
Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Wanna Try That Wednesday!

Wanna Try That Wednesday

Image credit:Little Birdie Secrets

-- Jasmine loves dresses and with summer just around the corner, I think some of these vintage pillowcase dresses are just perfect for her.

Image credit: Life on hackberry road

-- My kid love pepperoni, I mean they pretty much inhale the stuff, so when I saw this recipe for making your own pepperoni on Life on Hackberry Road, I just knew I had to give it a try....can't wait.

jar luminarias

Image credit: Wise Bread

-- I love canning jars, I usually have a ton just hanging out in one of the kitchen cabinets and I use them for all sorts of things, but I didn't realize there were so many more great uses, so thank you Wise Bread for such a great post Sanity Saving Ideas for Canning Jars.

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Image credit: The Crepes of Wrath

-- Orange Cream Cupcakes....going on my list to make next week.

-- I love reading and especially late at night, in bed. I think these Bedside Pockets are just what I need, can't wait to make some.

Image credit: CraftyPod

-- My kids would love me forever if I made them one of these Super Hero neat is that?

Image credit: Marie Cooks Britain

-- Marie's Scones....Oh yes...even though I'm the only one that likes scones in my household, but that don't matter, I'm making these really soon.


  1. I made summer sausage one year for gifts and I remember it as being very thrifty and fun. Love the bedside book holder too.

    Have a Wonderful Wednesday
    from Roberta Anne--The Raggedy Girl

  2. The orange cupcakes look delicious- what a refreshing treat in the summer!

  3. Those bedside holders are a great idea. We don't have room for a nightstand by our bed so I can't wait to make one (or two) of these.

  4. Hi Sandra. Lovely post...I have TONS of canning jars in the basement. Thanks for the link to wonderful ideas! Actually all of the ideas you posted sound fund to try out!

    I just read thru your blog, since I had missed the past few days, and read your 2nd bullying post. (I posted a comment on your last bullying post.)

    I don't want to beat a dead horse with a stick here, but you are straight on to be mad and intervening on Jasmine's behalf. The bullying should have stopped after your first contact with the classroom teacher.

    My suggestion to you (if you feel like the building principal is unresponsive) is to threaten legal action. Some school districts just need a wake-up call. Does the district and building have an SRO (school resource officer)? Where I taught, if an assault occurred between two students (an assault was defined as anytime a student put their hands on another) the parents were called in for a conference with the SRO. Sometimes charges were filed and sometimes not.

    I know it can be such a I step in and fear causing the situation to escalate or do I do all in my power to protect my children at whatever the cost?

    I hate the idea that you would need to pull her out to homeschool (only b/c of bullying and not b/c of other concerns or a desire for more religious instruction), but the situtation does not sound safe. I'm this school on base? I'm not making any excuses here, but perhaps these children really do have some serious mental health issues (stress, missing a parent, lack of control at home, etc.) and the school is not well-enough equipped to deal with these children. If that is the case then I think that pulling your children out to educate them would be for the best. The brain can not process new information (i.e. learn) if it is constantly under a state of stress. An unsafe learning environment is not just physically unsafe, but it is impeding your daughter's learning process.

    Again, I am sorry for such a long post. I just can't stand the idea of your daughter being bullied (and it's no surprise to me that the teachers are talking and not walking the playground...see it all the time. My principal would actually write up teachers that were talking and not walking the playground, recess is one of the number one bullying areas on school property!)

    Blessings to you Sandra,

  5. Another list of good things to try! The cupcakes look so good and I think the pillowcase dress is sweet!

  6. love the pillow case dressses! they are adorable. oh, i use pasta sauce jars for all kinds of things-country like flower vases, silverware holders at table, etc. i hate throwing them away, lol.

  7. Thanks for all the links! How about a vintage pillowcase TOP for us slightly older folks!

  8. Those bedside pockets are sweet. What a great idea!

  9. Cup cakes and scones!!!!! Thats what I want to try!!

  10. Love all these ideas, the bedside pocket is so neat...Thanks

  11. I've been running a bit behind in my blog reading. I am glad I decided to scroll way back to read everything I missed on yours. The cupcakes sound awesome, and the bedside pockets are a great idea. I am thinking of changing the original pattern that you linked to. I have many hand embroidered pillow cases that my grandmother made. She has passed on now, and I hated getting rid of them even though the main part of the material has worn out. I can cut off the handiworked part, attach it to some new fabric to make the pockets. Thanks for giving me the idea on how to recycle her lovely work!
    Your posts are awesome!


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