
Monday, April 13, 2009

Spring Giveaway Winner!

Thank you to all who entered the giveaway, if I had known that the crochet goodies would be so popular, I would have given more away a LONG time ago. :)

Unfortunately there can only be one winner.

I had Jasmine help pick a winner, we wrote all the names down on paper and put them into a box, she then drew a winner and that person is:

Crystal at Be The Change You Want To See


  1. Congratulations to Crystal and thanks to you for being so kind in doing this!

  2. Yeah for Crystal, those were very cute..

  3. Congratulations!!

  4. congrats to Crystal - you lucky ducky :) :) :)

  5. Congratulations Crystal! You're going to get such a nice piece of mail soon! :)


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