
Monday, October 19, 2009

Happy Homemaker Monday!


The weather in my neck of the woods:
Feels great today, we're finally going to go down to the 80's and I know most of you in the colder states are laughing right now, but 80 degrees in Arizona is winter LOL

One of my simple pleasures:
Watching the portuguese TV channel on my laptop. I love being able to connect with my culture and hear the language and see the food and the music that I love.

On my bedside table:
Night World by L. J. Smith - The same author of the Vampire Diaries. Love this series, just picked up the 3 books at Walmart yesterday.
Thirst by Tracey Bateman - Another vampire novel that I'm reading for a review on the blog.

On my TV:
Little House on the Prairie Season 7

On the menu for tonight:
Roasted Lemon Chicken....portuguese dish, I'll have the recipe on the food blog tonight.

On my To Do List:
Mop and sweep
Change bed linens
More Halloween Decorating

New Recipe I tried last week:
Garden Soup, it's this wonderful portuguese soup chock full of veggies. My kids love it and it's pretty much the only soup they will eat for leftovers the next day.

In the craft basket:
I've pulled out my crochet yarn again and I've got some wonderful projects lined up. Some little puppets for the kids for Christmas, some Wrist Warmers for me and Jasmine.

Looking forward to:
Halloween where my husband is actually home and able to go with us. It's been years since he's been able to enjoy Trick or Treating, but such is the life of the military.

Homemaking Tip for this week:
Do a little bit each day, don't leave all the cleaning for the weekend or it will be completely overwhelming.

Favorite Blog Post of the week (mine or other):
Loved this post at Maya Made "Wedding Gift".

Favorite photo from last week:

Pumpkin Farm on Saturday. Love watching my kids smile and laugh and I get double doses of those when we take them out to do something they enjoy.


Lesson learned the past few days:
That it's ok to ask for help. I usually hate asking anyone for anything, even my husband. I tend to think that my job is to take care of the house and put food on the table and even if I'm sick and not feeling up to it, it's still my job and I shouldn't ask anyone to help. WRONG!
There is absolutely nothing wrong with asking for a little helping hand, it doesn't make me any less of a wife or mother.

On my Prayer List:
All my friends and family
Troops overseas
Friend of mine going through Breast Cancer

Devotionals, Scripture Reading, Key Verses:
With his mouth the godless destroys his neighbor, but through knowledge the righteous escape.
Proverbs 11:9


  1. I don't like to ask for help either.

  2. Love the picture - I am right there with you about the house and home and asking for help. I feel that is my role, but sometimes it is overwhelming. I have to be careful when my dh DOES help that I don't criticize the way he does it!

  3. Hi, Sandra,

    Enjoyed your meme today and thought I would copy it and use it! And I don't do well asking for help either! LOL

  4. I'm adding the Garden soup to our monthly menu for November. Hope all is well. Glad to see you are feeling better.

  5. Sandra,

    I love the picture. I don't ask for help unless I'm reallllly sick. No, you seem like a great wife and mother. :)

  6. Roasted Lemon Chicken ... mmmm ... I'll be watching out for that one !!

  7. I think I'm learning a bit of that lesson this week too.

  8. Hi-
    I have a question about "Vampire Diaries". I loved the Twilight books. I just bought Vampire Diaries. My teenage niece saw it and said she wants to borrow it. Is it a lot racier than the twilight books?
    Always love your homemaker mondays.


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Thank you for stopping by, hope you are having a blessed day!
