
Thursday, July 02, 2009

Country Roads, Take me Home


to the place I belong.....

I'm home, finally and thankfully. I would ask you to guess what I did as soon as I walked through that door but I'm sure you already know......I cleaned. You can go ahead and start laughing but I just have to get things done my way and put into order before I can completely relax.

Needless to say, my house is once again spotless, all laundry is done, floors are swept and mopped and I'm completely unpacked. Whew, I'm exhausted which means that dinner is Pizza Hut though I tell you one of the things I most missed about home was being able to cook. I'm too much of a homebody, I finally realized that I'm most happy when I'm surrounded by my own things.

It's not that I don't like going on vacation or staying with family but no matter how much they make you feel at home, it's still THEIR home, right?

We had a pretty good drive home, well, if you don't take into account my poor little one's car sickness, at one point I was stretched out from the front passenger seat to the back, holding a bag while he threw up into it.

But let's not talk about that LOL

Let me show you a few pictures of what we did today, where we stopped and what we saw.

I love New Mexico's scenery, it's beautiful and there is so much to see as you drive through.


Our drive back took us through the Petrified Forest National Park and I don't think there is much I can say other than Wow and I didn't know that wood could do that?

Look at this big chunk of wood, it's literally turned to rock.


We stopped at this placed called Geronimo where you can see the biggest petrified tree ever.



Then we started approaching Flagstaff and as always I was just in awe of how beautiful it is.



Then it made me wonder why the military pick the worst spots for their bases? I'm not kidding, seriously, they could have placed this base further north, like Flagstaff you know, where it's green and pretty? LOL

Anyway, I am going to get some rest because tomorrow I need to go and get groceries and run some errands and then I'm coming home to do some blog reading, I'm SO behind on my Google Reader that it's tempting to just hit the "mark all as read" button, but then I would miss out on tons of good posts I'm sure.

Also, just a heads up but the next few days you will see a ton of reviews I have for you, some of them great book giveaways and I even have a Build a Bear gift card up for grabs too.

Alright I think I've babbled enough for today, it's so good to be back, I can't wait to catch up with you all.


  1. Glad you made it home safely. I'm a lot like you - I clean before I leave and I clean when I come home!
    Those are some beautiful sky pictures!

  2. Sounds like you all had an awesome vacation! Glad you're home and had safe travels.

  3. Glad you've made it home safely !! Sounds like you had a great time ... but I know what you mean about there being no place like home !!

  4. How nice to see you blogging from home ;) and why am I not surprised that you did cleaning as soon you got home..

  5. Looks like y'all had a great time. Love the pics!

  6. Welcome home! I also wanted to let you know that I linked to you today. :-)

  7. Welcome home. You sure have energy when you get back! LOL.

  8. Glad you guys made it home safely. I've always wanted to go to New Mexico - thanks for posting the pics!

  9. Wow!! My kids would LOVE that petrified tree. Very cool. : )

  10. I liked your fossil tree photos, and the fossil shell in one of your earlier postings. (I suppose I just like fossils.)


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