
Sunday, January 25, 2009

{ What do you think? }

I know I seem to change my template a lot but this is the one I've been working on for about a month, on and off, when I had time. In between I've uploaded any old header and background just so I would have something to show, but this is it....this is the one I've worked on and am really happy with. Be prepared, you will see this one on here for a long time, so I hope you like it.

We spent yesterday watching movies. The weather was a little iffy and with Nicholas not feeling too well, all the plans that involved taking the kids outside, were scratched. Instead we had popcorn and chips and cuddled on the couch and watched "Hancock" and "The Incredible Hulk".

Now let me start by saying that I'm not a fan of those kind of movies, not really, I'm more of a Jane Austen, 1800's, romance, chick flicks kinda fan. But I actually sat through both of these movies and enjoyed them, of course later in the day I had to get my daily fix of my favorites with Catherine Cookson's Anthology "The Tide of Life". Loved it!

Unfortunately the problem is that I've only been able to locate 4 of these on Netflix, where the Anthology is an 8 part series. BUT, I did manage to find a whole bunch more Catherine Cookson movies and they're all at the top of my Queue.

Image and video hosting by TinyPicI have to get my laundry all caught up today and while I do that, I'll make some chicken noodle soup for the sickies in the house. My kids love homemade chicken soup, it's the one meal that I can serve where they'll have seconds and thirds and still beg for more. Makes me smile :)

And yesterday I didn't get around to baking the cookies, and now I have a very sad cookie jar, it's empty, save for a crumb or two, so I think I need to get it refilled. The cookie jar in this house is used a lot, and I mean a LOT, it's our night time snack, a few cookies and a warm glass of milk, then off to bed.

Some of you asked me about the doily I made, the pattern I used is this one, it's super simple and it crochets up really fast, it took me just one afternoon.

Look what I got in the mail yesterday....




Apparently Gooseberry Patch is putting out a big cookbook "Family Favorite Recipes", it's a hardbound with over 200 recipes and color photos. YES YES YES!

You all know that I'm a huge cookbook lover and collector and I have quite a few of the Gooseberry Patch cookbooks so this is just wonderful, I'm dying to get my hands on this new cookbook. You should see some of the recipes included, Chicken Stew with biscuits, Farmhouse Pork & Cabbage Saute, Loaded Mash Potato Casserole and Cream Cheese cookie bars...and that's just a few, the previews alone are making me drool. I can't wait to try all these new recipes and share them with you.

I may just do a giveaway around the time the book arrives, maybe, just maybe...we'll see.

Alright, I'm out of here, I have two loads of laundry waiting to be washed, I have soup to make and cookies to bake and more movies to watch. It's such a great day today, it's 70ยบ outside and the sun is shining.

Don't forget the Happy Homemaker Monday's tomorrow, if you want to join me, I would love it. I'll have the post up in the morning and Mr Linky available for any that are participating.


  1. I just wanted to let you know that I love your new header and your layout! =)

  2. I don't know why, but all I see is a big blue rectangle. The photos on the side have nothing but those annoying white boxes with red x's in them. I wonder if I have something blocked on my computer. Everything from your picture on down came through...weird! I wish I could see your header, I am sure it's great.

  3. Hi Sandra, I really like the look of your new header. I need some pointers. I use the freebies, wouldn't know how to begin to make one of my own. I've also been wanting to ask for some blog "tips", ways to promote your blog etc. Shoot me an email if you have time.
    Glenda in MS

  4. Love the new template ! I have not had time to play around with templates much. I would like to ... maybe after the kids start back to school ! We'll see ...

    Going to check out the doily pattern ...

  5. I love, love, love your new look! You weather sounds like something I would like too!

  6. Your new blog design is just wonderful, Sandra! The colors are all so pleasing to look at, great combination :)

    Sounds like a good weekend at your house, hope you guys enjoy every minute :)

  7. I love the new look :) Great job!!!!

  8. I think your new looks are so interesting and that could be one ot the reasons I keep coming back. I noticed the librarything and gonna go back there. I'm always checkout the new recipes, and I really enjoy your family outings. Hope everyone feels better soon. Kae

  9. You did a great job on your new header.. you're making me want to design myself a new one.. the pool pic is okay for summer but it does seem out of place at the moment with it snowing outside :)

  10. I love the new look! I wish I could do such amazing things. Maybe I need to be brave enough to try. Soon. I need colour and life and STUFF on my blog. Hmmm.

    That cookbook looks divine. I am off to Amazon to see if it is there, or any of them. Fun!
    Have a good day baking and pottering just like you love to do with your family, Sandra!

  11. I love your header and chick flicks and chicken soup and cookbooks and I have two loads of laundry. There is a trend here. Something about nothing new under the sun......
    Have a happy Sunday,
    Roberta Anne

  12. So much pretty is goin' on over here, girlie! I love it! What fun :)

    Oh and I can't wait to be a part of HOmemaker Monday :)

    Hugs.. Amy

  13. I love the new look Sandra!! Makes me want to do something with my blog. LOL

    I hope Nicholas is feeling better soon.

    Glad you guys are having such a wonderful weekend!


  14. I like all the changes...inspires me. I thawed my chicken noodle soup for us last night..I have been sick. Have a great week girl.

  15. I love the new changes and header!!! It really looks nice. I had not seen anything about this cookbook so I will have to look for that!

  16. It looks awesome. I changed both of mine around yesterday, but they aren't handbuilt (homemade? lol) - I had to use freebies for now as well. Some day. ;-) I'm coveting your three column layout. That's something I need to build back into mine when I have time to fiddle with the coding. Blech. I *hate* doing that. lol

    That cookbook does sound interesting. Can't wait to learn more about it.

  17. I love the new look!!!!

  18. You did a great job on your template. Especially the sidebars look great!

  19. Love the template Sandra! It's so homey and I think totally suits who you are!

    Mmmmm, chicken soup is my all time comfort food.

  20. OHHHH Sandra The blog makeover is beautiful like it's owner :) Love it especially the banner :) Can't wait to see the cookbook.Off to do homemaker monday :)

  21. I think the new layout suits you. I do like the headers with your family in them best, it suits your blog I think :)

  22. Love the new layout as it really seems to reflect your priorities. Great job on the whole new look! Have a great week.

  23. If I was so talented, I'd change my blog looks around too. Even not being talented, I do, but...

    It's all lovely!

    It's you!

    And the header pic of Jasmine, shows her curly hair!

    What more could a reader ask for? :-)))

    Aunt Amelia
    "In the garden mystery glows/
    the secret is hidden in the rose--"
    ~Farid od-Din 'Attar

  24. I love the new look of your blog. I pray your household gets rid of the sickies. I also got the advertisement for the new cook book. Hubby said I can MAYBE get it! LOL He claims I have too many cookbooks....not possible!!


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Thank you for stopping by, hope you are having a blessed day!
