
Sunday, July 19, 2009

If your kid eats this book - Review and Giveaway! do I have a good book to talk about, I mean the title itself is so cute. "If your kid eats this book, everything will still be okay" by Dr Lara Zibners.

I had the pleasure of getting a copy of the book while I was on vacation, it was waiting for me when I returned and with all that has been going on, I didn't have a chance to open it until this weekend.

I think this is a book that should be on everyone's bookshelf, parent or parent to be, even grandparents. This is THAT good of a book and one of you will get a chance to win a free copy after the review, how about that?

This is not a boring medical book just filled with information and scary medical terms, it's written by a pediatrician with training in pediatric emergency medicine. It's not about basics, like all the other pregnancy and kid books, it's not about bathing and feeding etc. This is a little of what Dr Zibners says:
The intent of this book is to help parents avoid the stress and expense of a potentially needless visit to the doctor or ER. How are parents supposed to know when a kid needs to be seen by his pediatrician and when he just needs chicken soup? What should they do if someone drops the baby? If his sister puts household bleach in his bottle, is he going to be okay?
If you want, you can read an excerpt from the book HERE. Dr Zibners has a great website too and you can read more about it there and ask questions etc. It's a great place to visit.

Just this past weekend we all came down with what seemed like a 24 hour stomach thing and my poor children had the runs. Usually I know what to do for it, but I grabbed the book and read about and what I love is that Dr Zibners explains the different causes of gastroenteritis but she does it in such a way that it seems like I'm talking to a friend.

She talks about how you get gastroentritis, what the virus does and the symptoms etc.

I really do think that every one should get this book, I have only just read it very lightly but I'm going to sit down with it today again, there is so much useful information in here, and I think my favorite part is the one about Colic. Boy how many mom's out there can relate to colicky babies and not knowing what to do with them? You feel so helpless while the baby screams in pain.

I wish I had a copy for every single one of my blog readers, but unfortunately I don't. I only have one copy to giveaway and it could be yours.

All you need to do is leave me a comment and let me know if you're going to use this book for yourself (if you're a mom or a grandma) or if you plan on giving it away as a gift to an expectant mom or a friend.

The contest is open to US and Canada. Please remember to leave me a way to contact you.

I will draw a random winner next week Sunday. Good Luck!


  1. Sandra - I have been a lurker for months, also love the food blog. I am a first time mom to a 10.5 month old little boy and this book would be perfect. Thank you for the opportunity to enter this giveaway. :-)

    ericaarobinson at gmail dot com

  2. I'd LOVE this book - I have 3 little boys and would use it myself :)

  3. I have muddled through & gotten two children to ages 10 & 8 ... but now that we are expecting #3 after all this time, I feel like I'm starting all over again. This book sounds PERFECT to me!!

  4. I'd love this book! I've got a little one starting to crawl. Then it just goes from there with the walking and all that. This book will come in handy. :)

  5. Oh, cute title! We have 6 prego ladies in our church right now!! I will definitely be giving this away!!! hehehe ;)

  6. I would love this book. I'm a grandma who has her 4 soon to be 5 little ones here A LOT. Me, my daughter and my daughter-in-law would all benefit from it. Thanks

  7. I would probably use this myself since we have our new little guy that just came into our lives and home 3 months ago. Or, give it to my SIL who is expecting their second. HHmmmm... decisions, decisions...

    What a fun giveaway!

  8. I am a first-time granny to a beautiful 9 month old grandson! I would love this book since it seems so much has changed since I raised my daughter!


  9. I would love to keep this book for myself, but one of my sisters who is 41 just had her first child in Feb and is a very nervous mother. She could really use this book for giving her some self-confidence and assurance that she's a great mom. Thanks!

  10. i would love this book and after i read it i would pass it along to my sister in law who is expecting her first baby. thanks for the great giveway!

  11. Just "found" you via Google search and realize we have lots in common. I am a retired Army Wife and altho our kids are grown now we home educated the upper 6 grades. Both are now out of college and we have our first grand baby living just a few blocks away. Totally blessed. I also have been a WAHM for over 30 years and now am the BusinessMom Mentor, helping WHAMs to juggle the struggles of a growing family and growing business. Stop by my blot if you feel so inclined and say "hi!"

  12. USh! Just got the wrong log in for my comment. IT was really from the MIniWargamer's wife! I'm Debbye Cannon, wife, mom, grandmother, WAHM, ex-home school mom, etc!

  13. I would use it myself. I have 3 daughters and would love this for a reference!!

  14. I am fairly new to the blogging world and just recently found your site & love it:) My husband & I are expecting our 1st baby in 6 wks and would LOVE to have this book, especially because of the colic part that you referred to! Thanks so much for the chance to enter!

  15. Hi there,

    I would love to win a copy of this book. I would use it for myself, since I have a 4 year old. Thanks for doing a giveaway.

  16. Sandra,

    I would love to win a copy of this book. I have some friends who are expecting, first time parents, and I think this is a perfect gift to get them started on the right foot.

    Love and Hugs ~ Kat

  17. I would read this, and then pass it on! Too cool, looks great!!!

  18. Would love a copy of this book. If I don't win I'll probably buy it. My beautiful daughter is trying to get pregnant and this would be a great gift for her.

    Martha :)

  19. Would love a copy for me and I will pass it on to mommy friends too. I am a SAHM to 3.

  20. Would love to win a copy of this book. Thanks for the opportunity!


  21. Just a couple of weeks ago I was thinking that there should be a class to help parents know when to go to the ER and when to ride it out -- had a problem with a little one and a strained muscle. This book sounds like it would be ever so helpful--it would have a home on my bookself. Thanks for the opportunity. Ashley

  22. Hi Sandra...I would love to win this book and thank you for that opportunity. I am a Gramma and it would be just right to have in our family. Smiles.....Jackie

  23. This grandma would love to enter.
    Thanks for offering.
    Have a great weekend.
    See you at Homemaker Monday.

  24. I'm a Grandma and would love a copy of this for my daughter. She's a first time Mom to a beautiful baby girl Emily.

  25. I am a mom of two daughters and would love this book! Count me in!

  26. Please enter me Sandra,
    thanks so much!!

    Jenn =)

  27. I hope I'm not toolate to register for this book giveaway! I'm a mommy to 4 kiddos ages 6,5,2 & 6 mo. It looks like a handy tool! Thanks, Tarrah.
