
Saturday, January 17, 2009

A Day in the Kitchen!

I think if ever I was told to pick one room of the house to remain in for the rest of my life, it would be my kitchen, no questions asked, no second thoughts. It's the one place in the house I really enjoy being in, moreso than my bedroom and that says a lot.

So I've been in the kitchen today, for hours, all day long, with pots and pans, lemons, soap making items and this and that, come on in and sit with me at the table, I'll show you everything I've accomplished yesterday and today.

Before I tell you though, I just have to share these two photos, there is nothing cuter than kids asleep and especially when they are in unexpected positions and such.

This is Jasmine, I guess she had just finished praying when she fell asleep :)


And here's my Nicholas, holding his toy LOL


Even my little Lola was fast asleep on my bed, with her tiny pink tongue sticking out, I just can't help but hug her when she does that.



Last night, after the kids had their baths and were settled down in front of the tv with a movie and popcorn, I sat at my kitchen table with my hot cup of tea and paperwork and bills to be filed and sorted through. It's one of those tasks that overwhelms before I even start, I usually leave it until I can't anymore and then force myself to sit through it.


Within an hour I had everything done, paperwork filed, bills paid, budget made, kids school work put away etc. It felt good but I'm glad I don't have to worry about it for a bit.

I started the morning by getting my Hearty Split Pea Soup in the slow cooker, it's simmering away and it smells divine. I'll make some Grilled Cheese Sandwiches to go with it tonight and that will be dinner, simple but yummy and comforting.

Right after that, the kids and I got into some soap making, they got to pick their own base soap, the scent to use, as well as the molds. They had so much fun helping me.


Here is Nicholas and his blue glycerine based soap

Jasmine picked a Honey based soap and after it was melted, into the molds it went....I had some leftover and was out of molds so I used an empty cupcake liner tub and it worked perfectly.

These are the honey soap base with Ocean Breeze scent....smells so so good.


Here are Nicholas' soaps drying on the rack. He wasn't impressed when I told him that they have to dry for two weeks before he can use them LOL

He picked the raspberry scented oil and they smell so good.


I made some goat milk based Warm Vanilla soap. Oh my word, does it smell divine. I can't wait for the two weeks to be up LOL

I guess in the meantime I'll make a bunch more washcloths to use with our new soaps. If you've never tried soap making, you really should, it's so easy and rewarding at the same get the kids involved :)


After our soaps were up on the window sill drying, it was time to refill the Muddy Buddies/Monkey Munch tin.


I've cooked, I've cleaned, I've crafted and now I'm going to pick up the kids and hubby and we're heading to some thrift stores around the area. We LOVE thrift store hopping, you never quite know what you will find and hey, if I can find some yarn I'll be thrilled.

I'll come back and show you what I found, if anything. In the meantime, feel free to grab some monkey munch, but try to control yourselves, otherwise it's back into the kitchen for another batch, or two. *snicker*


  1. Wow - you accomplished a lot today! I made soap before with some girls in a class my sister and I were teaching at church, but never made it for home.

  2. The soap looks so pretty..
    Paperwork?? You're not alone when it comes to hating to do any bill paying or list making. If there was one job I'd love to pass over to hub it would be that.
    Hope you find some yarn at the thrift stores. have fun and show us your bargains.

  3. The soap looks so pretty..
    Paperwork?? You're not alone when it comes to hating to do any bill paying or list making. If there was one job I'd love to pass over to hub it would be that.
    Hope you find some yarn at the thrift stores. have fun and show us your bargains.

  4. What do you use to make your soap? Do you buy the large blocks at craft stores along with the scents? What great gifts they would make!

    I went to a Girl Scout Leaders' Workshop event and we made the neatest soap gifts by stuffing a loofah in a washed out Pringles can and then pouring the soap into the can. When it was cooled, we sliced rings off to make individual loofah soaps.

    I'd love to make some Monkey Munch but my family are not sweet eaters and I'm afraid I'd end up eating the entire batch myself! As you said over at Full Bellies, I think I'll wait until the holiday season and make a batch to wrap up and give as gifts.


  5. Hey you.
    This is the first time ever i have posted a comment on your blog.
    Just wanted to tell you how proud I am of what you have accomplished with your Blog and am really happy to see that you reach out to so many people.

    Love you lots Sis. Miss you terribly.


  6. How do you go about your soap making??? I would love to do that as gifts!!

  7. Love the pictures of your children sleeping-there is definitely an innocence to children when they are asleep, isn't there?

    Thanks for sharing the pictures of the soap making-we meant to make some for Christmas presents and never did-I'm hoping to for Mother's Day.

  8. You certainly had a busy, but fun day!! I'm with you - I'd pick the kitchen hands down every time! The pictures of the kids are sooooooooo precious!! I made soap and fizzies and salts for Christmas this year. I find it so gratifying to make my own gifts.

  9. I am not sure i want to make soap as I need another loved hobby like a hole in the head but the Muddy Buddy sounds great. Thanks. Your babies are so sweet.
    Roberta Anne

  10. Mmmm, the Muddy Buddies recipe sure does sound good. I've been wondering what to do with the leftover Chex cereal from Christmas--can't wait!

  11. Soap making sounds so fun! And they turned out just lovely. I'm with Nicholas though, 2 weeks? How can one possibly wait! :v)

    I'm going to make that monkey munch with the dayhome kids this week.

  12. The soaps look wonderful. I'm soapmaking vicariously through you today. LOL Too bad I donated all of my stuff a year+ ago. :-( It really was FUN!

    Happy thrifting!

  13. You certainly had a busy day and I hope you found lots of goodies at the thrift stores. I love the soaps and would like to try to make some. Do you use a kit? Take Care :)

  14. Hi Sandra

    You've had the same sort of weekend I have had. Baking, cleaning, sorting, lazing, eating. The weather here is just glorious, blue sky and bright sunshine and about 28degsC. I gardened this morning at 7.30 and had all my weeds pulled and roses dead-headed by 9am. Job done!

    Cheers - Joolz, Australia

  15. I have never made soap in my life. I need a tutorial! Or have you already done one? I can just smell that beautiful soap from here.
    And how did I mess the Muddy Buddy stuff too. I am going to make some here, even though the cereal will be different I am sure it will work. Oh wait....there is no-one but me at home. Hmmm. I had better wait till someone is due home for a visit!

  16. I bet you and especially the kids loved doing the soap. That's a fun thing for after school. Have a wonderful day. Kae

  17. how fun Sandra...They also look so pretty, they must smell so good..
    hope you found some goodies at the thrift store..

  18. Your soaps look so pretty. I might look into it, it looks such a fun thing to do with the girls.

    Hugs n' love


  19. WOW! Somebody has been real busy ! I could almost smell that here!!
    Take Care :)

  20. Soap and candle making are something I would love to learn to do this year.

    So I echo some of the about a tutorial?


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Thank you for stopping by, hope you are having a blessed day!
