
Monday, December 22, 2008

The Simple Woman's Daybook!

Hi everyone, come on in and see what's in my daybook!

If you want to join in, just go visit Peggy over at The Simple Woman, read the guidelines here and then add your name to Mr Linky. There are so many other participants sharing their day, I'm sure you'll enjoy looking through them :)

Outside my Window...
a chill in the air....landscaping people mowing lawns

I am thinking...
that I really enjoyed last night's movie and it's made me think about a LOT of things, I'll post about it later today.

From the learning rooms...
nothing this week

I am thankful for...
my husband's work issue being sorted out last week, it was stressful and scary for a few days

From the kitchen...
For breakfast oatmeal for the kids and toast and coffee for me, lunch will be Grilled Cheese Sandwiches, and dinner will be Impossibly Easy Taco Pie

I am wearing...
black sweat pants and a white tank top

I am reading...
The Redbird Christmas by Fannie Flagg

I am hoping...
to get a good cleaning on this house today

I am creating...
different dishes for Christmas Eve Dinner

I am hearing...
the kids playing on the computer, a Christmas movie on the TV

Around the house...
Board Games to be put away after our Family Game Weekend....breakfast dishes to be done, house to be cleaned

One of my favorite things...
Watching my children's faces on Christmas Eve

A Few Plans For The Rest Of The Week...
Tomorrow we'll be making Reindeer Food to set out on Christmas a bunch of different things for our dinner that night and then opening presents at midnight. A run to the library to return books and nothing else.

Here is a picture thought I am sharing with you...

Christmas Moonlight

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  1. Sweet photo! Sounds like you've got a full but rewarding couple of days ahead!

  2. Lovely things.

    I did one today too.


  3. We are having grilled cheese today too. The kids really like this for lunch and what could be easier then that.

    Can't wait to hear about the movie you watched.

  4. Sandra:
    I am two days behind in visiting my favorite blogs but somehow there were four entries to read. And I loved them all. My son was a crew chief and I know of what you speak. I loved game night too. and the shrug turned out so nice.
    Roberta Anne

  5. Hi Sandra,
    Thanks for sharing your day in the daybook entry.
    I haven't been around since I can't get internet but I have missed you. I am glad that everything worked out at your husbands job.
    Many Blessings to you and I Wish you and yours a very Merry Christmas.

  6. Games weekend sounds wonderful!

    I gave you an award/meme combo. No pressure to do it. :v)

  7. Oh, I'm so annoyed. This is the second week in a row I've forgotten to do this and I was so excited to join in now that we're in our house. Uggghhhh.

  8. I love love love this great!


Thank you for reading and taking the time to comment. Please be respectful of each other and my blog. Rude comments will be deleted.

Thank you for stopping by, hope you are having a blessed day!
