
Monday, February 02, 2009

{ Happy Homemaker Monday }

Welcome to my Monday feature, a place where I'll be writing about my day, what I've learned the past week, any new recipes I've tried, scriptures that made an impact and everything else in between.

Every Monday, I will post a Mr Linky, you are more than welcome to join me, all you need to do is grab the button, copy the categories and fill in your answers, then come back here and add your post so that others can come and visit you.

On my bedside table:
The Help by Neta Jackson. I'm loving this book, it is so so so good....can't wait to review it here.

On my TV:
Catherine Cookson's Anthology "Tilly Trotter"
Bride Wars
The Boy in the Striped Pajamas

On the menu for tonight:
Lasagna with Garlic Bread

On my To Do List:
Laundry to put away
Floors to sweep and mop

New Recipe I tried last week:
I didn't try any new ones last week but I'll be trying a few this week, like Garlic Wings and Beef Pitas

In the craft basket:
Valentine's Crochet Heart Garland
Little crochet birds

Looking forward to:
A new mattress coming in this week, desperately need it.

Homemaking Tip for this week:
Wash greasy dishes and pans in a snap...just add a tablespoon of white vinegar to the hot soapy dishwater.
The vinegar will cut right through the grease.

Favorite Blog Post of the week (mine or other):
Come What May by Marie at A Year from Oak Cottage.

Favorite photo from last week:


Lesson learned the past few days:
That sometimes you need to make the best decision for yourself and your children irregardless of whether you think others will approve.
When the school nurse called me last week to pick up the kids on a thursday, I knew that I should keep them home with me on friday too but I couldn't help but feel bad that they would be missing another day of school. But I had to do what was right for my children and to make them better, they NEEDED to be home and taken care of. I'm glad I followed my heart.

On my Prayer List:
My husband
Troops overseas and at home
My children

Devotionals, Scripture Reading, Key Verses:

For who is God besides the Lord? And who is the Rock except our God?
~ II Samuel 22:32 ~


  1. Have a great week. I love that picture of Jasmine with the dog. I look forward to hearing about the garlic wings recipe.

  2. Thanks for adding much asI love to cook I always feel like I am making the same thing. ugh :(

  3. I love reading your blog and you have inspired me to start my own blog. I hope you will come visit me. Have a blessed day!

  4. What a sweet picture. I too think that sometimes we have to make our own choices and not listen to "good advice". God put us over our homes.
    Roberta Anne

  5. What a lovely meme! So nice to find your blog.

    Your lesson learned is one all of us have to face. YOU are the one who knows best for your kids.

    Take care and enjoy the lasagna!

  6. Great post. Very cute picture - what a cute little girl and dog! I also love Marie - doesn't she do the most wonderful posts?

    Great meme. Thanks for letting me stop by!


  7. My friend, Amy, raves about your blog all the time! I had to check you out and I'm so glad I did! Thanks for your inspiring posts. It's so good that there are other godly SAHMs out there.

  8. Your to do list gets to me every week - is it really that short?! I love that photo...

  9. I don't know if I have read Saddle Maker's Wife, I know I have read the others, so I ordered it from the library.


Thank you for reading and taking the time to comment. Please be respectful of each other and my blog. Rude comments will be deleted.

Thank you for stopping by, hope you are having a blessed day!
