
Monday, November 23, 2009


I don't know what it is about them that make me smile, that make me think of my childhood and bring me visions of a warm and cozy home.

If I told you that I have them all over my home and in every room, would you believe me?

In the Kitchen:



In the hallway:



In the bedrooms:



In the Bathrooms:


I have collected doilies since before I got married, and most of them were made by my grandmothers which make them even more special to me.


In the living room:



In the dining area:



And while I was taking these pictures the mailman came by and dropped off this goody.

I LOVE Gooseberry Patch cookbooks and collect them, so you won't imagine how excited I was to see this huge cookbook. I haven't had a chance to look through it much but you can bet that I'll be using it to write up my menu for next week.


I think a crocheted doily gives your home that little extra special touch, makes it more inviting to others. What do you think?

Do you have doilies yourself or is that something that you are not particularly into, which is fine, not everyone has the same taste and some may not be interested in doilies and quilts and crafty stuff around the house.

I think I need more though, time to pull out my crochet patterns and take a peek. I may just find another great one to make.

Another place you can usually find them for really cheap is Goodwill and other Thrift Stores.


  1. I was thinking you had made all these, which wouldn't surprise me! They look so homey and full of charm!

  2. I like them too and have a few around. They say "home" in my opinion!

  3. I love them as well and have lots of them around the house. Many people now say they're old-fashioned and don't like them but that doesn't bother me. I love them.

  4. I love them too but people tell me I like them because I'm old :)

  5. I have just sorted the linen cupboad and yes, I have loads too. Some made by my great granny, and bearing in mind I am 55, they must be VERY old! But I love touching them and thinking of the ladies from my family I never knew, patiently creating. You are right. They mean "home".

  6. They are lovely, Sandra, and how special that your grandmother made some of them! I grew up with doilies too. My mom is European so doilies are a given. LOL. I used them up until a year or so ago when we got new furniture that has squares of slate it it so the doilies don't look good on them. But I love your dining room table look and may have to steal that one!

  7. I have lots, too, many made by my grandmother. I think they're so necessary for a cozy, country feel. They may be "old fashioned," but that's OK with me :-D

  8. they are lovely Sandra..i love doiles also..
    take care,

  9. I ♥ doilies too! But I don't have quite so many as you. Yours are exceptionally pretty!

    Sandra, you keep such a lovely home! I may just copy your idea of putting the remotes in a pretty basket with a doily. Lovely, lovely!


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