
Sunday, February 15, 2009

The Organizing Bug & 31 Days of Prayer

It bit me today, BIG TIME. I mean, to the point where I couldn't think of anything else other than reorganizing all the bedroom closets.

So I sent Curt to the BX and asked him to find me some good shelving units that I could use. I know at this point you're probably wondering "What were you thinking sending the man to find the shelves, how can you know you will like what he gets?"

But you see, I trust him and he knows exactly what I like. I think we've spent way too many years in the beginning of our marriage, returning merchandise when it wasn't what I wanted. He's learned his lesson. LOL

He came back with just what I had envisioned and we set to work. He built them and I was in the bedrooms....unpacking, moving, sorting into "donate", "keep" and "throw out" piles......and now 4 hours later, I'm in bed, pooped and with the biggest smile on my face. It's done, it's the way I want it and I have to tell you about the shelving units I used.

But before I do, why don't you come on in and sit with me, here's a cup of hot Irish Coffee, I just made it and it came out pretty good if I do say so myself. You may want to slow down when drinking though, it does have Whiskey in it *snicker*

Let me start with the entry way, right at the door, I have these shelves which is where we dump everything when we first walk into the house. The kids backpacks hang on either side, there's Curt's work boots and PT running shoes, my purse and a shelf with mail to be taken to the post office.

I also have some empty shelves for whatever else is needed....I'm thinking library books etc.

Right above it I have a shelf with some photographs, I hung my little lantern candle holders and you can also see right below my little cottages. Love them.

This is my bedroom closet....well the right side of the closet. I have two and on the left I have all our clothes and shoes and this side is for extra things, blankets, winter scarfs and sweaters and my knitting/crochet basket and Library books basket for now.

Here's a closer look at the inside.

Now we'll move into Jasmine's bedroom, I had to snap this photo because she was sitting against her closet doors watching her tv and you'll notice that she has all her horse facing the tv too LOL

Here is a look at her closet before I got in there. UGH, I want to run away. I guess it's not awful but it needs some serious tidying up and being the almost 10 year old girl she is, she tends to just get in there and ransack the place while looking for something.

And only took me about 45 minutes to get hers all done. I added a shelf with doors on the bottom and packed all the toys you see in the above colored cubbies inside.

Next to it, I added another shelf and packed some more stuff in there, some books, her dress up stuff and crayons etc.

Above it, I added another shelf for her shoes and on top are her books.

I think it looks a million times better and I tell you these shelves are pretty inexpensive and you can mix and match and stack and whatnot. Love them and will be getting many more in the coming weeks.

Now we're going into Nicholas' room, you can see I did the exact same thing in his and it looks wonderful too.

That's the thing with kids bedrooms, you can never have enough storage and there's no need for the closets to look crowded and untidy. I'm sorry I don't have a before photo of his, I completely forgot.

Here's another view of his room. He is into cars and military stuff. With the tax return money we bought him a bunk bed, the bottom is a futon which turns into a couch. He loves it and he's now progressing to a big boy's bedroom.

We plan on decorating the whole bedroom with a military/air force theme. He already has the blue camouflage comforter set and his rug is an Airplane one from Pottery Barn. He has a couple of airplane posters around the bedroom and we also have some airplane models that need to be finished and hung from the ceiling.

So now you're probably wondering which shelves I'm using. Well they are the ClosetMaid Selectives. You can buy them from your local stores, I've seen them at Target and obviously our BX has them. If you want to check it out online, you can look at Home Depot too.
And if you want to plan your storage, click here for a Visual Storage Planner.

I'll tell you that for all the shelving units we got today, everything, that is 3 bedrooms and the hallway, we paid about $200. Now imagine if we had bought dressers, armoires etc.

But this isn't all I did today, I actually started this morning with three loads of laundry needing to be folded and ironed.

I don't know about you all but I don't iron every single item of clothing, there are some things that can get away with just folding and putting away. I usually go through the laundry as I get it out of the dryer and make a separate pile for ironing.

I love my Lavender Linen Water....a spritz on the clothes while I'm ironing and they smell amazing.

I feel like I got a lot accomplished today but now it's time for Prayer, for mine and your husbands.

To find out more about this journey, read here.

Day 15

Pray that your husband will choose his friends wisely. Pray that God will bring him men who will encourage his accountability before God, and will not lead him into sin. (Prov. 13:20; Prov. 27:17)

Proverbs 13:20 (New International Version)

20 He who walks with the wise grows wise,
but a companion of fools suffers harm.

Proverbs 27:17 (New International Version)

17 As iron sharpens iron,
so one man sharpens another.

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For those who are starting late, or who may want to keep track of the prayers we've done so far, I actually found all the 31 Days to print online. Remember I told you that this prayer was done on some blogs last year? Well I found the link on the Revive Our Hearts website, which is a wonderful site devoted to women's ministry.


  1. WOW Sandra the organizing bug really hit you today...I love how the closets are done..Must do that with McKenna's closet.. Have a good week.

  2. Oh I love those shelves, I have them all over my house too. Great job on getting it all done today!!

  3. super job - looks great & I'm sure "feels" great. I always feel better when everything has a place of its own & is neat.
    PS I'm still praying w/ you all too!! :) Blessings, C.

  4. Thanks for the inspiration.


  5. Saanndraaaaa! You know I have the organising bug anyway!!!! I'm even worse now I've seen your lovely pictures! The little area you have for shoes and bags is exactly what we are looking for for our hallway because the girls can't reach the hooks in the cupboard where we keep coats and bags.

    And I lol'd so much at the picture of Jasmine, she's so like Chatterbox. Chatterbox lines all her dolls/ponies up to watch TV with her or she reads stories to them (or sometimes shouts at them 'like Mummy' - opps).

  6. BTW really enjoyed the 31 days of prayer. It's something I'm going to print out.

    Hugs xx

  7. You did great with the organizing. You have to feel good about your work! I'm praying.

  8. I looooooooooooove organizing posts !! Good job ! The closets look great !!

  9. I have been praying for my husband to come back to the Lord. I have taken your February challenge. Guess what? For Valentine's Day he bought me Fireproof and the Love Dare. :)

  10. Well, since you're with the bug why don't you come to my place and organize our closets? eheheh...

    About the ironing thing: I don't iron what comes out of the dryer except for hubby's pants. BUT, I try to dry as much clothes as I can in the clothesline, and those I iron.


  11. Wow Sandra- it looks great. It really does feel good to have that accomplished doesn't it!
    Thanks again for doing the 31 days of prayer. I'm really enjoying it!

  12. Wow, you've been really busy organizing! It all looks great....I've got some spots that need doing too! I'm just not motivated at the moment.

  13. Wow I felt more organized just looking at the wonderful job you did. You are an amazing woman!

    Happy Presidents Day To You
    from Roberta Anne

  14. What a great post! Thanks for all the info. I could use some organizing in a few of the spaces here.

  15. Everything looks so nice, and what a feeling to it all in order.
    I'm still praying too

  16. I am praying, I fell behind this weekend but my blog explains it all. Have a great day!

  17. WOW!! Super organizationing (should be a word, right?!) Love the pic of Jasmine and her horses watching TV...I used to put on actual horse shows and invite my family to watch my plastic horses run a steeplechase race (assisted by me!) Only I know who would win!

    Irish coffee sounds so good, haven't had any in ages, never thought of making it at home!

    Have a delightful evening and thanks you very much for my Birthday Wishes :0)


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Thank you for stopping by, hope you are having a blessed day!
