
Wednesday, February 18, 2009

{ Taking a breath outdoors }

The house is quiet, everything is back to normal and I'm sighing a HUGE sigh of relief. Nevermind that I can't smell or taste for anything, honestly what is up with this virus? I go a day or two where I'm fine, then the next two days I can't smell or taste and then fine again....ridiculous circle of nosiness *snicker*

But with everyone back at school and work, my house spotless and the weather nice and warm today, I stepped outdoors with my new camera in hand. Remember I said I didn't want to learn any new tricks, I was fine with it just taking photos? I lied....shame on me. The more I mess with it and the more I learn about all the weird fru fru terms, like ISO and Aperture and Shutter Speeds, the more I realize that I want to learn and I want to change the settings. If you only realized the potential of the amazing shots you can get by changing one simple number here and there....well....let's just say there would be so many Professional Photographers out there LOL

I'll explain all about ISO another time, but for now, let's just revel in the beauty of nature, the beauty that God has bestowed upon us, always there at our fingertips and it doesn't take airplane tickets or expensive trips to see it, it's all in your backyard. Go on, get out of the house and go look at what He has left for you today, I know I breathed a big deep breath and feel completely refreshed and ready for the day.

Oh before I forget though, some of you wanted the link to the Pork Chops recipe, here you go. I can't believe you don't know where my food blog is yet. Tsk Tsk Tsk Tsk! *snort*
And Bonnie, I didn't forget the tour of my home, I'll have it up this week, I just need to get hubby out of the house during the day, which is hard because he works nights LOL





Just quickly so you can see....this was taken with an ISO of 100....see how clear and crisp it looks?


This was an ISO of 3200, look at all the noise and grain?

Like I said I'll explain it all later....right now I'm going to sit down with my Grilled Ranch Chicken Sandwich and my glass of Iced Tea and enjoy General Hospital.



  1. Love the first picture of the flower.And you enjoy your sandwich and GH ;-)

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Hi, I have a birthday coming up and I've been hinting around that I would love a new camera. Your pics are sharp and crisp. Nice, that's what I'm eager to get from my pics.....Just wondering???? What is the temp at your in MI is ugly and dirty....I need spring to arrive. I've been in the house too long*%$##&**argh....LOL What are the flowers in your pics.....thanx, Kae

  4. Hi, I have a birthday coming up and I've been hinting around that I would love a new camera. Your pics are sharp and crisp. Nice, that's what I'm eager to get from my pics.....Just wondering???? What is the temp at your in MI is ugly and dirty....I need spring to arrive. I've been in the house too long*%$##&**argh....LOL What are the flowers in your pics.....thanx, Kae

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Those pictures are just gorgeous! Your camera takes great close-ups! I hope you get rid of this virus soon. I think I'm over mine, but my throat doesn't feel quite right, so maybe not quite!

  7. Sorry about the repeat comments. I think I got a little antsy.:( Kae

  8. Photography is fun & interesting for sure. I took a class and just a few years later the digital world was really I need another class.
    GET WELL SOON!!!!!! OK NOW!! lol

  9. The pictures are great. My husband is all into photography so he's constantly messing with the settings too.
    General Hospital is my guilty pleasure too!

  10. You are a fast learner, I waiting for some of your insite!!

  11. I would love to learn how to take better pictures too and made the first step I located the instruction book for my camera. I haven't looked at it yet but at least it is right here next to me.

    Roberta Anne

    PS I now know where you stash the recipes....thanks!

  12. I'm glad you are all feeling better. Great pictures - what kind of camera did you get?

  13. Glad that you are enjoying your new camera. GH has been so good lately.

  14. beautiful pics. I feel bad for not being around more, but my internet is still down )C:

  15. Ok, first of all, I was smiling from ear to ear when I say a personal note to me IN.YOUR.POST ! Hello ? That was cool !! :) (Yeah, I'm easily pleased !!) ha ha.

    Anyway ... your new camera takes amazing photos ! Or should I say you take amazing photos with your new camera !! I am not surprised that you didn't last long "just taking photos" ! You strike me as the type of girl who wants to learn as much as she can about everything! I think that's one of the reasons your blog is so fantastic ! You learn and then you teach ... I love it !

    Can't wait to see the tour ....

  16. why don't I proof read before I hit publish ??? That should be saw not say !!!

  17. Whoo-hoo for new cameras!! Isn't it the most fun ever? Now we can learn together, yay! :)

  18. Glad to hear things are back to the lemons.

  19. Beautiful pictures. It looks like you are learning a lot. I am afraid to say I have never taken my camera off auto, I am not quite as brave as you, but these have given me a little inspiration. Maybe I will actually try something with my camera.

  20. love the pics, they are sharp and clear...what kind of camera did you get?

  21. I could just pick that lemon right off the page! Hey, it was just a little white lie, that you would just go along on camaera auto-pilot...after all you're married into a life that teaches pilots to fly by themselves!! Looking forward to all that you learn and share. He-He, I've been a GH fan from way back (I've got a few years on you) when Luke and Laura got married in the 80s...I ditched a college class to watch at the student union!! Sadly, haven't had the time to enjoy it lately, will try to catch some episodes on the SOAP channel that I just discovered on our cable!

    Get totally well soon.


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Thank you for stopping by, hope you are having a blessed day!
