
Wednesday, April 08, 2009

View from my window!


At the end of a busy day, there's something very peaceful and relaxing about looking out the window and seeing the world slowing down, watching everything switching from a fast pace to almost a crawl in anticipation of the evening.

So it goes every night, I look out the back door or the kitchen window and I get to smile, whether I'm washing dishes at the kitchen sink while showered in a beautiful sunset light...


Or I'm standing at the back door while the kids play outside.

My lemon tree looks even more beautiful in the sunset light doesn't it?


This orange tree is two houses down


Now let me quickly show you my seedlings, remember I was dreading planting anything? I feared the "Thumb of Death" would make it's nasty appearance?


I must be doing something right, they're growing, they're thriving and they've survived in my house LOL

Problem is, I don't know what I'm doing different which means next time I plant something, chances are they'll die.



My poor Lavender is the only one so pathetic it makes me sad....I talk to it everyday and ask it to please grow because I need to smell that beautiful scent....but so far, my pleas are unanswered.


I'm off to enjoy some Cheater Chicken and Dumplings. Oh don't worry, I always make enough to share, and if you want to make it for your family, just go get the recipe here at Full Bellies, Happy Kids. I just posted it for you.



  1. Beautiful pictures! How do you get those pictures to work when it's so dark out? When I try to take a picture like that second one, it would just be dark!

  2. Love the moon picture, isn't it neat to think we are seeing the same moon but in very different places..

  3. looks like you are in az...are you? that's where I am.

  4. I love the familiar views from my windows too. Great post!

  5. I love the view from you window! And dinner looks so yummy! Chicken and dumplings is one of my favorites! I have left you a lil something at my blog. :) Have a great night!

    Hugs and Blessings,

  6. Beautiful pictures! Your view from your window is amazing. Have a wonderful weekend and Happy Easter!

  7. Oh the views are so beautiful from your window/door ! The plants are growing so well. I don't know why some grow some times and others don't ... they're complicated, plants !!

    I'm off to check out your dinner ! Looks delish !

  8. wow, you have some great pics! love the moon one especially!
    That cheater chicken sounds great - will add to MY "I wanna Try That" list! :)

  9. I got some good pictures of the moon last night too. It's called a "PINK MOON" this month. I hope your plants kick off & grow. It looks like over all they are doing well.

  10. I think it's wonderful that you take the time each evening to stop and watch the moon, and the day turn to night. It's the little things that people forget to notice when life is moving fast. Thanks for the reminder!


  11. Those oranges look soooo yummy!!!! I love oranges! :)

    Your plants look great! The only tip I can give you is to watch the water you give them...

    I over-watered Russell's sunflower and it died. :0 Oops! I guess I have that "thumb of death" you wrote about. We are off to plant yet another seed. I think I'll put my husband in charge of helping Russell water it this time!

    God Bless,

  12. great Pictures and that dish looks yummy! Have a Happy Easter!

  13. I have had problems growing plants in different houses.. I don't know what it is but this house if not a good one for them.. that's why I take my plants outside each day and bring them indoors at night...
    Have you offered trading some lemons for oranges? what a sweet deal that would be.

  14. Our seedlings are doing well, but still have more to start (peppers, eggplant, etc). Those citrus trees look wonderful! Do you preserve any for winter?

    Vikki at

  15. One thing to concider when growing plants indoors is if you have natural gas (stove, water heater, dryer, etc). Many plants are sensitive to the minute bit of gas and the added chemicals that are airborne.
    Try moving the plants that are not doing as well to another room (out of the kitchen or utility room where many people start seedlings), or let them spend some time outside during the day.
    Just something I have stumbled on. Hope it helps.

  16. What a rich life you full of frugal luxuries! Thank you for sharing them all.
    P.S. Especially love the view out your window...and the full moon.

  17. You have a wonderful view from your window! That moon photo is awesome.


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