
Thursday, August 06, 2009

Mark All As Read!

If you're looking for my Slow Cooking post, it's just below.

I'm just running in quick to say that I only have two days left with my babies, next week Monday they start school again.

That is why I have been away from the blog and not posting as much, my apologies but priorities and all that right?

But I just had to tell you that I opened up my Google Reader and hit MARK ALL AS READ! Yes I did!

Why? Because I'm tired of looking at it each day and seeing 600 new unread posts, it makes me feel guilty and I hate feeling that way when I have a perfectly good reason for not blogging.

So I decided to just start fresh, oh I'm sure I'm missing a lot of old good posts from you guys, but I promise I'll catch up on Monday.

Until then, could you just not blog? *snicker* That's too much to ask you say? Oh fine, then go ahead but I'll probably hit the "mark all as read* again a time or two. LOL

I'm off to enjoy the day with my kids, that is between mountains of laundry and trying to keep the couch pillows on the poor couch. I tell you, I think my couch is counting the minutes until school starts too.

Before I leave though, won't you stop in and just leave me a Hi, come on all you lurkers, old and new readers. De-Lurk Yourselves!

Have a wonderful day everyone, I'll be back posting soon.


  1. I've been doing this too...posting less, reading less and spending more time with my "priorities"!

  2. Hi Sandra! Enjoy these last days with your kids. I have two more weeks with mine, then they're back to school, too!

  3. Enjoy your time with your kiddos! Can't believe school time is upon us so soon. Have a wonderful weekend.

  4. Now we get the pay off for our summer holidays starting late - we still have another four weeks before the girls go back to school.

    Enjoy your last couple of days :)

  5. You are a courageous woman! The only time I marked all as read was by accident, and I didn't like it! :) LOL

  6. Sandra,

    No worries, enjoy each and every passing moment with your kids while summer still exists. There will always be time for catching up later.

    Love and Hugs ~ Kat

  7. This summer has just flown by! Enjoy the last few days with your kiddos. See you when you get settled with your new routine.

  8. Wow, your kids start school early! But they get out in May, don't they? Here we don't start until after Labor Day. Enjoy the last couple days of summer vacation!

  9. Enjoy your time with them. Summer breaks end too quickly!

  10. Hi Sandra,
    Enjoy those kids and No apologizes dues to us bloggers.
    We will most likely be here when the kids are grown up and gone.. Miss you but know your having a good time.
    Elsie <><

  11. My daughter starts school on Monday too! Just curious whether you pack your kids' lunches or whether they buy at school? I'm trying to come up with some good ideas besides the standby of PB&J!

  12. No guilt...I understand! Enjoy your children before they go back to school!

  13. I agree! Priorities first! You enjoy your time with your family. We'll be waiting for when you get back. Take care now!

  14. i've had to hit mark all as read a few times as well ! i think we all do it ... not to worry though ! priorities ... i'm glad to see you've got yours in order ! i have missed your comments though so i'm glad summer vacation is almost over ! ha ha !!!

  15. Okay, I will de-lurk ;)
    I do love your slow cooking recipes.

  16. I'll de-lurk to tell you thanks for the delicious recipes! We have added your Sweet and Spicy Bacon Chicken to our list of favorites (EVERYONE liked it and those recipes are rare indeed) and your quick butter cookies. Thanks for sharing.
    Terri in AZ

  17. It took me days to catch up after I had my baby... I was tempted to do the same, and I only had a little over 200 unread blogs. =)

  18. good luck in school, little ones!!

  19. Okay, okay, hello! It's all google reader's fault, you know. I read you every day.

  20. WHAT!!? School - already!!? I'm so not ready ... yes, yes, by all means, enjoy your days with the kiddos at home yet. :) We start school on Aug 20 & since I *work* at the school, I am sooooooo busy right now - and so not ready to start back. yet.

  21. It's a very freeing experience, being released from the bonds of one's own unnecessary expectations! I did that myself this week. It didn't even hurt.

    When I moved from working 1 day a week to 4/wk some of my more loyal commenters asked me to PLEASE not stop blogging....slow down if I must, but don't stop. Not that I needed anyone's permission, but I felt that a reasonable compromise. Besides, I enjoy blogging, but some days I just don't make it to the computer anymore.

    Enjoy every moment that you can with your babies!

  22. I have been reading your blog for almost a year now and yours is one of my favorites. I have really enjoyed your recipes.

    It's great that you put your family first! Have an enjoyable last few days with your children!!

  23. Enjoy your day with the kiddies, they grow up to fast..
    I'm behind on blogging and reading too been gone on vacation. Home now enjoying the last few days before working again...sigh

  24. i've been reading your blog since you lived in idaho, i'm just not much of a commenter, on any blog. happy birthday on monday!
    teach us to number our days so that we may gain a heart of wisdom...

  25. Hello from this "lurker" to you. I love reading your posts. Have fun with the kids....they grow up in the blink of an eye.

    Love, Debbi (In Washington State)


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Thank you for stopping by, hope you are having a blessed day!
