
Thursday, January 15, 2009

Come on out and show yourself!

BTW....apparently this was going on and I had NO clue. Oh well, it's the story of my life LOL

So come on, I want you to delurk, drop in, say doesn't matter if you're one of my usual readers or a new one. I just want to see how many people actually read what I write....then again that may be scary and I'll get stage fright or something LOL


  1. Delurker from Ontario Canada
    I usually read your posts every day.
    I started waaaay back because of the slow cooker recipes from "My
    Little Corner of the World" and have been following every since. I
    enjoy the way you write and the
    awsome recipes.
    You sound like you're having a wonderful time being a wife and mother.

  2. Hi Sandra! Love your blog! I am so happy that I stumbled upon it.

  3. Hi Sandra - I love your delurking picture! I have a post on this going up to, but your picture is better!

  4. I love your blog....delurking from Schertz, Texas

  5. Hi Sandra

    I am delurking, lol! I just found your blog today and have really enjoyed reading your posts so far.

  6. Hi Sandra.. you already know I don't lurk.. I stop by every day just to see what you're knitting or cooking and I post a response to it.
    Besides, I don't have anything to hide.. Just an old granny in St. Ann Missouri or as I like to say.. I live in the state of misery aka Missouri

  7. Also an everyday reader, and huge lurker! I believe I started reading sometime in the summer. I really enjoy your positive spin on life, and all of the great recipes!!
    Northern VA

  8. Hi Sandra

    I really enjoy your blog. I visit daily and enjoy hearing how your day is going. I was a military wife with kids for 7 years til he decided to leave at his 10 year mark. I love your recipes and really do try most of them. My kids all time favorite is still your orange chicken. It tastes just like the chinese restaurant down the street.

  9. Hi from Alberta, Canada! You know that I come by to be inspired and see what you are up to. Your blog is one of my favourites :))

    I see Linds already nominated you for a blog award but I'm giving you the same one - you really deserve it!

  10. Well Sandra, I think you know I do come over and visit every chance I get. I found you through Katy of The Country Blossom, maybe???


  11. How funny! Well, you know I "revealed" myself to you a day or two ago. I have been reading every post but I don't usually comment because I use google reader and am always on a short schedule - one computer in the family and three kids who need it for "homework".

    But I do love your blog - everything about it, so I'll keep reading and try not too lurk for too long without saying hello!

  12. I lurke more than I comment :) I really enjoy your blog. It good to see another military wife out here in "blogland"

  13. I certainly make it a point to read EVERYTHING you write. You've become a part of my "story time." LOL Blessing to you for the entertainment you provide.

  14. hi girl, im always coming here to read you posts.

  15. Hey Lady- I find my self thinking, I can't believe it is evening and I have not stopped at Sandra's site yet. Once I check my email for the day, I stop by to see what is going on. I love everything that you bring forth. So real and I love your pics. Go forth and bring more goodness to my day. Thanks MamaLuci

  16. Hello from Colorado!
    I have you on my google reader so I read your blog and your food blog whenever you post.

  17. I'm here - still reading, snagging good recipes, and enjoying your blog!

  18. Saying hello from Kentucky!

    Love that stuffed pasta shells recipe, looks wonderful. I will definitely have to try it.

  19. I have you on my bloglist and check out your blog a couple of times a week. It all started because of your slow cooking recipes. I really enjoy your blog.

  20. Hi Sandra! Love your blog and read it every day. We had meat pie and creamy potatoes last night thanks to you. (wish you could have been here to prepare it) Love you and your family. I especially enjoyed your question and answer session this week.

  21. I am delurking from here in Arizona. I found your blog through the slow cooker Thursdays and have stuck around to read every day since. My husband's grandfather was in the Air Force and so I enjoy reading about the life of a military wife.

  22. Hey Sandra! I am a faithful reader! I try and comment once in a while, but I know it is sporadic at best! I love your blog though!

  23. I'm extremely new to your blog but I fell in love with it immediately! I have a private family/friend blog but I hope that doesn't scare you off of letting me visit! Cindy

  24. Just found your blog & pop in every once in a while from Chicago.

  25. I have your blog on my feed reader and read your new posts every day! I love your blog!

  26. Hi Sandra,
    You know I'm not a lurker and I read your blog almost everyday. I just love it. But I had to stop to say HI!
    HAve a wonderful day.

  27. You know me already, I'm always coming here.


  28. So ... I'm not a lurker ! but I've been away in the States visiting family for six weeks so haven't been reading blogs. Anyway ... just thought I'd say hello ...

  29. You know I don't lurk! :) I think the first time I commented was on a post you'd written about Portugal vs England. I must look it up I wonder how long ago that was.

    Hugs and love

  30. Ha, you're going to think I've far too much time on my hands, but I've scrolled through and found my first wasn't on a footy game post, which I can't find, but on 24th June 'Mrs Blythe'. It was like going down memory lane looking at all the old comments.


  31. that is 24th June 2006

  32. Delurking from Ohio...I'm not sure how I stumbled onto your site...but I read your blog everyday!

  33. Hi Sandra. I read you from Argentina (South America) really enjoy your blog!!

  34. I love your blog and read it everyday! I really like the way you write about your life, it's truly inspiring!


  35. Just started reading your blog yesterday! So far I love and I LOVE your recipes!! Thanks!!

  36. Hi sandra
    I am so blessed to see your blog .
    I love you blog.
    you should vist mine
    talk to you soon

  37. I have an award for you - please stop by my blog.


  38. Another military wife that reads you daily!

  39. Hi! I love reading your blog and getting ideas as I hope to be a successful stay-at-home mom someday! I've been reading since Christmas time and really enjoy your blog (and your recipes)! Have a great day and send some warm weather my way (it's -17!).


  40. This comment has been removed by the author.

  41. Hello from Northern Va!! I love reading your blog. My husband just retired from the AF after 20 years and I really miss active duty life and living on a base!!! My kids miss living on a base the most. I love your blog!

  42. OK I will delurk myself as well. I am from Ontario and have been reading your blog for a while now. I really like the post from the other day when you put yourself on video to answer all the questions people had for you.

    Have a great day!


  43. I am a reader in KS through my Google Reader. I enjoy your posts and wanted to "delurk" as well! :) Have a great Friday! -Missy-

  44. Hi--love the new banner! I'm a mom of 4 living in the windy plains. :)

  45. I have been a reader for quite some time and enjoy your blog daily on Google Reader. Love your menu plans and ideas. I am a SAHM Mom of two kids currently stationed at Minot AFB(which is a place you have lived I remember reading) that is probably what peaked my interest. Your blog is a blessing and encouragement(mainly that people actually DO get out of Minot, LOL). Thanks for sharing your life with us.

  46. Hi Sandra,
    I lurk every day! I am married to a now-retired US Army soldier (2 years now). Reading your blog is part of my morning routine.

  47. Good Morning, Sandra.

    I'm so thankful I found your blog. It's a favorite. I love your positive attitude and outlook, your recipes, and your ability to write. Hope you have a wonderful day!

    Hugs and Blessings,

  48. Delurking in St. Louis... love your blog, your love for Christ & your family, and your positive outlook on life. Thank you for sharing with us. Your receipes have been a lifesaver!

  49. Love your blog. Read almost every day and really enjoy the recipes and trying the new ones, especially for the crock pot. You are one of my favorite daily reads here in southeast Texas and telling people about your site all the time. I feel so much better now that I'm "out," so to speak. LOL Thanks!

  50. Not a lurker but saying hi anyway! :)

  51. I confess ... I am a lurker!! I can't remember how I stumbled on your blog but I am so glad I did. It's one of the first I read every day and I so enjoy it. The recipes have me drooling!!

  52. Hi Sandra, Happy Friday. I am making the cheesy kielbasa bake for a family in need today.

  53. I'm a lurker. I follow your blog publicly though, so I wasn't lurking anonymously =) Love the blog! I'm also an Air Force wife =)

  54. Hey there! I tagged you today - come check it out :)

  55. Hey Sandra

    I love your blog as well i found it when i went on Goggle and did a search on Motherhood and it sent me to another blog and your blog was on hers so i visited and have been lurking around ever since. you and a few other bloggers inspired me to start my own.. check it out sometime.. well have a great day..

  56. Hello from the Big Sky State, Montana. I'm not a lurker, I read daily and post when I have something to say. (cute guy on the post! LOL)

  57. Your welcome.
    So how are you?
    I like your blog.

  58. I read your blog most everyday...sometimes twice a day. Love your recipes, and just enjoy your blog!!!

  59. Hi! I love your blog. It always makes me feel calm and peaceful. And I also get great recipes and ideas.
    Bellmore, Long Island, NY

  60. Wow...way cool. I might do this, even though it's a day late (C:

  61. I visit you 3-4x a reading your posts.

  62. I visit you 3-4x a reading your posts.

  63. I visit you 3-4x a reading your posts.

  64. Hi Sandra,
    Read your blog daily...I to like the recipes. Accidently found it blog hopping, but do enjoy it. My husband is retired Air Force.
    Glenda in MS

  65. Bom Dia. I'm delurking from Bermuda. I stumbled across your blog a few years ago while looking for spoilers for a Portuguese telenovela, I believe it was 'Sonhos Traidos', but I can't remember (my parents are from the Azores so I used to watch it with them). Have been hooked ever since. I enjoy reading your blog, the recipes are awesome and the advice for becoming more organised has definitely come in handy!

  66. I always check out what Sandra's cooking or knitting!

  67. I've really enjoyed reading your blog for the past 3-4 months.

    Marla, in the desert of Southern CA

  68. I admit it I am a lurker. I am so glad that I stumbled across your blog, I really enjoy it. I love your apple bread recipe by the way, we now make it all the time.

  69. I recently found out I may be Portuguese, not Italian so I was looking for some Port. recipes, I did a search and your blog came up! Everything looked so yummy and I just like how you write, so I subscribed! Sorry for all the lurking!

  70. Ha ha.... ok I know I know.. I am not a lurker! But this just made me laugh!!! Love the picture of the naked man and the whole idea! LOL!!!

    You are so cute!

    Just catching up on my blogs this morning.... you know I will be back!

    Hugs.. Amy

  71. I stumbled across your blog and now read it everyday! I live in Vegas, so not too far from where you are... keep up the great blogging!
    ~Angie in LV

  72. I'm not exactly lurking (or delurking for that matter) because I just now stumbled across your blog... and I've got to say that I LOVE it!

    Have a Blessed day. :o)


Thank you for reading and taking the time to comment. Please be respectful of each other and my blog. Rude comments will be deleted.

Thank you for stopping by, hope you are having a blessed day!
