
Monday, August 03, 2009

Happy Homemaker Monday!


The weather in my neck of the woods:
Well I wish I could say something different but I'm sure you all know it's HOT, HOT, HOT!

One of my simple pleasures:
Buying a bag of Nestle Caramel Treasures just for me, and then sneaking in a few while I watch a movie on TV. *snicker*
It's the ONE little pleasure that is all mine.

On my bedside table:
Little Heathens - almost done, it's been such a good read.

On my TV:
The Hurt Locker
Little House on the Prairie Season 3

On the menu for tonight:
Pork Chops and Cream Corn Casserole.

On my To Do List:
Last minute shopping for school supplies

New Recipe I tried last week:
Easy Butter Cookies, hadn't made them in a while and they just hit the spot.

In the craft basket:
Just the same old yarn, no project in sight, maybe once the kids are back to school next week I'll finally start something.

Looking forward to:
Getting my car fixed and running again, I've really missed having my own vehicle and with school starting next week, I really need to have it back.

Homemaking Tip for this week:
I have these handy plastic fridge stack beverage containers. They don't take up a lot of room in the refrigerator and I always have one with koolaid, one with water and one with iced tea. On the kitchen table I have a basket with utensils, straws, napkins and paper plastic cups.
I've showed the kids how to get their own drinks so when they're thirsty, they just grab a cup and get their own drinks from the fridge. It saves me having to constantly do it for them and they like knowing they can do it themselves.

Favorite Blog Post of the week (mine or other):
Absolutely NO blog reading for me last week, this we've been enjoying the last two weeks of our summer and I've been away from the computer.

Favorite photo from last week:

My kitchen window when the sun starts setting, it's one of my favorite places in the house.


Lesson learned the past few days:
It was actually a lesson learned from my book "Blue Like Play Dough", and that is, that you don't need to doll yourself up to go to God. He loves you for who you are and how you are and as a mother there's nothing better than realizing that even when I'm in the middle of the living room surrounded by what seems to be a tornado of toys, my hair is messed up, I have a stain on my t-shirt from lunch preparations and I'm flushed because of the annoying heat......I'm still acceptable and wanted and loved by God. What a beautiful thing it is!

On my Prayer List:
**My brother Bruno, he is just getting over Pneumonia
**My grandmother Odete, she's still slowly getting back to normal after her stay in the hospital
**My grandmother Jacinta, she has osteoporosis and her poor spine is curved. It seems that she pulled something or did something to her ribs and has been in a lot of pain lately.

Devotionals, Scripture Reading, Key Verses:

Courageous in Christ

My blessings are so many, my troubles are so few, how can I feel discouraged when I know that I have You. - Helen Steiner

"Be strong and courageous. Do not be terrified; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go." - Joshua 1:9


  1. What a wonderful post, and your blog is very simple and pretty, love the uncluttered look

    May you have a blessed day

    ~In HIS Keeping,

  2. Yum! Nestle Caramels...mmmm....your dinner sounds lovely! Hoping it cools off for you soon!


  3. I really enjoy your blog!!! I agree with the first comment. I enjoy how your blog is non-cluttered ,most are now. Great job!!!! Thanks for opening your heart and sharing with us.

  4. I love Little Heathens, it was such a great book. I love the picture! I pray you have a great week.

  5. Such a beautiful post! The refrig. beverage containers are a great tip ~ thanks.

    Wishing y'all a wonderful week.

  6. I love your simple pleasure! yum. It's hot here, too. That will probably be our weather outlook for a few more months - unless we are lucky enough to get some rain!
    Have a great day!

  7. Enjoyed your post, as usual. Off to try your Amish white bread recipe!

  8. Sandra,

    Love stopping by here and reading all the things you are reflecting back on this week. My favorite, is your picture. I simply breath a little slower and close my eyes when I see it.

    Love and Hugs ~ Kat

  9. Please stop by my blog when you get a chance; there's something there for you.

  10. I absolutely love your writing style! And your blog!

  11. Those stacking beverage containers are really neat. I've never seen those before.

    You enjoy the last couple weeks of summer with your kids. It goes by so fast.

  12. Love your lesson learned. In this hectic, frazzled life, it is so good to know He loves us no matter what. Great reminder to hold onto.
    School starts so much earlier than it used to. Seems like it used to be after Labor Day and just gets shorteer every year. My grandkids have been homeschooled up until this year. Cole will be in fifth and Carter in second. Hope it isn't too big a shock on them!!LOL

  13. Sandra-
    I have a little bloggy gift for you on my blog. Come visit and pick it up!

  14. stacking beverage containers HOW COOL, SUCH A GREAT IDEAL.

  15. I really need to get a hold of this beverage containers. The pitcher we use take up a ton of room.

  16. Enjoyed the post ad I also like "Nestle Caramel Treasures." Thanks for hosting this event each week and for sharing your day.


  17. I love your simple pleasure :) Mine are the cherry cordial hershey kisses. I put the whole bag in the freezer and no one ever finds them!

    LOVE those stackable containers, too. I might just have to get some of those.


Thank you for reading and taking the time to comment. Please be respectful of each other and my blog. Rude comments will be deleted.

Thank you for stopping by, hope you are having a blessed day!
