
Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Prayers Please!

I just found out this morning that my oldest brother Paul, is in the hospital. He wasn't feeling well and is currently in ICU awaiting test results.

Please pray!

UPDATE: First I want to thank you all for the prayers, you are amazing :)

My brother is home now, he is doing well. The doctors say it's nothing to do with his heart, they were afraid it may have been at first because he was complaining of not being able to breathe and pains in his chest. I think it might have been an anxiety attack.

They ran some tests and it turns out that his choleresterol and triglicerades are high and he has high blood pressure and stress. So he's been sent home with some medication and told to take it easy and try to avoid stress of any kind.

I'm SO glad that he's home safe and sound and that it's nothing serious, there is absolutely nothing worse than knowing one of your siblings is in the hospital, what a helpless horrible feeling, especially being this far.

Again I thank you all for the prayers, I'm sure it means a lot to him and my sister in law Lilian and the kids too.


  1. I'm praying for doctor's wisdom, your brothers strength and peace for your family.

  2. Prayers are on their way.. hopefully he'll be home again for the new year.

  3. I definitely will pray that he gets well ASAP! God Bless you and him and your family..

  4. Praying for you and your family:)

  5. Your family is in my heart. May all be well.

    Peace to you.

  6. Oh my Dear, what worrisome news to receive, on New Year's Eve. I'm so sorry. Let's hope that since he's in ICU and is being tested, they will find out what's wrong and fix it quickly.

    I was going to wish you Happy New Year, but it seems out of place, now. Wishing that you get good news, and very swiftly.

    Aunt Amelia
    "The night was clear and frosty, all ebony of shadow and silver of snowy slope; big stars were shining over the silent fields."

  7. Of course. Consider it done. Take care, Sandra and keep us updated. I too want to wish you a happy new year, and add to that a clean bill of health for your brother.

  8. I', sorry you have to be here, worrying. I'll be praying.

  9. Sandra,you and your brother are in my prayers. Hope the new tear will be better.

  10. I'll be praying, Sandra! Please keep us posted!


  11. You bet, Sandra. Praying for him and your family right now!

  12. Continued prayers for your brother and family.
    Update when you can!

  13. Oh no, will say some prayers and send them your way.

  14. My prayers are with you and your family during this time of uncertainty.

    Happy New Year!

  15. Lots of prayers for your brother and family

  16. I was over on mike's site and saw that he had posted a likn and that you needed prayers are covered. jack

  17. I am so happy to hear that prayer was answered! I was in and out of the hospital before I knew I was having panic attacks and anxiety problems. It's some scary stuff!

    God bless and keep us up to date on how he is doing!


  18. Thank God! I will keep him in prayers, that he continues to feel well! Hope you and yours have a wonderful New Years Eve and the Happiest and most Blessed New Year!

  19. Thank God! I will keep him in prayers, that he continues to feel well! Hope you and yours have a wonderful New Years Eve and the Happiest and most Blessed New Year!

  20. I'm glad that you Brother Paul is Ok,and back at home.Huigs and His Blessings to you and your family.Mike G. said that (It's an A.A.thing)

  21. Keeping your brother and all of you in my thoughts and prayers. I'm so glad he's home and resting!

  22. I am so glad he is home and oding well, Sandra. What a great start to 2009!

  23. Oh I'm so sorry I missed this, but I am glad to read that it's nothing threatening; stress can be so debilitating I pray he'll be well and rested soon.

    Love and hugs

  24. You said that you don't feel it was anything serious with your brother. But...

    Don't all those test results, point to something serious, in the future? Unless he gets the results in line?

    Aunt Amelia

    "We have had a lovely day. All the trees were covered with ice, and it shone like diamonds or fairy palaces," wrote Louisa May Alcott in her girlhood diary.


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