
Friday, January 23, 2009

{Rainy Day}

Peanut butter and honey sandwich


If you need me, I'll be on the couch snuggled underneath my afghan, either reading or crocheting.

It's a cloudy and dreary day here, we had rain yesterday and it looks like some more is on it's way, the perfect day to stay indoors.


  1. Sounds like the perfect way to spend a cold rainy day!

  2. That sounds like a great way to spend your day! Enjoy it :)

  3. Home, Sweet Home!
    Enjoy your day!


  4. Oh how I envy you! I'd love to be cuddled up with a crafty project and a hot cup of tea. Instead, I sit at work helping crabby customers who have braved the cold air (six degrees) and snowy streets.
    Peanut butter and honey sandwiches! I haven't had one in years. A true comfort food for this soul.
    Enjoy your day.

  5. We have freezing frost all day with snow predictions the rest of the week. I started baking bread early this morning!

  6. Cold and wet here too. Sounds perfect to me, and I am off to curl up under the blankets and read right now! Have a great weekend, Sandra!

  7. Enjoy your day! It's so good to be at home in rainy days.
    I have to tell you that I have also started to learn crochet. Maybe I'm going to fast because I've been knitting for only one week and now I'm also crocheting!!! Well, we'll see what I can do.

  8. Sounds like fun..
    I'm fixing to head to my couch and knit..
    Have a good weekend.

  9. This little desert girl has rain AND fog AND gray gray skies. Yipee and thank you God. I can only handled so many warm sunny winter days and I really appreciate the rain. Maybe I go pull out that sweater that is about one hour away from being finished after three winters and finish it off. Nice post, dinner looks great. I really love coming here to visit.
    Roberta Anne

  10. It's a rainy day here, too. Sounds like a wonderful day to me! Your crocheting looks great!

  11. Sounds like a good day to me! Hmmmm, peanut butter and honey huh? I'm going to have to try that combination some time :)

    Have a wonderful day and a great weekend Sandra!

  12. Oh I love your new look!!!!! One of my favorite memories of elementary school was having peanut butter and honey sandwiches (those were the days when peanuts were allowed in school!).....I just bought some yarn last night to start a new project.

  13. Man looks like you have some yummy food to chow on.. Sorry for the rainy day, at my house it was a well needed sunny and actually warmer day than we have been having. Love the new layout.. Where do you get your headers and abackgrounds from?? Have a lovely weekend!!

  14. A rainy day in the desert is a day to treasure and you sound like you did just that! Peanut butter and honey on whole wheat bread..yummy :))

    I see you were also busy playing in blogland...and it looks wonderful!... Celebrate Life's Moments. I try to remember to do that, because it's a joyful way to live. Thanks for reminding me :o) Of course those of us who live with camera-in-hand tend to celebrate lots of little moments!

  15. I love those kind of days!! I love the Yada Yada books too.

  16. It's raining here today too, Sandra. And thank you for mentioning peanut butter - I'm very glad I'm not the only one. Boy, have I taken some heat about that in the past week. LOL

  17. Sounds like a great way to spend a day!

  18. I can only wish Sandra ! I love peanut butter and honey together a perfect combination..

  19. sounds like a great day! I love the new template! All your pictures up top are awesome! I'll get all caught up with you soon. Been sick here all week. Hope yall have a wonderful weekend!
    Hugs and Blessings,

  20. you look so cozy..I love those crochet squares, they are so pretty..
    we had a little rain also...

  21. Great way to spend a rainy day. I don't know how to crochet, but it looks like you sure make nice things. Sounds cozy.

  22. Sounds wonderful !! Love the look of the PBH sandwiches ! Haven't had one of those in ages !!

  23. Curled under a warm afghan, crocheting sounds wonderful!!!! :) I hope you have a great weekend Sandra!!!! :)

  24. I love cosy indoor rainy days.

    Hugs n' love

  25. It sounds like it's cruddy weather all over the U.S. I took my day off yesterday, now I'm looking for the sun. Kae

  26. It's f-f-f-f-freezing here today so a bowl of that chili is sounding wonderful. I'm going to see if I have the ingrediants for some kind of chili, any kind of chili!

  27. I heart peanut butter and honey!


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