
Monday, January 12, 2009

Getting to know me!

First of all, thank you all so much for the questions, I had no clue there would be so many LOL

Here's the answers, you might want to grab a cup of coffee and sit down for a little or rather, lengthy chat with me *snicker* (Or you can just scroll down really fast and laugh at my expressions, it's pretty funny actually, I had no clue the videos would pause at such unflattering images LOL)

You'll notice that I look tired, I was up all night with allergies, they're doing construction around here and it's just awful......You will also notice that I started with a sweater on and ended up without LOL

If you didn't get a chance to ask a question, no problem, we'll do this again, maybe next week or so?



  1. Good job Sandra!
    Thanks for answering my questions. I thought maybe you would chose one what a surprise!

  2. Loved getting to know you better. Such a creative way to answer questions. Have a great day!

  3. Ms. Sandra,

    Hello! You don't know me (I'm a lurker), but I have been reading your blog for awhile now and love it. What I have to say is OT, but I didn't know where else to mention it. My apologies.

    I quickly noticed that you enjoy reading A LOT, just like me. :) I just came back from the library and wanted to offer you a suggestion for a possible new author. Sara Rosett writes mystery books where the main character- Ellie- is the wife of an AF pilot. I know mysteries aren't everyone's thing, but one that intros the military was very unique, IMO!

    Happy reading in 2009! :)

  4. OH MY WORD.. this was so fun to watch! I to late to ask a question? Can you TRY to show how to crochet via your blog?

  5. I love the videos, it makes you seem a little nearer and not all those miles away.

    Loved hearing your answers.

    Hugs and love


  6. OH how WONDERFUL! Thank you so much for sharing! Believe it or not, I've known two different couples who met on the internet and are now very happy together. I've never left the states but I have ALWAYS wanted to travel. I will certainly add South Africa to the list!

  7. SO neat!

    Thanks for sharing :)

  8. I had fun watching these... but all the ones from "tinyPic" would not buffer right and I was unable to watch them. I am sure it is because I have an older computer with a slower processor. Of course, the hot chocolate muffin answer was on one of the clips I was unable to watch.

    AND... one more thing-- can you post the answer to your top 10 books? I am currently (amazingly enough) not in the middle of a book right now and would like to check out one or two, but I am terrible at trying to guess how to spell authors names!
    (p.s. I think Idaho is beautiful, too! Montana is very similar and I'll never move away.)

  9. wow, what a lovely story of how you met your hubby...It gave me goose bumps to hear about the phone/fax machine..wowowo!!!

  10. Thank you for sharing, Sandra. It was very enjoyable!

  11. Sandra,
    That was so much fun! Next time you'll have to post a little video of you speaking Portuguese- I would love to hear it!

  12. I love this post! What a neat idea. If I wasn't super camera shy, I'd do it too... You are so pretty. And I also can't miss an episode of Ghost Hunters. I LOVE Jason and Grant!

  13. This was so fun! I loved hearing you again and really feel like I know you better than I did before. I like a lot of the books you mentioned too.

  14. Sandra this was sooooo much fun - great idea you have here. You're certainly braver than I am.

  15. Wonderful idea, thanks for sharing!

    I would love to subscribe to your Full Bellies food blog too, but can't seem to find a reader subscription link. Is it hiding somewhere? :)

    Thanks in advance!

  16. What fun that was to listen to your have a very quick wit and engaging smile! Now I have a question...did you let Curt and the kids watch your movies??!

    Take care.

  17. I loved it all :-) Thanks Sandra for doing this.Have a great day.

  18. you are so adorable.. can I adopt you? My other 4 daughters would love having you in the family.
    Thanks for answering my age question.. I thought you were about the age of my youngest who just did turn 30 but you're not that much older then her.

  19. Oh, I really enjoyed that. You have a great personality and seem very happy, even in Arizona!
    Thanks for sharing.

  20. Wow Sandra! These videos make it seem like you are my next door neighbor! What a fun neighbor you would be too.

    I found so many of the questions interesting. However, I didn't realize how many countries you had lived in.


  21. How wonderful of you to do this, Sandra. Your blog is so special and unique. I look forward to coming to visit each day. And I love to try your recipes. My great grandmother came from the Azores and I love the recipes that remind me of my Grandma.
    Roberta Anne

  22. I really appreciate you doing this, and giving us the chance to know you better. Your love story, is remarkable! What a true testament to God! And what a powerful experience on the phone with Curt. Thank you for sharing so much!

    Hugs and Blessings,

  23. That was so cool Sandra!

    What was even cooler is that my hubs got me a laptop for Christmas so I threw it up on the counter in the kitchen and watched all your answers while preparing smothered steak to throw in the crockpot. So I had the computer, cooking and Sandra all in the same place. That was fun!

  24. I loved hearing your voice Sandra! That was a fun thing to do. You are one brave chickiee doing that, I couldn't put my voice out there!
    Good questions and answers.
    And I love your hair, such a cute fun cut!

  25. What fun! You are one brave girl!!!

  26. oh Sandra I loved how you did this - answering the questions with video :) I feel like I'm back in the mall with you having a conversation!!

  27. Thanks for answering these questions live on video Sandra. That is such a cool way to get to know you.

    I am also an avid book reader and your list of books sounds interesting so would you mind posting the list on your blog so I can check to see if my library has any of the books you mentioned.

  28. This was great fun, Sandra. Thanks for doing it. I loved hearing you again. We got to know you better and I confirmed that you are a wonderful person.

  29. thanks for ansering my question
    my favorite meals are italian
    mexican seafood spanish food and chinese food.
    Have a wonderful day.
    ps you look so pretty

  30. This post was fab-u-lous! Thanks for taking the time to prepare and post for us.

    Where in Idaho were you? We've talked about moving there. We love the snow, the seasons, the great outdoors, snowboarding, and on and on.

    Thanks for the book list. There are a few I'll add to my Shelfari for future reading.

    Yes, please post a video tutorial on your templates! That would be so cool. Looking forward to it!

    PS- there's two good things you could post about Luke. :) The sunsets and the available hiking. haha


  31. This was so great!! Thanks Sandra for being so REAL again!!!


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Thank you for stopping by, hope you are having a blessed day!
