
Thursday, March 19, 2009

Come in, come in.....sit with me a bit!


I think I should start by offering you a cookie because there's so much I want to talk about and I fear you will fall asleep or loose interest if I don't keep you entertained.....I doubt you would want to see me jump up and shake my booty. LOL

I feel like I've been running on full speed all day and am just now getting to sit for a few minutes to compose this post. Let's hope I don't forget everything I wanted to say.

So the kids had an early release day which means they were out at 1pm, I still don't understand why they don't just give them these days off, all they do is go in, watch a movie, eat a snack and come home...I am quite capable of providing the same kind of entertainment LOL

Anyway, after I picked them up, we made our way to the school Book Fair. You know me, there is no bookstore, fair, library or anything remotely to do with books, that I do not go and stick my nose in. We browsed around for a bit, it was kind of like being in pixie hollow but for books, you know the same kind of magical feeling.

You walk around completely surrounded by books on both sides, small ones and tall ones, thick ones and thin ones, bright covers and subdued tones and cookbooks and nursery rhymes and activity books and so forth. It's a battle of the mind in there, you want to get carried away but have to remind yourself constantly that you can NOT take the whole shelf LOL

After getting some books, we went over to the Parent/Teacher Conferences. Both my kids are extremely smart, and I don't say that just because they're mine, I say that because they really are. We've been blessed with good students, they are respectful to others, they are hard workers and straight A students and the teachers absolutely adore them. Makes this mommy very proud.

We arrived back home just in time to say goodbye to daddy who was making his way out the door....again the back of the uniform and the reflective belt is the last thing we see. It breaks my heart but at the same time my heart swells with so much pride and love for this man, that it all balances out. It's a good thing.

Sitting on the kitchen table waiting for me was this:


Oh YEAH, my Farm Chicks Cookbook. It's so pretty, no I mean it, it's just a beautiful pretty girly book to look at, apart from the wonderful stories inside, the history of the Farm Chicks and who they are, and the amazing's just nice to look at.


While the kids played outside in the backyard and the roast chicken cooked inside in the oven, I sat on the grass with my book in my lap and started browsing through the pages.


I must have ooohhhhed and aaahhhhhed a million times. There's so many recipes I'll be trying soon but one I couldn't wait any longer.

See I was sitting right underneath my lemon tree and all I had to do was reach up and grab one juicy lemon and then head back inside to make their Lemon Tea Cookies. TO.DIE.FOR!

Imagine if you will a decadent shortbread topped with sweet lemon frosting. My goodness, they melt in your mouth.

While the cookies baked I stepped back outside and enjoyed watching some of the jets overhead preparing for the Air Show tomorrow. You'll see the Thunderbirds overhead and those other small stunt planes that leave the smoke trails, and you'll also see tons of these placed throughout the housing areas.


I'm just going to avoid the drama and go tomorrow when it's open just for the base residents and military personnel. I'll have tons of photos to show you I'm sure.

But while I was out there, I snapped a few more pics of my clothesline, it's become my latest fascination, I don't know what it is.



It's just so pretty. I sometimes stare up at the pegs and imagine I'm somewhere else, maybe out in the country somewhere hanging my clothes to dry, nothing but a breeze and the scent of wildflowers.

Right now though, I have barking pugs at my feet, kids asking for my attention, dinner dishes in the sink, camera batteries to charge and laundry to fold and put away. Oh well, snap back to reality and away from the country life....I best get to, I'll leave the plate of cookies on hand, just help yourself.

(if you notice in the background, I just realized that some little hands have removed my cupcakes from my plate LOL....I really need to make some for them to play with otherwise I'll always be looking for the decorative ones)


  1. Don't turn your head because if you do you'll not only be missing those cupcakes but a bunch of those lucious looking cookies too :)
    Ya going to share the recipe?

  2. Sounds like a fun day and I have to check out that cook book - looks awesome!

  3. Wow the cookies and the new book look wonderful. Yummmm.

    I cracked up over the entertainment on half-days - I've thought the very same thing.

    I remember those book fairs from when I was a kid - my mom shocked (and thrilled) the librarian when we moved to MS and she spent $100 in one fell swoop. That was normally the take for the whole FAIR before we moved there, as most folks in that rural area had very little extra and sure didn't spend it on books. The county librarian loved us too, we blew circulation through the roof. lol

    I'm glad you got a good chuckle out of my Martha brining her own brisket line. I almost deleted it and then I thought, that's too fun - I had to leave it, if only for my own twisted little moment of laughter. Glad I wasn't the only one. heehee

  4. Hi Sandra
    The cookies look really good. How much cornstarch do you need to use?
    It said 1/2 cornstarch, so I wasn't sure if it was 1/2 cup or tablespoon. Can't wait to try them.


  5. How funny I just had to go out and get myself something lemony to control a craving I was having for a tarty pastry. I want my clothesline but I guess I will have to settle for a trip home to Australia instead. Oh well.

  6. Yummy looking cookies !! I can taste them already ... :) Your day sounds like it was a good one ! I've got parent teacher conferences coming up too. I love going in and hearing what the teacher has to say about the kids !! Fun Fun !!

  7. oh, those look yummy! And I'm definitely going to try your chicken curry recipe....that sounds so good!

  8. I have learned the reason for the early days. They can count those as "whole" days in the books. If they let them out earlier than 1'ish the day doesn't count for the year. Lol did that make any sence?

    I too would love to reach through and grab a few of your little cupcakes to play with. :)

  9. I was going to explain the early release days but Brandy already did! I work for a school - and we have to have a certain # of days in a school year to be legal & we throw in a few early release days to give teachers a break but to still count as a school day! :) Great for teachers, not so great for parents.
    The cookies look INCREDIBLE!!! YUM!

  10. Lovely post. I thought you were going to smell the lemon. I used to outside to my backyard before coming here to live and pic a cumquat. I love being able to sit on the lawn with the kids. I don't do it here much, but tonight I did. I was out the front with my husband. We planted some vegies in the front yard. It was much easier as the ground was ready lol.

    I love the idea with the pastry. Do you think they use cake decorating cutouts for that. I hadn't thought of using them for pastry. America has such a rich heritage. My Nana did make lattice pies, I liked those.

  11. It is very late here, and you didn't put me to sleep. I did forget to mention, I have taken pictures of baby clothes on the line with the sky in the background, but it was a long time ago.

  12. Those cookies look delicious. I bet they're so refreshing!
    Enjoy the air show- can't wait to see the pics

  13. Your cookies look great. And that cookbook looks great too..I may try and find this one.

  14. Those cookies sound yummy! I have been eyeing your cupcakes. Those would be so fun in my little ones kitchen. They would make a wonderful Christmas gift for her.

    Have a great day!

  15. i just love your long posts Sandra, its good to see you back..:-)
    the cookies look delich!
    have a wonderful Friday..

  16. Sandra:

    Thank you for the lovely visit. I started out today feeling just fine but then all of a sudden I feel sad or melancholy as I like to say, because it is more romantic and old fashioned and visiting you was fun and in the middle of our visit I have to say I ran over to Amazon and ordered that cookbook..yummy!

    Have A Fantastic Friday
    from A Raggedy Roberta Anne

  17. The cookies look delicious! Congrats to your kiddo's too. The cookbook sounds absolutely wonderful. Can't wait to see what you cook up.

    Have a great weekend!

  18. I'm guessing you put the recipe on your other blog? They look so amazing...and since I can't sit on my grass (I'll get a cold, wet, muddy behind) and I can't reach up and grab a lemon off my tree, I could go to my fridge and my produce drawer and grab one...if I still have any.

    Sounds like a fun day and you have every right to brag and be proud of your kiddo's. I have several friends who are teachers and when I sit and talk to them I can't believe some of the kids they have. One girl was telling me about 3 of her hard students, I mean the things they said and did were horrible...and they were only in SECOND grade. So I know that when teachers come accross gems like it sounds yours are, they are a breath of fresh "lemon scented" air. And it's a reflection of you and your hubby and how you parent them!!! Way to go. You deserve a standing ovation.

    YOu, know by the time I get to teh comments I end up forgetting what I read adn what I was going to say...and at the moment, my spelling stinks!!

    Have a wonderful remainder of the day!

  19. I'd like to know too if the cookies were supposed to be 1/2 c. or 1/2 something else.

  20. luv the snacks great pics and great cooking book. breezing through 4 bloggy party
    U have a beautiful family

  21. Those clothesline photos are WONDERFUL!!!

    The lemon cookies look great, too!


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