
Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Husband MeMe!

My wonderful husband puts up with me and loves me unconditionally, so I thought it would be a good idea to introduce you all to him, let you know more about him and what makes this man tick. :)


1. He’s sitting in front of the TV: what is on the screen? Star Gate or Simpsons...or a movie about superheroes LOL

2. You’re out to eat. What kind of dressing does he get on his salad? Ranch

3. What is one food he doesn’t like? There's actually two things he does not like at is tuna and the other is eggs.

4. You go out to the bar. What does he order? We never go to any bars LOL But if we do go out to eat or are with family or something, then he'll either have beer or Jack Daniels

5. Where did he go to high school? Eisenhower High in Lawton, OK

6. What size shoe does he wear? 10

7. If he was to collect anything, what would it be? Dragons, Legos and military coins

8. What is his favorite type of sandwich? Ham, Lettuce, mayo...

9. What would the Husband eat every day if he could? Grilled Steaks

10. What is his favorite cereal? Raisin Bran

11. What would he never wear? A dress LOL

12. What is his favorite sports team? He doesn't watch sports

13. Who is his best friend? Me

14. What is something you do that he wishes you wouldn’t do? Nothing

15. How many states has he lived in? 8 states

16. What is his heritage? American

17. You bake him a cake for his birthday; what kind? Lemon with Vanilla Frosting

18. Did he play sports in high school? LOL LOL Ha Ha Ha He He He Ho Ho Ho

19. What could he spend hours doing? Playing video games on the computer

Now if you decide to play along, please let me know so I can come and check it out.


  1. Lawton OK?? Hmm my brother lives there and his wife worked at that school for years.. makes me wonder if they know each other.

  2. Your new header is gorgeous!

    Wow, your husband doesn't watch sports? I don't suppose he'd consider getting himself cloned, for all the rest of us out here?

    He sounds like an interesting guy. I had no idea he was from OK. And I've never heard of collecting Legos. Like I said, he's interesting! And this is a very cute meme.

  3. That is very cool! Nice to meet him. Love your new header as well!

  4. Sandra:
    I loved your Get to know a hubby blog and I think it would be fin to do so I will give it a go tomorrow. My sister-in-law lived in Lawton once, she wasn't thrilled! Your hubby sounds like a good catch.
    Roberta Anne

  5. Your Curt sounds like a great guy. I've said I need to do this one before, now I really have to!

  6. I'm shocked that Curt doesn't watch sports. Amazing. B watches football as often as possible.

    I've added a hubby meme to my blog:

    I hope you're enjoying the change in weather! Boy is it getting chilly! Last night I could hear the jets out, 18 miles away.


  7. I did it here:

  8. I played along and learned a few things

  9. LOL. Your hubby and mine would totally agree in the sports department.

    Now military coins would be an interesting thing to collect.

    I might do this meme one day. Fun.

  10. This was a fun meme. I might do one for my blog later if my sick kiddies let me. I'll let you know if I do one.



  11. While he's on the vid games or on base you could be reading the most entertaining history I've seen in some time. It also puts a new view on Canada's so called 'benign' past.


  12. Hi, Sandra!

    This was wayyyy fun and made me think about things I haven't thought about my hubby lately!

    Come and check mine out!

  13. I played! Thanks for sharing -


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