you all have a Blessed New Year too!


  3. Love those family shots - you all look great, even Nicholas with a cold!

  4. Poor Nicholas (and poor sleepless you!). I hope he is feeling better and that you both manage to catch up on some sleep. I'm glad you had a good day despite the illness.

    I enjoy the 1940s House too. I liked the 1900 House and Edwardian Country House, but I think the 1940s one was the best.

  5. Sorry Nicholas is fun...great pictures!
    Right now it is a combo of snowing/raining here. Sheesh! Not sure when this will end.

  6. Merry Christmas! The pictures are sorry that Nicolas is sick, hope he is beginning to feel better. I know the feeling of making the Christmas day a happy one, even though there is some sadness, because this is our first Christmas in our new home in Mississippi, and I am missing my mom and stepdad and good faraway friends. But we had a wonderful day as a loving, happy family.

    Joy and peace to you!

  7. Poor little one... I do hope Nicholas is feeling better soon. Sandra, the photos will just thrill your family back in SA. They are beautiful, and it is so great to see lovely photos of you and your family enjoying Christmas together for us too. I wouold ease off on the winter cleaning, though and flop down with the family and relax! You deserve it!

  8. Great pictures! Sorry to hear Nicholas was feeling so poorly - hope he's better soon. Thanks for the review too. I wish I could get PBS here - it sounds like a really good show. I used to watch HomeFront - do you remember that? It was pretty good and seemingly accurate.

  9. poor little thing, hope he is feeling better..
    lovely pics of you guys..
    Glad you had a nice Christmas..

  10. Wonderful pictures.Love the banner you know you could get a good business doing them for us ;=) I hope that Nicholas gets better soon..

  11. Hope Nicholas feels better soon.
    I love all the pictures especially the black and white ones!

  12. Loved your pictures. So sorry Nicholas is poorly. Hope he's better soon.

    I seriously need to do some post Christmas cleaning too!

    Love and hugs


  13. Sandra:
    Praying for Nicholas to get well quickly. Thank you so much for sharing all the beautiful photos of your family. We were not with family this year either so I know what you mean. I also got on a cleaning jag yesterday.
    Roberta Anne

  14. Love your design and pics!

  15. Praying for Nicholas to get well! HOw is he doing? I sure hope better! Sounds like yall had a nice Christmas. The serious of 1940 House sounds very interesting! Hugs and Blessings,

  16. Wow, I know so many people who had sick children this Christmas. What a bummer!

    Looks like everyone had fun in your pictures though! Love the one with all if you and your puppies :)

  17. As usual, love all the pictures! Soory to hear your little guiy is cik, hope he's better. I know it always makes me feel so helpless!

  18. Beautiful pictures of your family. who took the ones of your and Curt? The kids?

    Sorry to hear Nicholas was sick and I hope he is feeling better.

    I loved the 1940's house and all the others. I was just wondering the other day if they are going to make some new one's.

  19. Christmas does come and go quickly. I hope your little boy is better by now.

  20. I've stumbled onto your blog and I love reading it! I was wondering what software you use for the effects on your photos? They are just beautiful.

  21. Merry Christmas! I found you looking around for other SAHMs. :)

    This is the first Xmas that our kids weren't sick...guess what...happened the day after!

    I wish I looked so put together on Christmas morning!


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Thank you for stopping by, hope you are having a blessed day!
