
Tuesday, March 03, 2009

{ Woodpecker }

The Woodpecker


Where do you suppose
The Woodpecker goes

When he carries those
Little crumbs away?

Across the lake, and
Across the land,

Clutching in his hand
A parcel of hay


For his little ones,
The Woodpecker runs.
For just a few crumbs,

He spends all the day
Flying to and fro,

But ne'er will I know
Just where he will go
Each time he flits away.

*Jean Mallette*


* I love my little woodpecker friend, though there have been Saturday and Sunday mornings where he decides to peck at my wall in the bedroom, waking me up at 6 am with his constant peck peck peck....but for the most part, I absolutely love watching him from my kitchen window. This tree is right outside and he works diligently all day long, pecking here and there.*


  1. I love woodpeckers too- they are one of the most unique little birds!

  2. He's adorable!! He can come peck at my bedroom wall any time he wants.

  3. He's a gorgeous woodpecker. The ones I see are pretty plain compared to him!

  4. Great captures - he's so cute! Nice poem too. Our woodpecker though just leaves it all to fall at the base of the tree.

  5. Great photos! I've never seen a woodpecker in real life. Can you believe that?

  6. Great Pictures, we feed the birds here and have all kinds of critters to watch, its so fun. The woodpeckers are very diligent in their pecking aren't they?

  7. I love them but they are death to our pecan trees. When they peck a hole, it brings the sap which brings the bugs that lay the fungus in the trees & KILLS IT!! Whew! But I love them other wise, lol!

  8. Those are great pictures! The poem was a nice one too. I'm looking forward to the warmer weather when we can go outside more and enjoy the birds!

  9. How wonderful! I love bird watching when I have a chance and looking int he bird book to find the species (for ones I don't know). Great photos!

  10. great pics - wonderful poem :) we have a woodpecker too - but ours pecks on our HOUSE!! (wood siding!).....yikes!

  11. He's a cute birdy - lol I'd have to have words with him if he woke me up at 6am on the weekend! ;)

  12. I've never seen a real live Woodpecker !! How cool !! Loved seeing your photos !!


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